What The Fuck Is The Internet? Support Your Local Metal Scene![views:27805][posts:137]________________________________________ [Jul 10,2009 4:12am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Goreality, Dysentery, Summoning Hate, Cacophonous Death & Agony-$5-21+ Accu-Billiards (New Bedford, MA) Show Starts At 9 On The 25th Of July & Today July 10th In Hyannis At The Black Spot Cafe, 10 ocean st. First Left On Mainstreet Its A Free All Ages Show With Random Mandatory Beatings And Cacophonous Death Show Starts At 8ish I Hope To See You True Metal Brothers There! Please Help Us Spread The Fucking Terror Around Mass!!! Our Myspace is http://myspace.com/CacophonousDeath Thank You For Your Time Dudes!!! We Really Appreciate Your Help & Support |
________________________________ [Jul 10,2009 8:56am - xmikex ""] The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standardized Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP). It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most notably, the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail, in addition to popular services such as online chat, file transfer and file sharing, online gaming, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) person-to-person communication via voice and video. The origins of the Internet reach back to the 1960s when the United States funded research projects of its military agencies to build robust, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. This research and a period of civilian funding of a new U.S. backbone by the National Science Foundation spawned worldwide participation in the development of new networking technologies and led to the commercialization of an international network in the mid 1990s, and resulted in the following popularization of countless applications in virtually every aspect of modern human life. By 2009, an estimated quarter of Earth's population uses the services of the Internet Terminology See also: Internet capitalization conventions Search Wiktionary Look up Internet or internet in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in everyday speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.[1] The term the Internet, when referring to the Internet, has traditionally been treated as a proper noun and written with an initial capital letter. There is a trend to regard it as a generic term or common noun and thus write it as "the internet", without the capital. History Main article: History of the Internet Creation The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as ARPA, in February 1958 to regain a technological lead.[2][3] ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO. Licklider moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory at Harvard University to MIT in 1950, after becoming interested in information technology. At MIT, he served on a committee that established Lincoln Laboratory and worked on the SAGE project. In 1957 he became a Vice President at BBN, where he bought the first production PDP-1 computer and conducted the first public demonstration of time-sharing. At the IPTO, Licklider got Lawrence Roberts to start a project to make a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran,[4] who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first two nodes of what would become the ARPANET were interconnected between UCLA and SRI International (SRI) in Menlo Park, California, on October 29, 1969. The ARPANET was one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet. Following on from the demonstration that packet switching worked on the ARPANET, the British Post Office, Telenet, DATAPAC and TRANSPAC collaborated to create the first international packet-switched network service. In the UK, this was referred to as the International Packet Switched Service (IPSS), in 1978. The collection of X.25-based networks grew from Europe and the US to cover Canada, Hong Kong and Australia by 1981. The X.25 packet switching standard was developed in the CCITT (now called ITU-T) around 1976. Birth of the Internet plaque at Stanford University X.25 was independent of the TCP/IP protocols that arose from the experimental work of DARPA on the ARPANET, Packet Radio Net and Packet Satellite Net during the same time period. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn developed the first description of the TCP protocols during 1973 and published a paper on the subject in May 1974. Use of the term "Internet" to describe a single global TCP/IP network originated in December 1974 with the publication of RFC 675, the first full specification of TCP that was written by Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine, then at Stanford University. During the next nine years, work proceeded to refine the protocols and to implement them on a wide range of operating systems. The first TCP/IP-based wide-area network was operational by January 1, 1983 when all hosts on the ARPANET were switched over from the older NCP protocols. In 1985, the United States' National Science Foundation (NSF) commissioned the construction of the NSFNET, a university 56 kilobit/second network backbone using computers called "fuzzballs" by their inventor, David L. Mills. The following year, NSF sponsored the conversion to a higher-speed 1.5 megabit/second network. A key decision to use the DARPA TCP/IP protocols was made by Dennis Jennings, then in charge of the Supercomputer program at NSF. The opening of the network to commercial interests began in 1988. The US Federal Networking Council approved the interconnection of the NSFNET to the commercial MCI Mail system in that year and the link was made in the summer of 1989. Other commercial electronic e-mail services were soon connected, including OnTyme, Telemail and Compuserve. In that same year, three commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) were created: UUNET, PSINet and CERFNET. Important, separate networks that offered gateways