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Enslaved 2/21/13 Boston, MA The Sinclair

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Feb 20,2013 11:11pm - Nash/nli  ""]
I love that bar! Have fun man! Glad you got to see the show after all!
[Feb 20,2013 11:23pm - Burnsy ""]
Haha they're really late and most have left. If they still play, it'll be a really small show. They just put grutle on speakerphone up to the mic. They're blowing through red lights and shit.
[Feb 21,2013 12:08am - eddie ""]

permafrost said:nice, unfamiliar with the venue but its a welcomed change from some of the more commercial spots. looking forward to seeing pallbearer, as i missed them last time around. i don't think i've heard any enslaved past 'vertebrae'.

Paulina Michael Schlow owns this place. You can't get more commercial, other than maybe being part owned by Dan Aykroyd.
[Feb 21,2013 3:38am - Burnsy ""]
Fucking wow. I just got back cuz my cab driver had no fucking idea where he was going even though I gave him the address. Nonetheless, fucking EXCELLENT performance. A couple songs off riitiir, ruun, alfadr odin, the watcher, CONVOYS TO NOTHINGNESS, as fire swept clean the earth, ISA. So solid. Hope they can make it down to you guys tomorrow.
[Feb 21,2013 8:30am - ark  ""]
the 3rd show this week i actually want to go to but can't. GODDAMMIT.
[Feb 21,2013 8:06pm - nekronaut ""]
Pallbearer 8
Royal Faggot 850
Ancient Faggot 930
Enslaved 1030
[Feb 21,2013 8:12pm - swinesack ""]
I heard enslaved bus broke down. Can anyone at confirm?
[Feb 21,2013 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]
it's not on their twitter: https://twitter.com/EnslavedBand
[Feb 21,2013 9:26pm - swinesack ""]
Hmm, lies I hope.
[Feb 21,2013 9:40pm - Spence ""]
Wish I could've went, especially considering i'd missed the last two Enslaved tours.

Hopefully Enslaved will be back again soon, they were great when I saw them with Opeth in 2009 at the HoB.
[Feb 21,2013 9:41pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I was at that one too
[Feb 21,2013 9:49pm - Spence ""]
Seems like everybody that went to that show came out either thinking the show was amazing or thinking the show was fucking terrible. I don't know why though, I thought both Opeth and Enslaved were excellent that night.
[Feb 21,2013 9:57pm - Burnsy ""]
Great performances. Pussy ass faggot crowd.
[Feb 21,2013 10:46pm - chrisrex_nli  ""]
Pallbearer's tone is unfuckwithable. No fucking Enslaved though. I hope they show up.
[Feb 21,2013 10:54pm - Spence ""]
They haven't even arrived at the venue? Well, fuck.
[Feb 22,2013 12:58am - swinesack ""]
Grutle attempting to make fun of Boston accent, haha, epic fail.
[Feb 22,2013 8:34am - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope Spence missed a great set.
[Feb 22,2013 10:33am - chrisREX ""]
It was a great set, but it got cut short by a one or two songs. Convoys of Nothingness(!!!!) and Allfağr Oğinn were clearly the highlights of the set. If they had played As Fire Swept Clean the Earth like they do other nights, it would of been perfect. They have a pretty crazy amount of material to choose from these days.

I like the Sinclair. Sounded good. I was watching the show from the balcony that hung over the sound booth. Lots of great spots to watch...unlike the Middle East, which is pretty much a hallway.
[Feb 22,2013 10:36am - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, man. I fuckin' lost my shit when they played Convoys to Nothingness. I never thought I'd see the day.
[Feb 22,2013 10:39am - Yeti ""]

Spence said:Seems like everybody that went to that show came out either thinking the show was amazing or thinking the show was fucking terrible. I don't know why though, I thought both Opeth and Enslaved were excellent that night.

Opeth sounded like shit, but Enslaved sounded good, aside from the awful vocals.
[Feb 22,2013 10:44am - chrisREX ""]
I had the opposite reaction. That House of Blues show had my least favorite Enslaved set and one of the best Opeth sets. Mostly because they played a lot of old material.
[Feb 22,2013 10:46am - Burnsy ""]
I thought Opeth's sound was phenomenal that night. I just wish Akerfeldt would've shut the fuck up for two seconds. Dude loves the sound of his own voice.
[Feb 25,2013 3:23pm - Spence ""]
Opeth(seen six times) and Enslaved(only saw the once, sadly) were both great that night, and both had amazing sound quality as well. I remember wishing that Enslaved's set was longer though.

chrisREX said:It was a great set, but it got cut short by a one or two songs. Convoys of Nothingness(!!!!) and Allfağr Oğinn were clearly the highlights of the set. If they had played As Fire Swept Clean the Earth like they do other nights, it would of been perfect. They have a pretty crazy amount of material to choose from these days.

Sounds excellent. Wish I could've went. Are they still doing a black metal cover of the Immigrant Song live, or was that a last-tour exclusive thing?

Also, how did you like Pallbearer live?

I like the Sinclair. Sounded good. I was watching the show from the balcony that hung over the sound booth. Lots of great spots to watch...unlike the Middle East, which is pretty much a hallway.

Nice. How big was the balcony and the general standing area?
[Feb 25,2013 3:38pm - MikeOv  ""]

Burnsy said:I thought Opeth's sound was phenomenal that night. I just wish Akerfeldt would've shut the fuck up for two seconds. Dude loves the sound of his own voice.

If you could believe it, there was a time when the man was extremely humble and would barely utter any words between songs. Opeth, to me, was the type of band that shouldn't have any in-between banter or even announce song titles. The songs performed live should have just flowed right into one another.

They've put on some of the most entertaining and memorable live sets out of all the shows I've been to.
[Feb 25,2013 3:41pm - MikeOv  ""]
Last time I saw Enslaved was with Alcest. Enslaved performed very well but Alcest stole the show, in my opinion.
[Feb 25,2013 3:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm sure you remember 10+ years ago when no one paid attention to opeth and everyone would chatter during their softer parts and in between songs. Mikeal would barely speak; not many people knew who they were.
[Feb 25,2013 3:47pm - Spence ""]

MikeOv said:Last time I saw Enslaved was with Alcest. Enslaved performed very well but Alcest stole the show, in my opinion.

Well of course. Alcest are absolutely amazing and while i'm at it, I really like Junius as well. I wish I didn't miss the commuter rail from Worcester that night, three bands I really wish I could've seen. (Edit to add: even worse was the fact I had already purchased two tickets to the show that ultimately went to waste)

MikeOv said:
If you could believe it, there was a time when the man was extremely humble and would barely utter any words between songs. Opeth, to me, was the type of band that shouldn't have any in-between banter or even announce song titles. The songs performed live should have just flowed right into one another.

They've put on some of the most entertaining and memorable live sets out of all the shows I've been to.

I love Opeth. I don't care if people think Opeth suck now or always sucked or whatever. All their albums are great IMO. Even my least favorite albums, Blackwater Park and Deliverance, are still pretty good compared to a lot of the stuff other bands release.

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