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Mankind's Greatest Sequel Failures

[May 20,2008 1:02pm - aril  ""]
Poltergeist 2 was pretty bad from what I remember as well.

oh, and reLOAD by Metallica. If you consider that a sequel.

Some of the Rocky sequels were absolute crap.
[May 20,2008 1:03pm - brad weymouth  ""]

Kadoogan-om-nom-nom said:Also, I am the worst possible sequel to my older brother.

that rules:bow:
[May 20,2008 1:06pm - TimMA ""]
Sonic Spinball.
[May 20,2008 1:09pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]


do remakes count?
[May 20,2008 1:10pm - aril  ""]
haha, TMNT III. hahaha, that was a joke.
[May 20,2008 1:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Caddyshack 2
[May 20,2008 1:42pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Caddyshack 2

how did i know you'd say something about golf? we should hit the links this weekend. i got new clubs. boo ya
[May 20,2008 1:46pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Operation:Mindcrime II and Abigail II failed my ponytail.
[May 20,2008 1:52pm - dreadkill ""]

aril said:
oh, and reLOAD by Metallica. If you consider that a sequel.

unforgiven 2 is horrible sequel within that sequel.
[May 20,2008 1:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

SacreligionNLI said:
FuckIsMySignature said:Caddyshack 2

how did i know you'd say something about golf? we should hit the links this weekend. i got new clubs. boo ya

its called obsession. but ya this weekend i'm goin to the cape and tryin to see who else wants to come along to party it up... prob hit the links out there in the wee morning hours
[May 20,2008 1:56pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you goin to bob's beach house? i think a few of us are going camping up in vermont but it's kind of up in the air right now. i'll give you a ring and let you know what's up.
[May 20,2008 1:57pm - aril  ""]
sounds like the plot for a shitty sequel.
[May 20,2008 1:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Troll 3: Bob's Beach House
[May 20,2008 1:59pm - aril  ""]
[May 20,2008 2:11pm - TimMA ""]

[May 20,2008 2:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
bullshit... that movie was tits.
[May 20,2008 2:14pm - BrianDBB ""]
The Sandlot 2. I'd seriously go ass-to-mouth with Drew Carey before watching that shit.
[May 20,2008 2:15pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
sersiously, clerks 2 was hilarious. a lot of people hated it because it wasn't clerks 1 repeated
[May 20,2008 2:21pm - anthony ""]
The Sub Zero Mortal Kombat Mythologies game wasn't bad. Just make sure you play the PS one because the control on the N64 version is horrendous. And there are no movies.
[May 20,2008 2:25pm - dreadkill ""]

SacreligionNLI said:sersiously, clerks 2 was hilarious. a lot of people hated it because it wasn't clerks 1 repeated
i agree
[May 20,2008 2:25pm - dreadkill ""]

BrianDBB said:The Sandlot 2. I'd seriously go ass-to-mouth with Drew Carey before watching that shit.
there was a sandlot 2? :shocked:
[May 20,2008 2:29pm - TimMA ""]

anthony said:The Sub Zero Mortal Kombat Mythologies game wasn't bad. Just make sure you play the PS one because the control on the N64 version is horrendous. And there are no movies.

It was a good concept, just horrendously executed. They most likely intended to make a bunch of them with different characters which might've been cool...but the game completely missed the mark and sucked ass in my opinion.
[May 20,2008 2:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
they might as well had the dude from godhead play quan chi in that game. seriously gay
[May 20,2008 2:41pm - TimMA ""]
Hahaha...Godhead is so fucking terrible.
[May 20,2008 2:44pm - anthony ""]

[May 20,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]

TimMA said:[img]


this was relatively amusing, but considering it was a follow up to a shitty movie, it was a shitty sequel.
[May 20,2008 4:26pm - DYA is NLI  ""]

cav%20nli said:
dreadkill said:the leprechaun movie in tha hood

best piece of film ever created. anyone that says anything bad about it deserves to be shot in the face.


TimMA said:[img]


You're fucking crazy. That was probably the best movie he's made after the original Clerks.
[May 21,2008 10:20am - aril  ""]
Clerks II was funny!

Another bad movie sequel = Blair Witch 2. Someone said this above.. I remember seeing that in the theater and laughing because it was so retahdid.
[May 21,2008 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i'm one of the only people that thinks Clerks is a piece of shit, and Blair Witch 2 wasn't 100% horrible. it is like 95% horrible, but i do find myself watching it from time to time.
[May 21,2008 11:01am - aril  ""]
Indy comes out tonight (tomorrow). I'm sure we'll soon find out if it sucks or if it's legit. I've heard mixed stuff from critics. Been waiting 18 years for this damn movie to come out.
[May 21,2008 11:12am - C.dEAd  ""]
No one mentioned "Dumber and Dumberer". I never in my life wanted to kill myself more for giving it a chance. What a fucking shit-hurricane it was.

