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Video: god tower - can anyone figure this out?

[Sep 14,2005 8:08pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
brian_dc said:ok, level 10...I have no idea what font gives you those symbols, but I don't have it.

You DO realize there's more than one clue picture on some of the puzzles, right?

Click the black arrow above the picture in the border. The second picture tells you EXACTLY what font to use, and what to do with it. I just don't have it.
[Sep 14,2005 9:15pm - brian_dc ""]
arrowhead, it translates to "255 968 977 66 247 262 599" I think you can probably work with that using the second hint they give
[Sep 14,2005 9:16pm - brian_dc ""]
I was just too dumb to think of using numbers the first time I checked wingdings
[Sep 14,2005 9:25pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm doubting myself
[Sep 14,2005 9:51pm - brian_dc ""]
these codes just don't make a word...or I'm making a really simple error that I can't get by

I'm gonna go play guitar for a few hours and not look at this until tomorrow
[Sep 14,2005 11:24pm - brian_dc ""]
well, bump
[Sep 15,2005 1:32am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
I don't think it's a word. It says "country codes" in the second picture. I'm gonna take a stab at it after work tomorrow.
[Sep 15,2005 4:59am - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
i dont understand level 12
[Sep 15,2005 6:50am - A.Nolan ""]
number 3 makes no sense to me.
[Sep 15,2005 6:51am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
3 made no sense to me until I noticed there was a second picture to it.
[Sep 15,2005 9:48am - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I did the country code thing and it still didn't get me anywhere...like I said, probably a simple error
[Sep 15,2005 5:17pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck level 8 was so easy!
[Sep 15,2005 5:19pm - the_reverend ""]
level 9 was freaking easy too
[Sep 15,2005 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm soooo close with #10...
[Sep 15,2005 5:38pm - moran ""]
I thought I had 10, but all I got was nonsense. I'm gonna get to work on it when I get home.
[Sep 15,2005 5:42pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, same with me, moran...did everything right I thought and just got nonsense
[Sep 15,2005 5:43pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... I almost had it until I read the hint window...
that doesn't line up
[Sep 15,2005 5:45pm - the_reverend ""]
and I heard that someone spread this virus to tony and his pals.
[Sep 15,2005 6:22pm - brian_dc ""]
level 10 is the new level 3...dammit!
[Sep 15,2005 6:58pm - the_reverend ""]
damn, I realized I got a letter wrong... but I still can't figure it out.
[Sep 15,2005 7:02pm - the_reverend ""]
got it... wtf..
[Sep 15,2005 7:05pm - brian_dc ""]
interesting...so you need to change from font to code, code to country, and then country to something else
it's that something else I don't get
[Sep 15,2005 7:06pm - brian_dc ""]
damn you!
[Sep 15,2005 7:07pm - the_reverend ""]
11 was dumb
[Sep 15,2005 7:14pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm starting to think that I'm never going to get 10...so I don't know if it's worth my time...I bow to the rev
[Sep 15,2005 8:16pm - moran ""]
I figure that you use the first letter from every country, but it didn't give me anything.
[Sep 15,2005 8:27pm - brian_dc ""]
me too...I thought 'Example=E' meant that...apparently I'm retarded though.
[Sep 15,2005 8:31pm - the_reverend ""]
on #10 2 hints
1) it is gibberish
2) moran... coutr_ _ _
[Sep 15,2005 8:59pm - brian_dc ""]
wow...with your hint 2) I'm not even close with "tontaric"
[Sep 15,2005 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I wouldn't say not close...
what is the URL of the REVERSE country code you are using?
[Sep 15,2005 9:09pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
12!!!!!!!! it doesnt make sense! i thoguht it was kanji... but now i have no idea.
[Sep 15,2005 9:12pm - brian_dc ""]

I've been using that

I may fail school because of this.
[Sep 15,2005 9:13pm - the_reverend ""]
last hint on #10, look them up again, but look under the map
[Sep 15,2005 9:44pm - moran ""]
This is really aggravating the shit out of me.
[Sep 15,2005 9:56pm - the_reverend ""]
fucking a! 12 was the weirdest to figure out.
[Sep 16,2005 1:28am - spaldino  ""]
12 = the director's nephew in orgazmo
[Sep 18,2005 2:53pm - A.Nolan ""]
still stuck on ten.
this will be the death of me.
[Sep 18,2005 3:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm still stuck at 13
[Sep 18,2005 4:04pm - brian_dc ""]
I totally gave up at 10
[Sep 18,2005 8:06pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
once you get to 30... it starts becoming ridiculous. like... the answers have nothing to with any of the clues given.
[Sep 18,2005 11:30pm - brian_dc ""]
show off
[Sep 19,2005 4:49pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
well i spent an entire night working from 15 to 30... but after that i gave up and looked at a couple answers... they were fucking STUPID! even after know the answers and what to look for to get those answers...my friend and i couldnt come up with how the answers were the answers. none of it made sense. it was fucking GAY. but its awesome up until 30.
[Sep 30,2005 9:40pm - frigginconfused  ""]
have been trying #7 for a little while now....keep doing it but nothing happens.
[Sep 30,2005 9:42pm - frigginconfused  ""]
ok got #7...was taking the righjt approach but wrong thinking
[Sep 30,2005 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I haven't had time to play it.
still stuck at level 13
[Sep 30,2005 10:19pm - frigginconfused  ""]
I don't know what/how to translate on #10...
[Sep 30,2005 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
it's discussed in the middle of this thread.
[Oct 1,2005 1:58am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I got stuck on stupid 11 and forgot about it since. Something about a sword a fish and some dead asshole.
[Oct 1,2005 11:02am - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I got stuck on stupid 11 and forgot about it since. Something about a sword a fish and some dead asshole.

he isnt dead... the thing is... you have to look up when he dies on a certain website that everybody knows... the clue for that is actually in the title bar of the window.
[Oct 2,2005 12:36pm - Kosmic  ""]
I am totally lost on 12. I did the last 9 levels with no problem. I don't want a spoiler, just some insight.

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