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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

[Nov 13,2011 1:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
isn't that what you do in allston anyways?
[Nov 13,2011 1:50pm - ark  ""]
modding time
[Nov 13,2011 1:50pm - Martins ""]
Level 12 Werewolf lol
[Nov 13,2011 2:07pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
I love that the redguards arn't welcome in Whiterun. I'm way behind you guys in this because I had to record scratch tracks for slars drums all of yesterday.
[Nov 13,2011 2:16pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Level; 16 Nord named Andrew.

stoned for the first time in months just to play this.

might not make Absu tonight.
[Nov 13,2011 2:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 14,2011 6:09am - frankovhell  ""]
Andrew in 3 months:

"So I don't have a job anymore, just got level 70 though. Still pooping in socks to save time..."
[Nov 14,2011 6:56am - Bradsauce ""]
Lvl 20 Wood Elf werewolf assassin named Forss Fagerstrom, not much sleep.
[Nov 14,2011 7:43am - AndrewBastard ""]
I fucked up so hard last night and didnt save in a good spot...I'm straight up STUCK in this house, no way to get out and the enemies are beating the shit out of me. If I go back to my last 'real' save, I lose like 2 HUGE missions I did last night...

[Nov 14,2011 8:03am - AndrewBastard ""]
this is Andrew the Nord:


found this hot hunter broad sun bathing




[Nov 14,2011 8:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Why do all of the children in Skyrim look the same?
[Nov 14,2011 8:25am - AndrewBastard ""]
they really do...and all they want to do it play tag.
[Nov 14,2011 8:29am - arilliusbm ""]
The dog "Stump" ftw
[Nov 14,2011 8:42am - arilliusbm ""]
Andrew, your character looks like a milkdrinker.
[Nov 14,2011 8:45am - Spaldino  ""]
all the children look the same because its a metaphor or something.

like... get this man... we're all just that same child inside. the one that wants to forget about the cruel, harsh, cold world and play tag forever and stuff and junk.

[Nov 14,2011 8:47am - AndrewBastard ""]

arilliusbm said:Andrew, your character looks like a milkdrinker.


I'm gonna be a huge milk drinker tonight and make the combat super easy just so i can get out of this damn quest im stuck on.
[Nov 14,2011 8:51am - burnsy ""]

AndrewBastard said:

Haha is that the mission where the kid wants you kill the lady that runs the orphanage in riften? I killed the wrong lady first.

[Nov 14,2011 8:54am - AndrewBastard ""]

burnsy said:
AndrewBastard said:

Haha is that the mission where the kid wants you kill the lady that runs the orphanage in riften? I killed the wrong lady first.


you killed the nice lady? that sucks cause she gives you a side quest.
[Nov 14,2011 9:00am - burnsy ""]
Yeah I walked in and that vapid cunt was telling the kids how worthless they were and then told them to go to bed. I went into sneak and saw a lady go into the room and went to sleep. Crept in and slashed her with my dual wielded scimitars. Oops. Cool story, bro.
[Nov 14,2011 9:02am - AndrewBastard ""]
i want to punch myself in the face right now...FUCK BEING AT WORK. how am I going to do this 5 days a week?

this game is ALL I THINK ABOUT.
[Nov 14,2011 9:13am - arilliusbm ""]
You gotta get the collector's edition strategy guide.
[Nov 14,2011 9:17am - burnsy ""]
Traveling for work this week. No skyrim til after midnight on Friday.
[Nov 14,2011 9:21am - AndrewBastard ""]
I dont like using strategy guides or anything...the ONLY reason I'm gonna puss out on this mission is because at the beginning of the mission I was supposed to give this dude a couple piece of my gear to use on the quest and I fucked up doing that so when it came time to get my gear from him and fight people, he didnt have anything for me so I'm fucking weaponless stuck in this mansion and the only way out is with this key that I cant pickpocket..I have to kill this wizard with no weapons, armor etc...


[Nov 14,2011 9:21am - arilliusbm ""]
What, are you going to Hammerfell?
[Nov 14,2011 9:29am - ark  ""]

burnsy said:Crept in and slashed her with my dual wielded scimitars. Oops. Cool story, bro.

careful next time you sleep bro!
[Nov 14,2011 9:30am - ark  ""]
i've gone to sleep and woken up in different places twice so far.
[Nov 14,2011 9:46am - arilliusbm ""]
I dont use guides either, but this one is so detailed and awesome. Not going to use it for missions
[Nov 14,2011 9:48am - ark  ""]

AndrewBastard said:i want to punch myself in the face right now...FUCK BEING AT WORK.

skyrim withdrawal + ears ringing from never blow out the eastern candle = fuck today
[Nov 14,2011 9:49am - arilliusbm ""]
I've demolished the bathroom at work twice today.
[Nov 14,2011 10:06am - AndrewBastard ""]

ark said:i've gone to sleep and woken up in different places twice so far.

a bug?

