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little things that annoy the fuck out of you

[Jul 4,2007 2:24pm - Burly_Jenkins ""]
i hate it when my 87 f150 don wanna start
[Jul 4,2007 4:22pm - Uh ""]
I love when black metal bands are too grim and kvlt to have myspaces and so its nearly impossible to track down a sample of their music. And even when they do manage to have a link on their geocities homepage for an mp3 its always broken. So when you finally do download or buy their music you quickly realize why they're so "underground" since they sound like complete shit.
[Jul 4,2007 4:37pm - RichHorror ""]
Women, children, minorities and the elderly.
[Jul 4,2007 4:57pm - hungtableed  ""]

Fucking radio-commercial jingles!

"1-800-54GIANT - who do you call when your windshields busted"
"800-588-2300 Empire - Today!"
"Nationwide is on your side"

And the ever so fucking dreaded Bud Light "Mr. 80 spf sunblock wearer"
The list could seriously go on, and on, and on forever....
Shit annoys the sweaty, smelly balls out of me.

-Stupid faggy reality tv shows about people that no one gives a fuck about.
-Biased media that gripes about biased media.
-Having no clean socks.
-Having no dirty socks to bust a nut in
-Hot weather (yea that's right, I can't wait till it's snowing again)
-People who RIDE the fucking break while driving when there's no need to
-Being happy about gas prices that are below $3
-People who orate their lives through their myspace thinking that for one solitary second that the world, through means of a fantasy online community, give a shit about who they last spoke to on the phone or the last thing they ate.

I'm a pessimistic prick. I could probably ramble on forever about things that piss me off/things to complain about concerning my views in observation of modern human behavior.

[Jul 4,2007 5:46pm - Whoremastery ""]
warm beer!:duffbeer:
[Jul 4,2007 6:38pm - pam ""]
Dude, I love the real men of genius commercials...
[Jul 4,2007 6:45pm - archaeon ""]
hungtableed said:
-Having no dirty socks to bust a nut in


[Jul 4,2007 6:47pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:ArrowHead is watching you said:
I don't need a fucking parade celebrating my love of handcuffs and whipped cream, y'know?

uuuhhhh...yes you do.

You, me, and Niccolai dancing naked in a circle is NOT a parade.

[Jul 4,2007 7:18pm - rhys ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:people on this board who refuse to to log in and talk smack about local bands, with out really ever really listening to any of them
oh and that fag Rhys...

i want to fight you
[Jul 4,2007 7:44pm - hungtableed  ""]
archaeon said:hungtableed said:
-Having no dirty socks to bust a nut in


I knew I wasn't the only one who shoots em' in dirty socks.
[Jul 4,2007 7:46pm - hungtableed  ""]
pam said:Dude, I love the real men of genius commercials...

That shit itches my balls. It makes me want to go drink myself into oblivion....not from rust-water-Bud Light obviously.
[Jul 4,2007 8:12pm - contagion ""]
pam said:Dude, I love the real men of genius commercials...

i do too. the newest one is funny but i forget what its about.
[Jul 4,2007 10:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread is like a therapy session.
[Jul 5,2007 5:12am - pooch  ""]
women who shave this pussies, but for get to shave thier assholes.
[Jul 5,2007 8:02pm - archaeon ""]
-when you think you done pissin, but then put you dong back in your pants and pee a little.
[Jul 5,2007 10:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
"People who suggest that Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever and don't even like Black Sabbath. "


And at least Zeppelin had song dynamics that were fluid. The end of National Acrobat has nothing to do with the rest of the song...
[Jul 5,2007 10:55pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
archaeon said:-when you think you done pissin, but then put you dong back in your pants and pee a little.

or..when you feel like you gotta piss so you go to the bathroom and just cant make it happen
[Jul 6,2007 9:44am - atthehaunted ""]
Girls who wear big stupid glasses
When people don't use a blinker
[Jul 6,2007 12:06pm - Ryan_M ""]
timjohn said:people who pop their collar

