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little things that annoy the fuck out of you

[Jul 3,2007 10:42am - Yeti ""]
pens that won't write when you put them on paper and the metal tip drags dryly across the paper.

perforated edges that wont rip.

paper/cardboard individual orange juice or milk containers that won't fold properly on the lines, resulting in you butchering the top of the carton.

trying to get a new cd booklet out of the case but you don't have any fingernails so you cant get the edge up.
[Jul 3,2007 12:28pm - ZJD ""]
All of mine have to do with people. The rest is okay.

When people suggest that things, especially themselves, are random.
People who listen to everything/everything but country/everything but rap and country.
People who suggest that Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever and only know Stairway to Heaven, Back Dog, Etc.
People who suggest that Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever and don't even like Black Sabbath.
People who don't even like Black Sabbath.
People who say Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall were Pink Floyd's best albums.
People who love Pink Floyd but don't know Animals.
People who love The Mars Volta but pass on Pink Floyd, Yes, Rush, Kansas, etc.
People who group Def Leppard in with good bands.
People who call Def Leppard classic rock.
People who suggest that they know something or are special because they love classic rock but don't really know/give a shit about more than the one album with the biggest hits on it by only the biggest bands or, better yet, only Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Aerosmith.
Fucking Aerosmith.
People who think they're special for their musical taste who in fact have horrible musical taste.
Movie buffs who don't know Sergio Leone.
People who think Chuck Pahlinuk is the greatest writer of our time/ever and want to shout it from the mountaintops because it lets everyone know that they read books.
Vegetarians that are all about "the cause" and telling people what damage their meat eating does while eating a cheese covered omelette.
People who can't help making racist jokes every few minutes but "aren't racist".
People who like Dane Cook and no other comedians.
Dane Cook.
People who ask "have you ever heard of Dane Cook?"
People who find out what kind of movies I'm into and suggest that I see shitty movies.
Everyone I've ever waited on while working in a convenience store.
Very nice!/High five!/Napoleon Dynamite
"I can totally be a vegetarian and eat fish."
"Eating chicken doesn't necessarily make me not vegetarian."
"Sometimes I'm vegetarian."
"I'm a flexitarian."
[Jul 3,2007 12:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
-when my sister doesn't rinse off her fucking dishes so the sink gets clogged full ketchup, pieces of chicken, sour cream and cream cheese.
-when i have an itch on the top of my foot when i am somewhere that i can't take my shoe off.
-those stupid fucking "security" stickers on the top of CDs that say the name of the band and album (especially the ones on relapse releases that leave hideous amounts of residue).
-the fact that every single relapse release has a sticker on it that says "FOR FANS OF THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER" no matter what it is.

[Jul 3,2007 12:39pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
It sucks when your trying to pick up a coin off the table and you try like 10 times and you cant get it so you end up dragging it across the table until it falls off the edge into your palm.
[Jul 3,2007 12:39pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha those are all excellent ones that i agree with.
[Jul 3,2007 12:43pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
oh, and another thing...how fucking hard is it to cut up a goddamn quesadilla? chicken quesadillas are taco bell's staple (to me), and for some reason they can never cut them right so when i tear one piece off, it rips the bottom off of the next piece, and tragedy ensues.
[Jul 3,2007 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
HA! that is an awesome one. i fucking hate that.
[Jul 3,2007 12:45pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i could go on for days, but i have to run some errands.

errands annoy the fuck out of me.
[Jul 3,2007 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
or when you open an individual slice of cheese, and a 1/2 inch strip of cheese rips off the top.
[Jul 3,2007 1:01pm - ZJD ""]
Yeti said:or when you open an individual slice of cheese, and a 1/2 inch strip of cheese rips off the top.

When I ate cheese, I preferred getting a block and cutting it myself for this very reason.
A new roll of toilet paper sometimes does a similar thing but there is no block of toilet paper rememdy.
[Jul 3,2007 1:01pm - Whoremastery ""]
When i tell people I'm a comedian and the say"Tell me a joke"
When I'm jammin on my acoustic in public and someone yells"Free bird"
When I hook up with a chick and she calls me the next day
When i run out of beer
[Jul 3,2007 1:10pm - metal_church101 ""]
"Amish people. Why don't they get with the program?" - Peter Griffin of the Family Guy
[Jul 3,2007 1:13pm - dreadkill ""]
when chips get broken and fuck up the natural flow of the pringles can
[Jul 3,2007 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]
toilets that don't work even after you plunge the fuck out of them
[Jul 3,2007 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]
ingrown hairs
[Jul 3,2007 1:16pm - Yeti ""]
pulling a tissue out of a top dispensing box and the whole stack of tissues comes out with it.
[Jul 3,2007 1:31pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
asian people on the train
[Jul 3,2007 1:38pm - xmikex ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:-when my sister doesn't rinse off her fucking dishes so the sink gets clogged full ketchup, pieces of chicken, sour cream and cream cheese.