I did a drinking contest mission that ended up with me blacking out and waking up on the other side of the world...it turned into a huge ordeal.
[Nov 14,2011 10:20am - ark  ""]
nope. the drinking contest was one. finish that questline, it's a good one. another one was for the dark brotherhood. they are DARK in this game.
[Nov 14,2011 10:23am - Martins ""]
[Nov 14,2011 10:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Martins playing a non JRPG?
[Nov 14,2011 10:25am - sigh  ""]
Kind of disappointed that the textures aren't that detailed on the PC version. I guess we'll have to wait for a high res texture pack mod.

There are a few tweaks you can do to get the trees and water to look a little better though.

[Nov 14,2011 10:28am - ark  ""]

look at the info for the DX9 sharpen filter. HUGE DIFFERENCE. i have no complaints how it looks on the PC. some components are "outdated" like people wishing there were footprints on the snow, etc. come on...
[Nov 14,2011 10:32am - sigh  ""]

ark said:
narkybark said:I do have to complain about the PC UI though. HOLY SHIT ITS ATROCIOUS.

the WSAD menu switching just pissed me off. i had to switch to a controller...works far better.

The controls for PC are very buggy. Don't try changing them from the defaults or shit gets all mixed up and stops working. The UI also doesn't get updated when you rebind keys. I can't believe game devs still get away with doing this. Seriously how hard is it to display the updated key bindings?
[Nov 14,2011 10:35am - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:Martins playing a non JRPG?

[Nov 14,2011 10:36am - sigh  ""]

ark said:http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11

look at the info for the DX9 sharpen filter. HUGE DIFFERENCE. i have no complaints how it looks on the PC. some components are "outdated" like people wishing there were footprints on the snow, etc. come on...

The game overall looks very good and runs smooth for me on max settings. It's just when close up to certain things it doesn't look that impressive. You can tell they limited it to run better on consoles.
[Nov 14,2011 10:40am - KEVORD ""]
Is there a bemefit to sleeping and why do I need to eat when I can replenish my health with magic? Probably noob questions but I've only played for four hours and I'm a level 3.
[Nov 14,2011 10:45am - Martins ""]
Sleeping and waiting are just good for getting to a specific time of day faster. I think.
[Nov 14,2011 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]
Sleeping in a bed thats not yours and sleeping in a bed you own is different in skyrim.
[Nov 14,2011 10:51am - ark  ""]

KEVORD said:Is there a bemefit to sleeping and why do I need to eat when I can replenish my health with magic? Probably noob questions but I've only played for four hours and I'm a level 3.

sleeping in an owned bed gives you the "rested" effect which i think means you learn skills faster for a while. waiting is just for something like getting to a shop when they're not open. as for cooking, raw food doesn't give you much health, experimenting with recipies and cooked food gives you a lot more buffs (like increased stamina or magic regen for a while after eating a steak)
[Nov 14,2011 10:56am - AndrewBastard ""]
i NEVER eat...

[Nov 14,2011 11:01am - ark  ""]
alchemy and cooking helps you out a lot. i always play on sadistic difficulty so i need all the help i can get.
[Nov 14,2011 11:02am - KEVORD ""]
Once I figured out I could use magic to replenish health I thought it was silly to carry around a ton of food.
[Nov 14,2011 11:03am - arilliusbm ""]

AndrewBastard said:i NEVER eat...

Yea. You're a milk drinker.
[Nov 14,2011 11:17am - AndrewBastard ""]
I use alchemy a lot...whats up with cooking? I'm not sure I ever did that even in Morrowind or Oblivion.
[Nov 14,2011 11:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
It's borrowed from Fallout, equally useless in this game unless you're playing on max difficulty which probably requires you to eat.
[Nov 14,2011 11:39am - ark  ""]
pretty much
[Nov 14,2011 11:41am - blessed offal nli  ""]

KEVORD said:Is there a bemefit to sleeping and why do I need to eat when I can replenish my health with magic? Probably noob questions but I've only played for four hours and I'm a level 3.

in the last one you had to sleep to level up, so it was very important. all it does in SKYRIM is heal you. if you wait, you heal as well, so its pretty pointless. you dont need to eat, but if youre a mage then its good to have some potions to heal with so you dont have to use your mana on healing.

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