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Mar 24 (Fri) - Skatefest 2006: Death Among Thieves, The Brethren (return show), Black Onyx, Burdens Will Be Broken, And The There Were None, Buried And Still Breathing, Always And Forever, Break A Sweat, NeverSayNever, Severyn, A Timely Demise; Doors open at 5pm, $7 at the door ($5 if you get a ticket from a band prior). All proceeds go towards a new skatepark in Somersworth - American Legion Hall, 45 Washington Street, Somersworth N.H., 03878 +

3/24 - SKATEFEST 2006

American Legion (Somersworth, NH) - [orange_lazarus]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Mar 28,2006 12:04am - anonymous  ""]
hahahahahah.... that's silly... all of it... a hardcore band questioning my musical integrity... love billy on bass.... straight edge.... believe me or not..
[Mar 28,2006 12:26am - sacreligion ""]
this is gayer than:

[Mar 28,2006 1:43am - GutturalZombie ""]
yeah i am the new guitarist of never say never my name is justin regis in fact my friend showed me orangelazarus a long time ago and i liked it cause i also like the locust and they sound similar but to go as far as saying a band like OL has no talent is wrong any many ways cause thats like saying your better then them ,yes they did drink at a show that they shouldnt ,and yes they didnt learn from it they might be trying to be "bad ass" but you cant stop what already happend and i was pissed about the whole thing but we cant go back and change it so im not the one to sit here and talk shit..some of this shit you all said is very true but im not one to hold a grudge
[Mar 28,2006 2:10am - GutturalZombie ""]
haha after further review of what i just said and reading some of the shit up there i am taking back some of the stuff i said cause some of OL said all the other bands sucked so i guess in a way it is alright to take offence to it and say it back and for saying they would do it again is pretty bad but again im not one to talk shit so im gonna leave it at that
[Mar 28,2006 2:14am - GutturalZombie ""]
haha first glance at that picture i thought that was dave hasselhof or however the fuck you spell his last name i was gonna say i knew he was gay but this?
[Mar 28,2006 2:24am - partyasteroid ""]
what is it with all these fruit baskets overbooking shows and calling them fests. you can't have a fucking fest every other weekend retards.

why dont you just go rollerblade instead.
[Mar 28,2006 2:58pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
Maybe my bassist went off the hinge a little bit by saying your band sucked. I know it takes talent to play the kinda stuff OL plays, but I seriously couldn't hear anything but the keyboards. So it did sound outta control. And just to point out, we may question your musical integrity, but you would not be able to play in a "hardcore" band like ours, even if you wanted to. You've got way to much of a pussy attitude for that.

And sure, there seems to be a trend of overbooking shows and calling them fests, but that's only so people can ensure they get the money back that they put into renting the hall. At least we're trying to help the scene out and put on shows, as overbooked and long as they may be.
[Mar 28,2006 5:25pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm sure I know who was responsible for this. There doesn't seem to ba a shortage of crappy japanimation looking, poorly tattooed emo clowns that think they can push buttons on a keyboard and be rock stars out there.
[Mar 28,2006 5:42pm - sacreligion ""]
thewrldcanwait said:I know it takes talent to play the kinda stuff OL plays

ugh...something tells me they're some crappy every time i die knock-off...playing incoherent music actually takes no talent at all

[Mar 28,2006 8:42pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
Nope, not even close to everytime i die. They're progressive/grind/thrash...Says they're myspace. It's wierd.
Check Em Out, Here
[Mar 29,2006 9:43am - craz ""]
Can someone enlighten me on what exactly Powerpop is? Maybe an example of some bands that are because to me pop & grindcore shouldn't mix unless I hear a decent example.
[Mar 29,2006 10:25am - the_reverend ""]
some no one any said it in this thread...
[Mar 29,2006 1:30pm - keyboardist of OL  ""]
"I'm sure I know who was responsible for this. There doesn't seem to ba a shortage of crappy japanimation looking, poorly tattooed emo clowns that think they can push buttons on a keyboard and be rock stars out there. "

was this directed to me? i didnt realise i was emo nor a rockstar.. but yeah i love my bad tattoos
[Mar 29,2006 3:31pm - anonymous  ""]
that wasn't directed to you, you just suck!
[Mar 29,2006 4:25pm - anonymous  ""]
thewrldcanwait said:Nope, not even close to everytime i die. They're progressive/grind/thrash...Says they're myspace. It's wierd.
Check Em Out, Here