Hahaha that's a good one, I fucking hate seeing kids with their collar up. I can't understand for the life of me why people think that looks good. I don't see anything stylish or cool about it, all I see is a fucking retard who forgot to fix his collar.
Usually guys who do that are also wearing flare jeans with flip flops and probably have another guy's dingleberries in his pubes.
[Jul 6,2007 12:12pm - tylerl ""]
yeah dudes in flip flops in general (unless you're at the beach) is pretty lame
[Jul 6,2007 12:14pm - tylerl ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:thanks tyler, i'm going to try that when i'm willing to part with 30 bucks for one of those hats, haha.

haha yup i remember in the sixth grade i used to collect fitted caps when they were 2 for $10 at olympia sports
[Jul 6,2007 12:20pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
infect sli sli sli said:

band members who never want to do anything and then act like your a dick for the slightest expression of frustration at their terminal lazyness

HAHAH cristian
[Jul 6,2007 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
people who complain about things that piss them off.
[Jul 6,2007 3:32pm - ariavette ""]
pam said:This is a great thread.

--When chicks pluck the fuck out of their eyebrows until they look retarded.

that is top on my list also. or when they wax it off completely and just pencil it in. topped off with way too much lip liner and you have named just about every girl in woonsocket.
[Jul 6,2007 8:28pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:people who complain about things that piss them off.

Best post of this thread.
[Jul 6,2007 8:40pm - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
taking a bite of pizza when the cheese sticks together and slaps onto your chin burning the fuck out of it with sauce

anyone who wouldn't execute carlos mencia if they had the chance
[Jul 6,2007 9:12pm - deadlikedave ""]
-when you take a massive shit thats so big when it hits the water in the toilet some shit water comes up and splashes your ass.

-conservative americans

-liberal americans

-cinco de mayo (when did this holiday become so "cool"?)

-when someone finds our you are in a band and ask "do you guys like play out and stuff?"...always followed by "You guys like right all your own stuff?"..."Really?"

-people who dont like arrested development

-the serious educated person at the party that wants to talk politics/poetry/anything and everything you DONT want to talk about at a fucking party

-when someone asks for a beer run and say "its not much" and you end up walking out with 2 different 30 packs and a liter of goldschlager

-anyone thats famous

-anyone with a rags to riches story

-9 out of 10 sports movies that are based on true stories that have the SAME FUCKING PLOT just a different sport. (one kid always leaves then comes back at the end, huge come from behind lead, coach that faces serious battles on and off the field.

-just about everything.
[Jul 6,2007 9:42pm - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
asian girls over 20 that hold their mothers hand when walking down the street

any asian at all that drives

sideways vaginas
[Jul 6,2007 9:50pm - Ryan_M ""]
Being stopped at a red light, and the cars in front of you keep inching up, like that's going to make it green. This is especially maddening if there's a big truck in front of you and you can't see the light, and he starts inching up, so you assume the light is green and hit the gas, only to have him slam on the brakes a second later. I rear-ended a pickup a few years ago because of that and smashed the whole front end of my car in on his trailer hitch.

Speaking of pickups, another thing that sucks is these macho redneck guys who drive around in big pickups, not because they have to carry large things often, they just like being above everyone else and driving around like they own the road.
[Jul 6,2007 10:17pm - pam ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:people who complain about things that piss them off.

For the win!
[Jul 6,2007 10:19pm - pam ""]
Old men/woman in front of you at stores. They have to argue their change, coupons, prices, lottery tickets, and then shuffle out of your way.
[Jul 6,2007 10:37pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
Why do women ALWAYS need to try and make EXACT CHANGE every time they are at a cash register? They all fucking do it. Your mom, your girlfriend, the bitch in front of you at the convenience store. "Oh, I think I've got the change ..."

Old ladies who bathe in perfume

Guys wearing their pants lower than their ass. I don't want to see your boxers, and I don't care to see the shape of your buttock. Either I'm old fashioned, or you look like a fucking retard.

Loud neighbors who complain if you are loud. Fuck you!

"Speed kills". Fuck you. Speed NEVER kills. Accidents kill. Speed doesn't cause accidents, it just makes them fatal. People need to get off the fucking anti-speeding crap and worry about all the tail-gaters, idiots playing with phones, rummaging through the glove box at 80 MPH, and over aggressive monkey boys. I'd trust a guy going 150 MPH who stays way the fuck away from me and drives attentively over a fucking soccer mom riding my ass at 50MPH while talking on her cell and filling my entire rear view mirror.

I could really write this shit all day.

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