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sayonara fest - the day two of that two day haverhill festival shibang

Club 125 - main stage(Bradford, Ma) - [and_then_there_were_none][bad_karma][candy_striper_death_orgy][contagion][crotalus][hand_choke_neck][jesus_knevil][red_right_hand][sacreligion][saints_in_hell][screams_of_erida][shot_down_sun][sinaria][within_choking_range][3_headed_monster][acariya][anamalech][a_terrible_night_for_a_curse][devil_in_the_kitchen][dour_cursiva][inner_self_lost][lunica_arma][misled_to_ruins][neversaynever][porphyria][randomshots][the_departed][throwing_shrapnel]
[Nov 21,2005 9:25pm - anonymous  ""]
guitarist from porphyria = dreamy. oh man. I've been checkin you out boy for a long time.
ya that sounded ghetto as hell
[Nov 21,2005 9:26pm - anonymous  ""]
that guitarist from porphyria=dreamy. oh man I have been at a bunch of your shows and had my eyes on you for a while.

[Nov 21,2005 10:06pm - InventorofEvil ""]
No comments on the hotties there Sunday yet? I wonder how many total people showed up for both nights? Im gonna guess no more than 200.
[Nov 21,2005 10:07pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:guitarist from porphyria = dreamy. oh man. I've been checkin you out boy for a long time.
ya that sounded ghetto as hell

ha, tom has a stalker.
[Nov 21,2005 10:22pm - anonymous  ""]
you frickin dick
you WEREN'T supposed to mention it

[Nov 22,2005 12:04am - wakeoftears ""]
Not much about Anamalech.. the guitarist for my ex-band was on board with them for a while, and they tore shit up. I watched them practice a whole bunch, and played our few shows with them in Wooni. Their bassist Loopy is a madman. Anyone catch them?
[Nov 22,2005 2:04am - powerkok ""]

[Nov 22,2005 3:11am - cavofdourcursiva  ""]
ya i saw anamalech, they were pretty good. the bassist was really good.
[Nov 22,2005 4:44am - dwellingsickness ""]
powerkok said:[img]


[Nov 22,2005 10:21am - thedeparted ""]
what band is that?
[Nov 22,2005 10:24am - dyingmuse ""]
that really isn't a good image.
[Nov 22,2005 1:20pm - powerkok ""]
hahahahahaahah no shit....that freaked me out, and then I showed my wife, and she agreed that it is 'creepy'.
The band is Within Choking Range.
Chicken choking range indeed.
[Nov 22,2005 1:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
It's cool when steve vai, tony macalpine, billy sheehan do that kinda shit together but those dudes doing it just looks non-hetro. haaha...oh well!
[Nov 22,2005 1:24pm - dreadkill ""]
hahaha, that's gay as hell.
[Nov 22,2005 1:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Nov 22,2005 1:43pm - thedeparted ""]
[Nov 22,2005 2:15pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

nice shirt! Man brian wasn't kidding about needing a shirt or he wouldn't have any clean clothes left!
[Nov 22,2005 2:31pm - brian_dc ""]
haha...I shitted you not, one might say
[Nov 22,2005 2:38pm - Benito (sds)  ""]
I laughed my ass off from all the comments about alex (shot down sun's vocalist).

great weekend though, went to both shows and sunday definatly seemed....better. Thanks to Jay for putting it up.

and thanks for the great live shots bro.
[Nov 22,2005 2:59pm - anonymous  ""]
dwellingsickness said:powerkok said:[img]



That's gotta be photoshopped...I don't believe it.
[Nov 22,2005 3:33pm - anonymous  ""]
ahhaah i was there i saw that i was like right behind the camera
[Nov 22,2005 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 22,2005 4:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Nov 22,2005 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
had to be done
[Nov 22,2005 4:24pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 22,2005 4:25pm - thedeparted ""]
that hair is pretty silly
[Nov 22,2005 4:25pm - anonymous  ""]
look at how mike looks right at the camera and strikes a pose
[Nov 22,2005 5:22pm - Benito  ""]
well thats Mike Labell for ya.

this was....i think 3 min before my wireless gave out on me
[Nov 22,2005 11:53pm - paradigmdream ""]
thats definetlly me in the beanie.

and mike labelle sucks.
[Nov 23,2005 11:16am - anonymous  ""]
Whos the fag who cares how someone tucks in their shirt and spikes their hair ?
[Nov 23,2005 12:43pm - dreadkill ""]
i didn't know tucking your shirt in was gay. i had my shirt tucked in for CT metalfest. i'm going to go reevaluate my sexuality.
[Nov 24,2005 10:59pm - .alex. ""]
i think its funny how my shirt wasn't tucked in at all haha

and as for my hair, i like it so whatever
[Nov 25,2005 12:04am - thedeparted ""]
my friends ex-girlfriend had that same haircut.
just not sure why people think those haircuts look good.

i guess it is like the modern day mullet.
[Nov 25,2005 12:24am - pam nli  ""]
the flock of seagulls hair is THIS gay http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/1160/watermelon7so.gif
[Nov 25,2005 12:25am - the_reverend ""]
man, I wantwatermelon now.
[Nov 25,2005 12:26am - thedeparted ""]
[Nov 25,2005 12:27am - pam nli  ""]
[Nov 25,2005 12:54am - .alex. ""]
haha thats a funny picture

but im not gay so whatever
[Nov 25,2005 5:49am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but like the rest of us, including hilter, you love you some watermelon.
[Nov 25,2005 10:55am - thedeparted ""]
watermelon and a good bottle of gel
[Nov 25,2005 12:31pm - Benito  ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, but like the rest of us, including hilter, you love you some watermelon.


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