Also, Clerks 2 was really bad. A movie that truly proves pointless profanity and innuendo isn't that funny.
[May 21,2008 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
bingo. thats exactly how i feel about Clerks.
[May 21,2008 2:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

C.dEAd said:No one mentioned "Dumber and Dumberer". I never in my life wanted to kill myself more for giving it a chance. What a fucking shit-hurricane it was.

I sat through exactly 5 minutes of this movie before giving up on it. sooo bad.
[May 21,2008 2:36pm - dreadkill ""]
i like his movies, but kevin smith is one of the most, if not the most, overrated filmmakers ever. i find most of his movies good enough to watch a few times, but people masturbate to the guy and i never understood why. i'm waiting to see juno to see how overrated this diablo cody person is. my girlfriend said it sucked, but everyone on earth seems to think it cures cancer.
[May 21,2008 3:07pm - C.dEAd  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
C.dEAd said:No one mentioned "Dumber and Dumberer". I never in my life wanted to kill myself more for giving it a chance. What a fucking shit-hurricane it was.

I sat through exactly 5 minutes of this movie before giving up on it. sooo bad.

I toughed it out longer than you. Not that I am proud of it (embarassed actually), but I PAID to see it. I don't know what I am ashamed of more.

Yeti said:bingo. thats exactly how i feel about Clerks.

Don't get me wrong, I loved "Clerks" and "Mallrats", I just thought it got a little old with everything after. Kevin Smith is a smart guy with his head way the fuck up his ass and can be funny from time to time, but it doesn't make your movies good and/or bearable to watch.
[May 21,2008 3:11pm - aril  ""]
i'll remember to avoid Dumb and Dumberer. Never seen. I didn't want to see it once I heard Jim Carrey wasn't in it.

Wasn't Ace Ventura II stupid? Haven't seen that in ages.
[May 21,2008 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls was really funny. i mean it isn't nearly as brilliant as the first one, but it is good.
[May 21,2008 3:16pm - aril  ""]
Oh man, how could I forget?

The MASK movies after the first one were pieces of shit.
[May 27,2008 11:45am - aril  ""]
I'd hate to say it, but I think INDY 4 deserves to be on this list. Not because it was a horrible movie.. but because it doesn't hold a candle to the others.
[May 27,2008 11:52am - DYA / NLI  ""]
The live action Transformers movie totally raped the good name of the original, kick-ass animooted movie - I think it earns a place on the list.
[May 27,2008 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

aril said:I'd hate to say it, but I think INDY 4 deserves to be on this list. Not because it was a horrible movie.. but because it doesn't hold a candle to the others.

i was actually just about to post that. i'm still fuming from this movie.
[Oct 21,2008 11:46am - b))z  ""]
[Oct 21,2008 12:36pm - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:-all new Star Wars movies

aril! you fag!!!
you can't be a Star Wars fan and hate on Episode 3!!!!

you disappoint me.
[Oct 21,2008 12:38pm - orgymf@work  ""]
Saw = good horror flick, great mind fuck
Saw 2 = crap storyline, good gore.
Saw 3 = storyline becomes more pointless and predictable....still good gore
Saw 4 = so fucking predicatble!!!! i accurately predicted over 80 percent of the film! the gore wasn't enough to save it!!!! total fucking piece of shit!!!!
Saw 5 = i will never watch it, if you do, you're gay
[Oct 21,2008 12:49pm - kinslayer  ""]
I just saw the new Indiana Jones and wasn't that upset by it...
Tons of 'true' fans ripped it apart and I was expecting the worst but up until the ending it was pretty okay...

What can you expect after all that time with a 60+ year old Harrison Ford. At least they made light of the fact that he's old in the movie...

Another terrible horror sequal. CHUD II....what the fuck.
[Oct 21,2008 12:53pm - oscarct ""]
firday the 13th after part 4
chainsaw massacre after 2
robocop 2

I also nominate the unforgiven 2 and 3 by metallica
[Oct 21,2008 12:55pm - oscarct ""]
ps clerks 2 was great
[Oct 21,2008 1:00pm - aril  ""]
orgy: episode 3 is the best of the newer star wars.
but it doesn't hold a fucking candle to the first ones. therefore, it's on this list.
i saw all 3 new ones on the first showing and I was utterly disgusted with all of them, except 3. 3 is still a joke IMO however..
[Oct 21,2008 1:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
George W Bush
[Oct 21,2008 1:23pm - rbss  ""]

oscarct said:
robocop 2

I think you mean Robocop 3.. or else you smoked a whole shit-ton of crack today.

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