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Modern warfare 2, goodbye life.

[Nov 23,2009 10:02pm - porphyria  ""]
[Nov 23,2009 10:04pm - porphyria  ""]
[Nov 24,2009 9:07am - C.Dead  ""]

Doomkid%20nli said:
ScmFck said:after playing this everyday since it came out my xbox last night died, fuck microsoft and their red circle of death

"Install to Harddrive" ya dummy. Surest way to avoid RROD. Trust me, I had 3 before I started doing that.

Question, if I install a game disc to the drive and erase it once I am done playing it, will it also erase my progress in the game and achivements and all that guff?
[Nov 24,2009 9:54am - Martins ""]
I don't about XBox 360 but on PS3 the install data is completely separate from the save data.
[Nov 24,2009 12:44pm - C.Dead  ""]
Somone who nose teknoligies pease halp?
[Jan 1,2010 1:23am - the_reverend ""]
walked in the door just now and it was in my mailbox...
[Jan 1,2010 12:26pm - SteveSummoned ""]
If anyone has Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for the PS3 hit me up. My tag is SteveSummoned.
[Jan 1,2010 12:35pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jan 1,2010 3:20pm - the_reverend ""]
the long life of a losah.
[Jan 1,2010 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I cant wait to get home and play.
[Jan 31,2010 2:40am - the_reverend ""]
was the game reall that short?
well, that wasn't worth it.
[Feb 1,2010 2:13am - Alexecutioner ""]

[Feb 1,2010 3:21pm - mutis ""]
I fuckin love the throwing knife. It's basically my secondary weapon.
[Feb 2,2010 9:53am - Alexecutioner ""]
i just fucking love stabbing people in the face
[Feb 2,2010 3:21pm - mutis ""]
i fucking love fragging nuns.
[Feb 2,2010 3:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I went back and I had to beat the last guy again? It says 50.3% done.
What am I missing?
[Feb 2,2010 4:25pm - Fist  ""]
You have to beat it on veteran to get the 100% which is really fucking hard,
[Feb 2,2010 4:38pm - RustyPS ""]
I have a love/hate relationship with FPSes...a lot of them are great games, but I'm terrible at them....and MW2 is no different, great game, I'm just really bad
[Mar 30,2010 1:27pm - GUY ""]
new stimulus map pack out today...yea nigger
[Mar 30,2010 3:51pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
I'm actually finding veteran on MW2 to be much easier than the original. In every mission where you have friendly AI you can basically use them as meat shields for the whole level and not ever get pinned down.

Favella is still a bitch and a half though.
[Mar 30,2010 3:52pm - Doomkid ""]

RustyPS said:I have a love/hate relationship with FPSes...a lot of them are great games, but I'm terrible at them....and MW2 is no different, great game, I'm just really bad

You and me both, I suck so hard at multiplayer.
[Mar 30,2010 4:26pm - Fist  ""]
new maps out on 360 today....sorry ps3 you're not as good
[Apr 25,2010 11:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Replaying this again finally.
[Apr 25,2010 11:50pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 26,2010 8:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
yup, i'm playing this on veteran now. I beat it on regular, and decided "hey, i like this game a lot, i should play on harder". than yesterday morning a beat it on harder, and for the first time EVER i want to play a game on all three difficulties. I can't help it, i fucking love this game. Doing the special missions 2 player co-op is awesome.
[Apr 26,2010 8:58am - ouchdrummer ""]

Fist said:You have to beat it on veteran to get the 100% which is really fucking hard,

[Apr 26,2010 5:16pm - mutis  ""]
I started replaying it, and I was like "fuck this, this is not as fun as multiplayer."

So I guess I'll wait until there's an internet outage before I beat it on veteran. Especially since I just discovered the M16. Fuck, that gun rules. Big magazine, lightning fast reload time, incredibly accurate, and one-shot kills with stopping power.
[Apr 26,2010 6:43pm - Doomkid ""]

mutis said:I just discovered the M16. Fuck, that gun rules. Big magazine, lightning fast reload time, incredibly accurate, and one-shot kills with stopping power.

I mastered the M16 a couple days ago:
Holo sight + sleight of hand + stopping power + ninja/scrambler = total domination.

I wish you could customize your initial loadout in Campaign levels, I'd be much more inclined to re-play it.
[Apr 26,2010 9:40pm - Mutis ""]
Hate scrambler. Ruins any element of surprise. I also can't justify using sleight of hand with the M16 because it already reloads really fast, and since you're always making controlled bursts, you don't need to reload as much, anyway.

I just started working on getting my sitrep pro finally. It's taking FOREVER.
[Apr 26,2010 10:42pm - sxealex ""]
i started a dod server on the same comp as my cs server.... i suck at dod tho its fuckin hard
[Apr 26,2010 11:02pm - Doomkid ""]
[Apr 27,2010 4:16am - Sacreligion ""]
FAL Red Dot + Akimbo M93 Raffica + Sleight of Hand + Stopping Power + Commando = Win
[Apr 27,2010 4:18am - Sacreligion ""]

Mutis said:Hate scrambler. Ruins any element of surprise.

Seriously. Assuming your opponent looks at his map at all.
[Apr 27,2010 11:24am - ouchdrummer ""]
i don't have the interwebs with my PS3, EVERYONE i talk to says the only reason they play this game is for the multiplayer online aspect.... I can't get enough of the campaign/special operations (2player co-op). Now I'm at 91.4% completed for the campaign (obviously i'm playing on veteran to get it there.) and holy fucking shit. I have to creep around every corner slow as shit, if i move too fast, and get in someone's sights, that's it. I'm dead. They kill you REALLY quick when you're in their field of vision in veteran.
[Apr 27,2010 11:40am - RustyPS ""]
SCAR-H + PP2000 (both with FMJ) + Sleight of Hand + Stopping Power + Commando is what I typically use

I've been using the ACR as of late, and I like it....just unlocked the ACOG Scope for it but haven't used it yet

I'm pretty bad no matter what I use though lol
[Apr 27,2010 3:19pm - mutis  ""]
Before I switched over to the M16, i was using the SCAR. That gun packs a punch.

Though I started getting carried away after I began using extended mags with scavenger... ended up using it like a light machinegun which made me a lot less accurate of a shooter. I also used the ACR with the ACOG for a while... gun's incredibly accurate.

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