into, then later merged with, the Internet include Usenet and BITNET. Various other commercial and educational networks, such as Telenet, Tymnet, Compuserve and JANET were interconnected with the growing Internet. Telenet (later called Sprintnet) was a large privately funded national computer network with free dial-up access in cities throughout the U.S. that had been in operation since the 1970s. This network was eventually interconnected with the others in the 1980s as the TCP/IP protocol became increasingly popular. The ability of TCP/IP to work over virtually any pre-existing communication networks allowed for a great ease of growth, although the rapid growth of the Internet was due primarily to the availability of an array of standardized commercial routers from many companies, the availability of commercial Ethernet equipment for local-area networking, and the widespread implementation and rigorous standardization of TCP/IP on UNIX and virtually every other common operating system. Growth Graph of Internet users per 100 inhabitants between 1997 and 2007 by International Telecommunication Union Although the basic applications and guidelines that make the Internet possible had existed for almost two decades, the network did not gain a public face until the 1990s. On 6 August 1991, CERN, a pan European organisation for particle research, publicized the new World Wide Web project. The Web was invented by English scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. An early popular web browser was ViolaWWW, patterned after HyperCard and built using the X Window System. It was eventually replaced in popularity by the Mosaic web browser. In 1993, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois released version 1.0 of Mosaic, and by late 1994 there was growing public interest in the previously academic, technical Internet. By 1996 usage of the word Internet had become commonplace, and consequently, so had its use as a synecdoche in reference to the World Wide Web. Meanwhile, over the course of the decade, the Internet successfully accommodated the majority of previously existing public computer networks (although some networks, such as FidoNet, have remained separate). During the 1990s, it was estimated that the Internet grew by 100 percent per year, with a brief period of explosive growth in 1996 and 1997.[5] This growth is often attributed to the lack of central administration, which allows organic growth of the network, as well as the non-proprietary open nature of the Internet protocols, which encourages vendor interoperability and prevents any one company from exerting too much control over the network. [6] Using various statistics, Advanced Micro Devices estimated the population of Internet users to be 1.5 billion as of January 2009.[7] Technical foundation Further information: Internet Protocol Suite The complex communications infrastructure of the Internet consists of its hardware components and a system of software layers that control various aspects of the architecture. While the hardware can often be used to support other software systems, it is the design and the rigorous standardization process of the software architecture that characterizes the Internet and provides the foundation for its scalability and success. The responsibility for the architectural design of the Internet software systems has been delegated to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).[8] The IETF conducts standard-setting work groups, open to any individual, about the various aspects of Internet architecture. Resulting discussions and final standards are published in a series of publications each of which is called a Request for Comment (RFC), freely available on the IETF web site. The principal methods of networking that enable the Internet are contained in specially designated RFCs that constitute the Internet Standards. These standards describe a framework known as the Internet Protocol Suite. This is a model architecture that divides methods into a layered system of protocols (RFC 1122, RFC 1123). The layers correspond to the environment or scope in which their services operate. At the top is the Application Layer, the space for the application-specific networking methods used in software applications, e.g., a web browser program, and just below it is the Transport Layer which connects applications on different hosts via the network (e.g., client-server model) with appropriate data exchange methods. Underlying these layers are the actual networking technologies, consisting of two layers. The Internet Layer enables computers to identify and locate each other via Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and allows them to connect to one-another via intermediate (transit) networks. Lastly, at the bottom of the architecture, is a software layer that provides connectivity between hosts on the same local network link (therefor called Link Layer), such as a local area network (LAN) or a dial-up connection. The model, also known as TCP/IP, is designed to be independent of the underlying hardware which the model therefore does not concern itself with in any detail. Other models have been developed, such as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, but they are not compatible in the details of description, nor implementation, but many similarities exist and the TCP/IP protocols are usually included in the discussion of OSI networking. The most prominent component of the Internet model is the Internet Protocol (IP) which provides addressing systems (IP addresses) for computers on the Internet. IP enables internetworking and essentially establishes the Internet itself. IP Version 4 (IPv4) is the initial version used on the first generation of the today's Internet and is still in dominant use. It was designed to address up to ~4.3 billion (109) Internet hosts. However, the explosive growth of the Internet has led to IPv4 address exhaustion which is estimated to enter its final stage in approximately 2011.