Ugh, remind me never to use the bathroom after your sister.

[Jul 3,2007 1:43pm - porphyria  ""]
ZJD said:
People who suggest that Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever and only know Stairway to Heaven, Back Dog, Etc.
People who suggest that Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever and don't even like Black Sabbath.
People who suggest that they know something or are special because they love classic rock but don't really know/give a shit about more than the one album with the biggest hits on it by only the biggest bands or, better yet, only Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Aerosmith.

Especially since Led Zeppelin didn't write any of the material on their first album and didn't credit the original artists.

[Jul 3,2007 1:44pm - Ryan_M ""]
Pouring a heaping bowl of cereal in the morning, getting excited to eat it, then opening the fridge and finding out there's no fucking milk.

People who wear sunglasses indoors.

Having an itchy asshole in public.

Those faggy roller-skate sneakers kids wear.

Anyone whose baseball cap is on crooked.

Wiggers whose pants are so baggy they literally have to hold them up while walking around.
[Jul 3,2007 1:47pm - archaeon ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:
-those stupid fucking "security" stickers on the top of CDs that say the name of the band and album (especially the ones on relapse releases that leave hideous amounts of residue).

tru dat. shit pisses me off

-Girls who ask what type of music i listen to and i tell them "you won't know it" then they respond "try me, maybe i do" "Gorgasm, Devourment, Aborted, *put death metal band name here* etc." they usually walk give me weird looks or walk away slowly.
-People who reference to Death Metal as "hardcore". Ex. "Yo d00d, you listen to hardcore stuff right?!?"
-"Whats the point of singing if you can understand what they're saying?"
-Attention whores, unless they want my attention specifically and are in fact a whore.
-People who like Meshuggah
-When I take my dog on a 30 minute walk and she won't piss but then right when she comes inside she dumps all over the place.

[Jul 3,2007 1:50pm - Niccolai ""]
Mac OS X 10.2
[Jul 3,2007 1:51pm - metal_church101 ""]
People who want me to fix their Win 95 computer.
[Jul 3,2007 1:52pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the homos that where their baseball hats with the STRAIGHT brims crooked, while still having the stickers on the brim. what gives?

thats cereal thing is definitely the thing that annoys me the most.

gangstas and their affinity for wearing XXXL-XXXXXL shirts when they are 5'6'' and 120 lbs.

black people that wear those dumb jackets with the GAY patterns all over them.

gangstas attitudes

illegal immigrants

people that are are the worst fighters ever and have lost like every fight they have ever been in... but are the first ones to wanna fight and that TRY to fight everyone like they are tough.

faggot hardcore "crews" that go looking for shit at shows.

crowd punchers

metalcore homos that try to play metalcore with "bree" vocals and label themselves as slam/death or death metal.

emo haircuts

mall goths

asian gangstas

[Jul 3,2007 1:54pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jul 3,2007 1:59pm - archaeon ""]
Ryan_M said:Pouring a heaping bowl of cereal in the morning, getting excited to eat it, then opening the fridge and finding out there's no fucking milk.


I woke up, can't wait to eat
Got my cereal, boy was I beat
Opened the fridge, and to my dismay
There was no milk, my mother will pay

I want some milk, my coffee grows cold
I want some milk, I should've been told

I wish I had some god damn milk
My Cheerios just ain't the same
I wish I had some god damn milk
Too bad the milkman never came

I can't go out to the store
I'll just wait till my mother buys more
I'll just have wheat thins and beer
If I get sick, the toilet is near

[Jul 3,2007 2:44pm - rhys ""]
"fuck loggin' in" ... kill yourself plz and thx
[Jul 3,2007 2:57pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
[Jul 3,2007 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
milk milk lemonade,
around the corner fudge is made.
[Jul 3,2007 3:18pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Ryan_M said:Pouring a heaping bowl of cereal in the morning, getting excited to eat it, then opening the fridge and finding out there's no fucking milk.

