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Church (Boston, MA) - [estuary][master][randomshots][sexcrement][composted][hivesmasher][parasitic_extirpation][putrescine][randomshots][revocation]
[show listing]  ______________________________________________
[Oct 20,2008 12:01am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, thanks Tim.

"Some of you may be wondering why we're wearing these hospital johnnies...it's because we're SICK!"

The best was when MSD said, "You did not just say that" right afterwards, haha.
[Oct 20,2008 12:41am - narkybark ""]
I intended to go but I got stuck in Boston. I suck. I didn't land on anything :(
[Oct 20,2008 12:56am - boblovesmusic ""]
Yeah, I suck too... I too was stuck in Boston.
[Oct 20,2008 7:02am - archaeon ""]
I'd don't think i could be anymore awkward on stage. it rules.
[Oct 20,2008 7:29am - timma ""]
You were singing "Land On A Cock"...I think awkwardness is pretty much out the window at that point.

Although, let's all be honest...this is what we all really came to see...

[Oct 20,2008 9:44am - Nobody_Cares ""]
Awesome day in my hood. Good meeting Mark, MSD, and Dave Maggot. Great seeing Kessaris, the Mr. Perfect of death metal, my old roommate. Picked up the Hivesmasher cd and Throwing Shrapnel "Black". Didn't think that record was available anymore, glad I grabbed it. Here's my review:

Putrescine: good start to the show, slammy and techy. Tom ripped an awesome solo in one of the songs. Only complaint is the guitar tone was wicked tinny, needed more balls.

Composted: Killed it. My friend I brought who's not into metal, thought they were the best. Dave Maggot is a killer frontman. The formula works, fun band+killer slams and dog vocals=awesome. The drums were really tight and the trigger sound was good and punchy.

Parasitic Extirpation: I've been waiting to finally see these guys after enjoying the cd repeatedly. They were tight, great sound and heavy as hell. Alex's drumming style is such a long was from TTOS style, super triggered and brutal. Very pro like performance. I remember when Dover crew would pack the Brick House for TTOS shows, some great times. I was the only one who came out, partly for Alex but I guess he didn't have time to chat. Great set, can't wait for a full length.

Hivesmasher: New drummer kills. 2nd guitarist helps a lot. Always a big fan of the Aaron highs. Bought the cd, just getting into it but the recording sounds outstanding.

Revocation: thought the sound was a lot better than the Watain show. The guitarist is really talented. Total old school riffage. The new song satisfied lovers of the breakdown he said, more DM it sounded like to me. They switch between styles and do it very well. Highlight of the night "Flattening of Emotions". Even the vocals sounded kind of like Chuck. Still think it would sound good with a 2nd guitarist.

Come out nov 9th, the Network and others with me between sets.
[Oct 20,2008 10:33am - t2daeek ""]
tim is actually not our new drummer. he filled in for joe because of some gay work shit but tim does an awesome job and helps us out pretty much whenever we need it. good dude.
[Oct 20,2008 10:50am - Nobody_Cares ""]
I see. So who's drumming Nov.1st?
[Oct 20,2008 11:13am - aaron_michael ""]
Joe will be. He used to drum for Brutal No.2 and now he's with us.
[Oct 20,2008 12:39pm - cav nli  ""]
dude nice mr. perfect shirt
[Oct 20,2008 6:06pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
thanks man
[Oct 20,2008 6:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't know dave liked ICP
[Oct 20,2008 7:32pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
juggalos and juggalettes, ninjas, and the super balls and the jell ooo pudding pops and the soda, uhh uhh yes yes yall
[Oct 20,2008 7:39pm - archaeon ""]
i could barely walk today due to the brutality.
[Oct 20,2008 7:51pm - the_reverend ""]
crap pants.
[Oct 20,2008 8:00pm - archaeon ""]
shut up you.....DOUBLE NIGGER
[Oct 20,2008 8:27pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
hey grant, the fountain is a sick movie. i thought i was the only one who liked it and owned it.
[Oct 20,2008 8:29pm - archaeon ""]
shit rulez. the full length is going to be totally "the foutain" fapping.
[Oct 20,2008 8:38pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Oct 20,2008 8:45pm - archaeon ""]
you should have waited another day, Someone leaked the CD today. could of gotten that shit for free son.
[Oct 20,2008 8:55pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
its cool. my computer doesnt know how to do kooky stuff like that. neither does my brain. and i like to support the scene. wocka wocka wocka
[Oct 20,2008 8:57pm - archaeon ""]
[Oct 20,2008 8:59pm - RichHorror ""]
The thing about niggers is there's nothing good about them.
[Oct 20,2008 9:05pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm still loling about DOUBLE NIGGER
[Oct 20,2008 9:32pm - archaeon ""]
[Oct 20,2008 11:52pm - xanonymousx ""]

aaron_michael said:Joe will be. He used to drum for Brutal No.2 and now he's with us.

Joe is pretty much the man...
So is the other Joe.
[Oct 21,2008 10:43pm - xanonymousx ""]
Blue is that a seven string from rondo music?
Hows that holding up for you?
[Oct 22,2008 6:51am - archaeon ""]
Its a carvin
[Oct 22,2008 8:50am - timma ""]
Not just any Carvin...

I finely tuned death machine with exhaustive attention paid to every minute detail. I believe that custom could probably run for president.

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