they seem to use that envelope effect alittle too much.
[Mar 29,2006 5:19pm - anonymous  ""]
heres an idea if you want to drink at a show like this....
in between the bands go out of the hall and down into the bar where you can drink and not ruin the enjoyment of others by drinking up at the show... but don't get trashed.
[Mar 29,2006 5:31pm - sacreligion ""]
that was officially some of the worst music i've ever heard

but then again that's just my opinion
[Mar 29,2006 5:33pm - captainahab  ""]
that's not an envelope filter it's just a badly programed patch
[Mar 29,2006 5:35pm - sacreligion ""]
or just crap
[Mar 29,2006 6:40pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
Mmm, who knows...all I remember from OL's set was the extremely overpowering keyboard.
[Mar 29,2006 9:58pm - Billy on Bass of OL  ""]
hahaha, yeah, I insult hardcore, cus I don't like it... whatever, ya know no big deal, I just don't like people trying to judge us on that performance... I mean, I couldn't her myself from 3 feet away.... there was just almost no sound system there, and only enough cords for our keyboardist... if you go to our myspace, and don't like our music there... ok, then you don't like our music, big deal... and as far as "us" drinking goes... I don't like people saying broadly that "we" did whatever.... I did not drink... ok, I never have... end of that, and I'd rather hear someone say something like they seem to use that emvelop effect a little too much, than someone saying we're mathy.. and something about getting us a calculator... see the difference in that? and as far as us saying, it's cool, we're leaving anyway... we didn't mean we didn't care if it got shut down, it was like.... it's cool, the people who drank were leaving anyway, that being the keyboardist, and a few friends of ours... and I must say... that's the first time I've EVER heard that we sound like ETID.... wow.... I mean, I usualy go with orthrelm with a keyboard, and bass.... or locust with a shorter attention span...

Love always,
Billy Wallace
[Mar 30,2006 12:26am - ive never posted here before  ""]
You are all retarded, and I am embarassed that I once lived in the town next to this show.
[Mar 30,2006 12:59am - dwellingsickness ""]
ive never posted here before said:You are all retarded, and I am embarassed that I once lived in the town next to this show.

[Mar 30,2006 2:37am - orangelazarus  ""]
umm about us using an envelope filter too much...the filter is what makes the sound on a synth, so your pretty much saying you use your strings to much when you play your guitar....and i dont know exactly what a poorly programed patch is...but anyway just thought id clarify on that whole envelope thing.
[Mar 30,2006 2:38am - sacreligion ""]
Billy on Bass of OL said:that's the first time I've EVER heard that we sound like ETID.... wow.... I mean, I usualy go with orthrelm with a keyboard, and bass.... or locust with a shorter attention span...

i said that as a joke without even knowing what you sounded like

but i still think your music sucks

[Mar 31,2006 9:53am - contortion  ""]
saying a band like ol uses that patch to much is like saying hardcore uses open palm mutes too much. it's part of there sound deal with it. if a hardcore band can play an open palm mute for every fucking breakdown there is nothing wrong with using a simalar patch.
[Mar 31,2006 11:05am - cav ""]
you guys should argue about this until the end of the world.
[Mar 31,2006 11:31am - ive never posted here before  ""]
I can sum up this entire forum with 3 words. I LOVE MEN
[Mar 31,2006 1:00pm - SteveOTB ""]
ive never posted here before said:I can sum up this entire forum with 3 words. I LOVE MEN

But what if there are women on this thread which kindof defeats the whole purpose. Next time say "I can sum up this entire forum in 5 words "I love the same sex"". But I do agree, this show was last weekend; they fucked up simple as that now it's time to move on.
[Mar 31,2006 3:41pm - keyboardist of OL  ""]
i love men and getting shows shut down. fuck rttp
[Apr 1,2006 12:07am - arthur_ATD NLI  ""]
I'd rather hear someone say something like they seem to use that emvelop effect a little too much, than someone saying we're mathy.. and something about getting us a calculator... see the difference in that?

the mathematics thing came from your keyboardist over the summer a show you played with buried and still breathing and never say never. i asked what the fuck that was, and the keyboardists answer was "That was Mathematics"
[Apr 1,2006 12:11am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]

just whoa
[Apr 1,2006 1:47pm - sacreligion ""]
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...whoa........lois this is not my batman glass

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