People who wear sunglasses indoors.

Having an itchy asshole in public.

Those faggy roller-skate sneakers kids wear.

Anyone whose baseball cap is on crooked.

Wiggers whose pants are so baggy they literally have to hold them up while walking around.

haha, are we the same person? well, probably not, but i agree 100% with the above statements.

to further the cereal annoyance, i sometimes don't eat the last bowl of cereal in a box because of all the fucking gross powder that settles in the bottom of the box. this happened to me this morning when i wanted to enjoy delicious apple jacks. i had to take one for the team.

and speaking of the "heelies" or whatever they're called (the roller skate shoes), technically they are sports equipment by MA law. hence, everyone under the age of 18 that wears these sneakers (and i hope everyone who wears these is weeellll under 18) has to wear a helmet. how hilarious would it be to see a bunch of stupid children walking around with helmets on? i almost took one of those kids out when i was at work one day. a 7' tall, 3' wide, 4' deep metal rack vs. a little shit in roller shoes would have been the match of the century.

i went to buy a hat the other day, found a nice black boston redsox hat with a black B and a white border around the B, but it was one of those elmer fudd looking hats with the straight brim. why? why the hell are these hats considered "cool?"

[Jul 3,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
Ryan_M said:Having an itchy asshole in public.

that might just be the winner. that is definitely the most irritating thing i can think of. and those itches NEVER go away on their own, nor does scratching it really relieve anything, it just makes you want to scratch more.
[Jul 3,2007 3:21pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]
headphone wires / cables that get stuck on things in ways that you couldnt re-create if you tried your damnedest

band members who never want to do anything and then act like your a dick for the slightest expression of frustration at their terminal lazyness
[Jul 3,2007 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
infect sli sli sli said:band members who never want to do anything and then act like your a dick for the slightest expression of frustration at their terminal lazyness

YES! i could not agree with that statement more.
[Jul 3,2007 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
except for the grammar.
[Jul 3,2007 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
commericals that say "THAT'S HUGE"
[Jul 3,2007 3:43pm - timjohn  ""]
-when people say "i could care less" when they mean " i couldn't care less"
-people who pop their collar
-guys who wear sunglasses inside at a club and/or anyone (especially guys) who wear those huge sunglasses that look retarded
-people who leave the tags and stickers on their hardwood classics hats and/or leave the brim straight
-douchebag soundguys who think clear the way is good music and that they're drummer is actually any good
[Jul 3,2007 3:45pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
there are many things that annoy me:
scene kids
emo kids and emo music
hot topic
metalcore that rips off at the gates riffs
shows that don't start on time
rap music
old senile people
stuck up chix
chain letters
mall goths
mall punks
the mall
asshole hxc kids
braggin seaholics
reality tv
mtv and vh1
[Jul 3,2007 3:48pm - timjohn  ""]
ooh i've got another one - clothes that people buy prefaded or preripped - that is just so fucking stupid and beyond me. i should start a brand where the clothes are wicked fucked up - sloppily stitched, paint and oil stains all over 'em. hell, it'd probably do pretty well with the fags that buy those faded and ripped hats at AE
[Jul 3,2007 3:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
timjohn said:ooh i've got another one - clothes that people buy prefaded or preripped - that is just so fucking stupid and beyond me. i should start a brand where the clothes are wicked fucked up - sloppily stitched, paint and oil stains all over 'em. hell, it'd probably do pretty well with the fags that buy those faded and ripped hats at AE

that trend is definitely fucking stupid as shit. i don't really care if other people want to dress like they've been sleeping in a dumpster for a few months, but when it invades all stores and takes the place of the regular clothes i want to buy, i get quite pissed.
[Jul 3,2007 4:03pm - pam ""]
This is a great thread.