[9] A new protocol version, IPv6, was developed which provides vastly larger addressing capabilities and more efficient routing of Internet traffic. IPv6 is currently in commercial deployment phase around the world and Internet address registries (RIRs) have begun to urge all resource managers to plan rapid adoption and conversion.[10] IPv6 is not interoperable with IPv4. It essentially establishes a "parallel" version of the Internet not directly accessible with IPv4 software. This means software upgrades or translator facilities are necessary for every networking device that needs to communicate on the IPv6 Internet. Most modern computer operating systems are already converted to operate with both versions of the Internet Protocol. Network infrastructures, however, are still lagging in this development. Aside from the complex physical connections that make up its infrastructure, the Internet is facilitated by bi- or multi-lateral commercial contracts (e.g., peering agreements), and by technical specifications or protocols that describe how to exchange data over the network. Indeed, the Internet is defined by its interconnections and routing policies. Today's Internet Internet structure The Internet and its structure have been studied extensively. For example, it has been determined that both the Internet IP routing structure and hypertext links of the World Wide Web are examples of scale-free networks. Similar to the way the commercial Internet providers connect via Internet exchange points, research networks tend to interconnect into large subnetworks such as GEANT, GLORIAD, Internet2 (successor of the Abilene Network), and the UK's national research and education network JANET. These in turn are built around smaller networks (see also the list of academic computer network organizations). Many computer scientists describe the Internet as a "prime example of a large-scale, highly engineered, yet highly complex system".[11] The Internet is extremely heterogeneous; for instance, data transfer rates and physical characteristics of connections vary widely. The Internet exhibits "emergent phenomena" that depend on its large-scale organization. For example, data transfer rates exhibit temporal self-similarity. Further adding to the complexity of the Internet is the ability of more than one computer to use the Internet through only one node, thus creating the possibility for a very deep and hierarchical sub-network that can theoretically be extended infinitely (disregarding the programmatic limitations of the IPv4 protocol). Principles of this architecture date back to the 1960s and it might not be a solution best suited to modern needs. Thus, the possibility of developing alternative structures is currently being looked into.[12] According to a June 2007 article in Discover magazine, the combined weight of all the electrons moved within the Internet in a day is 0.2 millionths of an ounce.[13] Others have estimated this at nearer 2 ounces (50 grams).[14] Computer network diagrams often represent the Internet using a cloud symbol from which network communications pass in and out.[15] ICANN ICANN headquarters in Marina Del Rey, California, United States Main article: ICANN The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the authority that coordinates the assignment of unique identifiers on the Internet, including domain names, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and protocol port and parameter numbers. A globally unified name space (i.e., a system of names in which there is at most one holder for each possible name) is essential for the Internet to function. ICANN is headquartered in Marina del Rey, California, but is overseen by an international board of directors drawn from across the Internet technical, business, academic, and non-commercial communities. The US government continues to have the primary role in approving changes to the root zone file that lies at the heart of the domain name system. Because the Internet is a distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected networks, the Internet has no governing body. ICANN's role in coordinating the assignment of unique identifiers distinguishes it as perhaps the only central coordinating body on the global Internet, but the scope of its authority extends only to the Internet's systems of domain names, IP addresses, protocol ports and parameter numbers. On November 16, 2005, the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis, established the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss Internet-related issues. Language Further information: English on the Internet, Global Internet usage, and Unicode The prevalent language for communication on the Internet is English. This may be a result of the origin of the Internet, as well as English's role as a lingua franca. It may also be related to the poor capability of early computers, largely originating in the United States, to handle characters other than those in the English variant of the Latin alphabet. After English (28.6% of Web visitors) the most requested languages on the World Wide Web are Chinese (20.3%), Spanish (8.2%), Japanese (5.9%), French and Portuguese (4.6%), German (4.1%), Arabic (2.6%), Russian (2.4%), and Korean (2.3%).[16] By region, 41% of the world's Internet users are based in Asia, 25% in Europe, 16% in North America, 11% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 3% in Africa, 3% in the Middle East and 1% in Australia.