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how many men like older women?

[Mar 6,2006 9:01pm - morgonna71 ""]
How many young guys, younger than 30, like older women? (Women in their 30's and above) and why?
[Mar 6,2006 9:03pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm 29, and don't even like women older than 25.
[Mar 6,2006 9:06pm - morgonna71 ""]
that is too bad, you could learn a few things that would help you when you are older! LOL
[Mar 6,2006 9:08pm - dreadkill ""]
i like women who take geritol.
[Mar 6,2006 9:08pm - RichHorror ""]
morgonna71 said:that is too bad, you could learn a few things that would help you when you are older! LOL

I already know how to slap a bitch.
[Mar 6,2006 9:10pm - morgonna71 ""]
that is TOO old! LOL
[Mar 6,2006 9:11pm - morgonna71 ""]
then you are not a man. The questions was geared towards REAL men, sweety, not little boys that think they need control!
[Mar 6,2006 9:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Lifetime's back from commercial, Sophia.
[Mar 6,2006 9:14pm - morgonna71 ""]
I am not Sophia sweety, and I am not interested in adding another slave to my stables, thanks!
[Mar 6,2006 9:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
30= waaaaay too old
[Mar 6,2006 9:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Good luck with that whole earning 25% less than a man for doing the same job thing.
[Mar 6,2006 9:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
wheres that fuck yeah gif when you need it
[Mar 6,2006 9:16pm - morgonna71 ""]
OK< maybe I should restate my meaning. I am talking to MEN, not boys! MEN! Is there any MEN that like older women and why?
[Mar 6,2006 9:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im more man then you'll ever meet in your life, and that i promise.
[Mar 6,2006 9:17pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, good luck with being 45 and just deciding that you were goth and into S&M last week because your husband left you for the babysitter.
[Mar 6,2006 9:19pm - morgonna71 ""]
Just to let you know, you are still a little boy, your age proves it and your replies. So, I am not worried about your replies. I enjoy men that have their own opinions and have grown and matured a little before boys that think they still got it. lol, just fuckin with you sweety
Have a good life
[Mar 6,2006 9:20pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope all your children develop a substance abuse problem.
[Mar 6,2006 9:20pm - morgonna71 ""]
wow, you know nothing! So don't presume that you do. It was a simople question. Not asking little boys to get laid, just a questin. So get off the cross because others need the wood!
[Mar 6,2006 9:21pm - RichHorror ""]
I just said I hope your childredn grow up to be junkies. Stop being so sensitive.
[Mar 6,2006 9:22pm - morgonna71 ""]
wow, your age is showing through. Try not to hurt yourself hun. Besides, my children are in high school on the honor rule, unlike you. I have had enough talking to you little boys
good evening to you.
[Mar 6,2006 9:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yes, others obviously need the wood.

come on rich, jeez
[Mar 6,2006 9:23pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well tell them to teach you how to spell roll.
[Mar 6,2006 9:23pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 6,2006 9:24pm - davefromthegrave ""]
KeithMutiny said:yes, others obviously need the wood.

come on rich, jeez

sounds like this lady wants the wood pretty bad
[Mar 6,2006 9:24pm - RichHorror ""]
They ALL want the wood.
[Mar 6,2006 9:24pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thats what i was getting at
[Mar 6,2006 9:24pm - morgonna71 ""]
good evening little ones. Be sure to have your mommies tuck you in tonight. You need it. Good lives to you all. Blessed be.
[Mar 6,2006 9:25pm - RichHorror ""]
I thought you already left? Just like a fucking woman.
[Mar 6,2006 9:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill have my model girlfriend tuck me in, who's on the deans list for the 4th straight semester in college... since she likes the little boys.
[Mar 6,2006 9:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i like old women who shit themselves all day
[Mar 6,2006 9:27pm - RichHorror ""]
And I'll cry myself to sleep after beating up the neighbor's dog.
[Mar 6,2006 9:29pm - dreadkill ""]
how low do your tits hang? got n00dz? metamy00cil?
[Mar 6,2006 9:29pm - dreadkill ""]
are your kids hot at least?
[Mar 6,2006 9:30pm - KeithMutiny ""]
anyone dig older chicks? dig em right out of the grave?
[Mar 6,2006 9:31pm - RichHorror ""]
I love how many women complain that men don't want to be with them once they get older than 30. Well obviously... you're old and decaying. DO THE RIGHT THING AND SPEND THE REST OF YOUR DAYS IN THE ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD WITH THE REST OF YOUR KIND.
[Mar 6,2006 9:44pm - davefromthegrave ""]
i'm actually interested in getting a gumjob. seriously.
[Mar 6,2006 9:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
I like em. I had a crush on my 40 + spanish teacher years ago...I saw her at a wake not that long ago, nonetheless I stiffed up like middle school. I love pussy, fuck you.
[Mar 6,2006 9:46pm - dreadkill ""]
[Mar 6,2006 9:47pm - davefromthegrave ""]
BornSoVile said:I like em. I had a crush on my 40 + spanish teacher years ago...I saw her at a wake not that long ago, nonetheless I stiffed up like middle school. I love pussy, fuck you.