-Going to second the take-the-dog-out-only-to-have-them-dump-on-the-rug thing.
-The sad hair cuts that cover one eye. See also: The Nikki Six.
-When people type "ur" instead of the apparently much more complicated "your".
-Your, you're, their, there, and they're...get it fucking right.
-When chicks pluck the fuck out of their eyebrows until they look retarded.
-Black girls that scream and yell in the back of the bus.
-The fact that Portuguese people are INCAPABLE of ringing a door bell and instead lean on their horn outside someone's house for 20 minutes.
-Immigrants in general. Do you really NEED to mow the lawn at 4am? Really? Are we sneaking up on the grass?
-That mung that solidifies on the top of condiment bottles. Also, when mustard pees on your food.
-MOVIE THEATER TALKERS. Get fucking killed.
-Morons that wear the bandannas around their face at shows.
-The neatly folded bandanna hanging out of the back pocket thing.
-Dudes who think they're rough in their sister's pants.
-Going into a room for something and then totally forgetting what you went to get.
-When envelope glue tastes like shit.
-People that "mall-walk" down a side walk but won't let you get by them and then stop dead in front of you.
-People that can't wrap their fucking heads around the self-checkout at the grocery store, but yet insist on using it anyway. This also goes for the dum-dums that can't work the Charlie Card system.

I could go on for days.
[Jul 3,2007 4:07pm - archaeon ""]
pam said:This is a great thread.
-Going into a room for something and then totally forgetting what you went to get.

thats the worst. I do the same shit on the internet.

[Jul 3,2007 4:11pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
hahahahaahaha, "when mustard pees on your food." that is priceless.

i'm being thoroughly annoyed at not being able to record soundclips from quicktime movies on my computer. i want to record some slut saying "yeah that's right, open up that whore meat with your cock," and many other hilarious phrases.
[Jul 3,2007 4:11pm - pam ""]
It drives me nuts. Goes right along with when you can't think of the name of a movie or song...and it's like, RIGHT THERE, but just won't come out and then you remember at the 2am a week later.

Or when I pour my coffee and forget about it and it gets cold.
[Jul 3,2007 4:12pm - metal_church101 ""]
I can't believe I forgot to mention reality shows. At least that made the list.
[Jul 3,2007 4:15pm - ZJD ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:
i'm being thoroughly annoyed at not being able to record soundclips from quicktime movies on my computer. i want to record some slut saying "yeah that's right, open up that whore meat with your cock," and many other hilarious phrases.

My girlfriend recently brought to my attention how stupid Jenna Haze is.

"Yeah, fuck that pussy, yeah!"
"I'm fucking your ass."
[Jul 3,2007 4:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I can't even begin to list what annoys me.
[Jul 3,2007 4:19pm - archaeon ""]
pam said:It drives me nuts. Goes right along with when you can't think of the name of a movie or song...and it's like, RIGHT THERE, but just won't come out and then you remember at the 2am a week later.

the worst

[Jul 3,2007 4:19pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
hahahahaha, i need to see/hear that!

i spent about 3 hours watching porn last night at niccolai's house for the sole purpose of find hilarious shit said in porn. the same girl who said her ass was whoremeat said "i'm kelly fucking wells...and i'm a dick milker." fucking priceless. some of these samples will find their way into one of my new bands, easily (especially since MSD is in it).
[Jul 3,2007 4:23pm - Doomwhore ""]
- People who think death and black metal are brutal and/or evil.
- People who play death and or black metal specifically because they believe it is brutal and/or evil and thus makes them brutal/evil.
- People who think that they are different.
- People who think that they defy the common law of human nature, because they believe that they are different.
- People on the road who are in a rush, and lack the courtesy to wait for the person in front of them.
- People who are in a rush in general. Life is pretty long. Dude. Unless you get killed. In that case, you know, that whole rush didn't make any difference.
- People who think that they are better than someone else because they do something that someone else doesn't, and/or believe that someone that doesn't really care enough to do anything is beneath them.
- People who say "Get a life." and "I have a life." Well, quite clearly I have one of those. I'm sure you do too. Unless you're a zombie. That'd be pretty cool. Dude.
- People who can not take a joke.
- People who can not read sarcasm over the internet. It's really... not... that... hard.
- People who think Impaled is the greatest band ever. They're wrong of course.
- People who complain about how fat they are, or try to use their weight as an excuse.
- People who fail to realize that we do not live in a democracy. We live in a constitutional republic based off of a representative democracy.
- People who think Rome is better than Greece.
- People who think anywhere is better than Norway.
- People who prefer Finland and Sweden over Norway. See above statement.
- Women who require me to speak with them in order to elope. That wasn't how we did it in the old days. Did Conan ask? Did he?!
- Other things. Bye.

- Nick (True, I annoy myself constantly.)
[Jul 3,2007 4:25pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I think this was a thread more about THINGS instead of PEOPLE.

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