[17] The Internet's technologies have developed enough in recent years, especially in the use of Unicode, that good facilities are available for development and communication in most widely used languages. However, some glitches such as mojibake (incorrect display of foreign language characters, also known as kryakozyabry) still remain. Internet and the workplace The Internet is allowing greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially with the spread of unmetered high-speed connections and Web applications. The Internet viewed on mobile devices The Internet can now be accessed virtually anywhere by numerous means. Mobile phones, datacards, handheld game consoles and cellular routers allow users to connect to the Internet from anywhere there is a cellular network supporting that device's technology. Within the limitations imposed by the small screen and other limited facilities of such a pocket-sized device, all the services of the Internet, including email and web browsing, may be available in this way. Service providers may restrict the range of these services and charges for data access may be significant, compared to home usage. Common uses Main article: E-mail The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Today it can be important to distinguish between internet and internal e-mail systems. Internet e-mail may travel and be stored unencrypted on many other networks and machines out of both the sender's and the recipient's control. During this time it is quite possible for the content to be read and even tampered with by third parties, if anyone considers it important enough. Purely internal or intranet mail systems, where the information never leaves the corporate or organization's network, are much more secure, although in any organization there will be IT and other personnel whose job may involve monitoring, and occasionally accessing, the e-mail of other employees not addressed to them. Pictures, documents and other files can be sent as e-mail attachments. E-mails can be cc-ed to multiple e-mail addresses. Th post was too long read more at your own risk |
_______________________________________ [Jul 10,2009 9:25am - boblovesmusic ""] the internet A series of tubes, not a big truck. They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. And if you don't understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and its going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material... Ten movies streaming across that, internet, and what happens to your own personal internet? I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why? |
________________________________ [Jul 10,2009 6:38pm - Kevord ""] What the fuck is a Metal Scene? |
____________________________________ [Jul 10,2009 7:41pm - xgodzillax ""] TheMorbidCrown said:Please Help Us Spread The Fucking Terror Around Mass!!! no. |
_________________________________________ [Jul 10,2009 7:44pm - Conservationist ""] Kevord said:What the fuck is a Metal Scene? It's what happens when you look across the bar, and there's some hipster, and he nods. You've been metal scene. Now you can have scene points since you have been scene doing metal things, ironically of course. HIV is free, but delivery is extra. |
____________________________________ [Jul 11,2009 1:19am - xgodzillax ""] [img] a band no one has heard of playing like 2 shows and already having a gigantic banner behind them = GAY SAUCE! GAY BAND IS GAY! |
__________________________________ [Jul 11,2009 9:38am - sinistas ""] Shorthair needs to learn his metal hand signs. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 11,2009 11:36am - the_reverend ""] hah, maybe me just loves you |
____________________________________ [Jul 11,2009 4:58pm - immortal13 ""] Short hair needs to get long hair and fit in. |
______________________________________ [Jul 11,2009 5:45pm - SkinSandwich ""] So who didn't show up last night on the cape, haha. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 12,2009 11:35am - xgodzillax ""] bova does not approve.. |
___________________________________ [Jul 12,2009 11:45am - archaeon ""] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] |
___________________________________ [Jul 12,2009 11:45am - archaeon ""] Cacophonous Death are a heavy metal band from Cape Cod Massachusetts. Each of the five seasoned members collaborate to create and perform the most inovative and powerful music posible. Thier sound is an amalgamation of each members personalities, from the nostalgic 80's metal riffage, to new age death metal brutality.With an arsenal of equipment - Marshall stacks, Jackson guitars, Pearl drums, p.a. system, etc.- Cacophonous Death bring thier own style and intensity to orchistrate a symphony of heavy metal mastery, ready to be unleashed upon the masses. Offically forming in 2008 with guitarists Jakee and Chris' departure from thier former project, they quickly built up a new line up (consisting of talented musicians Joe Kingsbury and Toby Ellis, and charismatic vocalist Anthony Longobardy). The creative process began instantly, and in less than a year they had accomplished a professionally recorded nine-song cd, and an hour-long set list consisting of sixteen songs. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 12,2009 11:51am - SkinSandwich ""] After all, cape cod is known for it's "BRUTALZ SCENE"!!! |
_______________________________________ [Jul 12,2009 11:54am - SkinSandwich ""] Support the scene maaaannnn, suppor the scene! Anyone else tired of the same old metal cliches or what? Support the scene Maannnnn. |
_______________________________ [Jul 12,2009 12:04pm - blue ""] HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE A PA CANT WAIT TO SEE THAT SHIT |
______________________________________ [Jul 12,2009 10:07pm - masterlemay ""] [img] |
_________________________________________ [Jul 14,2009 10:58pm - TheMorbidCrown ""] Mwahahahahahahaha Its Funny As Hell Because Were Actually Out There Trying To Get Shiiiit Done And The Band Banner Is Sick Thx <3333 Dont Be Jelous Man Its Called Get a Job Pay Your Way Buy Your Gear, And You Little faggots Are Behind Your Computers Like Bitchs Talking Shiit Do the World a Favor And EET A Bag Of FUK If You Like Metal Then Like Metal If You need To Bitch Go To Facebook or Someshit !!!! Ring MY Ding And Suck My