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Hey fuckheads why don't you come to our showdown in Framingham this weekend

[Jan 23,2013 7:57pm - Dankill from the Ham  ""]
For the love of God............stop making the Ham worse than it already is.
[Jan 23,2013 11:09pm - Stephan from SolarSojourn  ""]
What's good with your roundhouse, shitdick? Long John Silver's, tomorrow, you and me. I'm gonna horse stance so hard, I'll shit on your mother in Wisconsin.
[Jan 23,2013 11:28pm - Fantastic from HELIOS One  ""]
Look faggots, I know exactly what I'm doing. Which one of you cheesedicks has a theoretical degree in theoretical physics? You think you can just waltz into this solar plant and get all the mirrors operating at peak efficiency? I'd like to see your faggot ass try. That console over there controls the main power grid, that button there makes a crazy noise, and if you put stuff in that slot sparks come out. If you bitchass dandies think you can hack it at HELIOS One why don't you come down by the scrap yard on 95 so I can watch you fail.
[Jan 23,2013 11:34pm - Thunderstool  ""]
I can kick all your asses blindfolded!
[Jan 24,2013 8:24am - look at this fagget  ""]

buy%20a%20map%20faggot said:Cherhoniak is so stupid he doesn't know he's in Vermont.

buy a map faggot, lol.
[Jan 24,2013 10:38am - Yeti ""]
Fuck Heliofights. I WANT HELION PRIME.
[Jan 24,2013 10:51am - Alex from heliofight  ""]
I was at Lloyds all night last night and none of you pussies showed up. Not even that cartoon character Randy Marsh. He was probably busy pouring maple syrup in his boyfriends asshole. I'll be over at best buy getting a new stereo installed in my Audi. Meet me at TGI Fridays and you can taste the bold flavor of my fist in your face.
[Jan 24,2013 10:57am - eye-gore ""]

Alex%20from%20heliofight said:I was at Lloyds all night last night and none of you pussies showed up. Not even that cartoon character Randy Marsh. He was probably busy pouring maple syrup in his boyfriends asshole. I'll be over at best buy getting a new stereo installed in my Audi. Meet me at TGI Fridays and you can taste the bold flavor of my fist in your face.
Meet me @ Burger King on RT.24 and you can have it your way, right away son.

[Jan 24,2013 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Do you work at that burger King? My cousin works there
[Jan 24,2013 11:05am - Alex from heliofight  ""]
Burger King? Are you some kind of clown? Heliofight only fights in our warehouse. Meet me at TGIF and I'll give you a ride in my trunk. Then it's first round knock out even with a belly full of Jack Daniels Ribs bitch.
[Jan 24,2013 11:08am - hey fagget look at this  ""]

Alex%20from%20heliofight said: Not even that cartoon character Randy Marsh. He was probably busy pouring maple syrup in his boyfriends asshole.

^ this is the best quote in the entire thread, lol.
[Jan 24,2013 11:53am - Thunderstool  ""]
With my all-powerful Thunderstools, Heliofight are no match for my ultimate greatness!
[Jan 24,2013 12:10pm - eye-gore ""]

eye-gore said:
Alex%20from%20heliofight said:I was at Lloyds all night last night and none of you pussies showed up. Not even that cartoon character Randy Marsh. He was probably busy pouring maple syrup in his boyfriends asshole. I'll be over at best buy getting a new stereo installed in my Audi. Meet me at TGI Fridays and you can taste the bold flavor of my fist in your face.
Meet me @ Burger King on RT.24 and you can have it your way, right away son.


[Jan 24,2013 12:21pm - Alex from heliofight  ""]
Eye-gore I take it you're the pancake to Randy Marsh's Mrs. Butterworth.
[Jan 24,2013 12:32pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:32pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:33pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:34pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:34pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:35pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight shit
[Jan 24,2013 12:46pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:47pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:50pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 12:50pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
[Jan 24,2013 1:13pm - Yeti ""]
i didn't hear you the first time.
[Jan 24,2013 1:15pm - DYA is THE COURIER  ""]

Fantastic%20from%20HELIOS%20One said:Look faggots, I know exactly what I'm doing. Which one of you cheesedicks has a theoretical degree in theoretical physics? You think you can just waltz into this solar plant and get all the mirrors operating at peak efficiency? I'd like to see your faggot ass try. That console over there controls the main power grid, that button there makes a crazy noise, and if you put stuff in that slot sparks come out. If you bitchass dandies think you can hack it at HELIOS One why don't you come down by the scrap yard on 95 so I can watch you fail.

[Jan 24,2013 1:16pm - Alex from heliofight  ""]

Brian%20from%20heliofight said:Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere for lunch? These pussies are boring and cant fight
Bro, I already ate these bitches for breakfast hope I'm still hungry. Meet me over at TGI Fridays near the Natick Collection. We can knock back some bud lights and Jaegar Bombs. Todays my cheat day.
[Jan 24,2013 1:18pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 24,2013 1:19pm - eye-gore ""]

Brian%20from%20heliofight said:Alex i cant believe you are still harasing these longhair goth want to be tough guys. They wont do shit and wont come saturday. im done training this morning..do you want to meet somewhere and help me smear peanut butter all over my ass and genitalia and wait in quiet anticipation and extreme lust for a pack of wild dogs to come ravage us? Jiffy....open and ready like my gapping asshole is for you....HURRY!!!!!!!/QUOTE]
[Jan 24,2013 1:20pm - Alex from heliofight  ""]
Wow, you guys are total self hating homophobes. Sad.
[Jan 24,2013 1:24pm - Yeti ""]

Alex%20from%20heliofight said:Wow, you guys are total self hating faggots. Rad.
[Jan 24,2013 1:27pm - eye-gore ""]

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