funerals are the best place to pick up lonely bitches
[Mar 6,2006 9:51pm - anonymous  ""]
older women are the best for relationships,but who needs that?
[Mar 6,2006 10:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
they know how to cook, don't want to go to the bar which doesn't make you worry, they know what they're doing in bed, they typically have money, why not!!
[Mar 6,2006 10:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im fond of the whole, tight body thing of the early 20's girls...

but thats just me.

plus, most younger women, at least that i had spoken with, tend to be more intelligent than older women, just due to growing up in a different time.
[Mar 6,2006 10:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
well yeah, I definately perfer them too, but it won't stop me from wanting to give Sophia Loren and Dolly Parton a facial!
[Mar 6,2006 11:01pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm 24 and I'll take a 30ish to cook for me and let me plow them like a young buck. But that's about it.
And lady, I gotta know?
Do you have daughters that are high school age, hot and can suck a mean cock?
I mean, isn't that what this was all leading up to?
[Mar 6,2006 11:21pm - anonymous  ""]
Ok, I am in my early 30's and I am dating someone 10 yrs old then me. She is a mother and I must say, she treats me really well and always shows me she cares and is thinking about me. I've dating younger and some older women in my time and currently she is one of the best things to come my way. If she were closer to my age and things were different, I would marry her just for the nice and naughty things she does for me. Yes, sex is great, because she is open and caring about my needs as well as I am for hers. Yet the differences are there, but it does not stop how we feel about each other. Yet, I am still a male pig, but we all have different sides to us all!! Older, younger, wild whatever, as long as it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 7,2006 12:40am - Pink Freud  ""]
I'd peg you as a Lifetime TV viewer.
[Mar 7,2006 12:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I guess one would have to define 'older', as it's really a relative thing...I'm 31, so 'older' to me is obviously different than some of the other cats here.
[Mar 7,2006 12:54am - RichHorror ""]
Liking women is for homos.
[Mar 7,2006 1:29am - davefromthegrave ""]
anonymous said:Ok, I am in my early 30's and I am dating someone 10 yrs old then me. She is a mother and I must say, she treats me really well and always shows me she cares and is thinking about me. I've dating younger and some older women in my time and currently she is one of the best things to come my way. If she were closer to my age and things were different, I would marry her just for the nice and naughty things she does for me. Yes, sex is great, because she is open and caring about my needs as well as I am for hers. Yet the differences are there, but it does not stop how we feel about each other. Yet, I am still a male pig, but we all have different sides to us all!! Older, younger, wild whatever, as long as it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice try grandma, nobody believes this is a real person.
[Mar 7,2006 8:28am - GodlessRob ""]
I like older women, my last chick was 10 years older than me. The truth is, is that they really like to fuck. They know what they want, they're not embarrassed to experiment like younger chicks. They don't give a shit about doing whatever it is to get them off. Which perfectly fits with my humongous freak streak.
The only thing I have found to be negative about women that are older is they tend to be jaded as all hell. Also, to me, there is something wrong with a women who's 40 and still single!
Plus older women I have known really like to be tied up!!!!!!!!!!!!:whipper:

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