Dong!!! |
______________________________________ [Jul 14,2009 11:14pm - xanonymousx ""] toxic holocaust much? |
_____________________________________ [Jul 14,2009 11:41pm - xgodzillax ""] TheMorbidCrown said:Mwahahahahahahaha Its Funny As Hell Because Were Actually Out There Trying To Get Shiiiit Done And The Band Banner Is Sick Thx <3333 Dont Be Jelous Man Its Called Get a Job Pay Your Way Buy Your Gear, And You Little faggots Are Behind Your Computers Like Bitchs Talking Shiit Do the World a Favor And EET A Bag Of FUK If You Like Metal Then Like Metal If You need To Bitch Go To Facebook or Someshit !!!! Ring MY Ding And Suck My Dong!!! im sorry, most of the people who post on this board are in bands that have played more than what, two shows? dont be hatin just cause your band is gay, as is your teen wolf facial hair |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:02am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Hahahahhahaha Hop On The Mic :P |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:04am - TheMorbidCrown ""] In The Shit Is a Faggot Ass Hardcore Band, Grow Balls And Sing Metal Fucking So Sick Of Sell outs!!! |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:11am - archaeon ""] lol every word starts with a capital letter. I'm So Jelous Of This Band. |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:13am - archaeon ""] I like how hardcore is also an insult. lolz |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:19am - archaeon ""] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:22am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Lmfao Hardcore is About As Cool As A.I.D.S And I Will Always Type Like This!!! Ive Been Doing It For Ever So Hate If Ya Gotta But At least I'm Original Mang And Hell Yar I Look Like A Wolf Thx Baby :P |
__________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:22am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""] Jeeze morbidcrown, I like banners, but you say silly things. |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:24am - archaeon ""] TheMorbidCrown said:Lmfao Hardcore is About As Cool As A.I.D.S And I Will Always Type Like This!!! Ive Been Doing It For Ever So Hate If Ya Gotta But At least I'm Original Mang And Hell Yar I Look Like A Wolf Thx Baby :P I can never tell if you're starting a new sentence. Name 5 real hardcore bands and I'll admit that hardcore is AIDS |
__________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:26am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""] YOU HAVE BEEN CHALLENGED! |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:27am - TheMorbidCrown ""] I Dont Listen To Hip-Hop Sorry Bitch |
__________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:28am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""] that's a wonderful pose by the way, i think that should go here: A place, for your face. ![]() |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:30am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Mwhahahahahahhahah FuK Yar!!! |
__________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:31am - Challenge Ref. ""] Well folks, the challenge isn't looking good for "TheMorbidCrown". It seems that he is admitting he has no idea about what he's saying. |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:31am - archaeon ""] TheMorbidCrown said:I Dont Listen To Hip-Hop Sorry Bitch Well people on this board don't listen to poorly done death metal. So go fuck yourself. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:32am - RichHorror ""] This just in, old people are bad at the internet. Now sports. |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:32am - TheMorbidCrown ""] The Only Good Band That is Hardcore Is Ligeia There Good Dudes!!!! Fuck The Rest!!!! Its All About Metal Bitchz!!!! EET FUK |
__________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:33am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""] What in the wide, wide world of sports is a goin on here?! |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:35am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Im Not A Doctor!!!!!! |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:36am - archaeon ""] I really hope you're drunk. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:37am - RichHorror ""] This band wishes Jarrod's was still open. |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:37am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Does a Bear Shiit In The Woods!!!!!!! |
___________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:42am - madoakdevin nli ""] best post: xmikex. no joke... that shit was funny. |
_________________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:44am - TheMorbidCrown ""] Indeed!!!!!! |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:45am - archaeon ""] Just knowing that this is on the other side of the screen makes me feel so much better about myself. also, Wolverine called, he wants his style back. [img] |
_____________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:48am - RichHorror ""] haha Teen Wolf Goes To Manray |
_____________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:52am - xgodzillax ""] richhorror: Your first show was with Rotten Sound his first is in New Bedford richhorror: lulz xgodzillax: yeah dude |
_____________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:56am - RichHorror ""] Im Anthony Longobardi aka AntMan The Morbid Kid The Singer Of Cacophonous Death I Love To Skate Board,Snow Board, Surf, Skydive, Sing , HeadBang, Fuck Hawt Bitchz, Drink,Mosh,Play Games,Get Tattoos Smoke Good Weed Have a Fucking Awesome Metal Time I refuse to believe that this is real. |
___________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 12:57am - archaeon ""] Dude i love fucking hawt bitchz, me and him should totally hang out. |
__________________________________ [Jul 15,2009 1:01am - archaeon ""] Mood: Morbidtastic |