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Racism/bigotry/sexism on this board

[Feb 2,2005 3:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
this is why abortion clinics get bombed, that and cause God told them too.
[Feb 2,2005 3:21pm - Hooker ""]
Religion is a virus.
[Feb 2,2005 3:23pm - succubus ""]
are you guys refering to the link i posted?
[Feb 2,2005 3:23pm - Hooker ""]
No. But that does suck.
[Feb 2,2005 3:24pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Hooker said:Religion is a virus.
more like an STD

[Feb 2,2005 3:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought it was hereditary... since most people give it to their kids.
[Feb 2,2005 3:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
succubus said:are you guys refering to the link i posted?

no, but it made me think of my post !
[Feb 2,2005 4:12pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
grundlegremlin said:I'd like to see what happens to some white metalhead kid from suburbia when he drops the n word in a place like W.Roxbury. How funny would it be then?

West Roxbury is one of the whitest places on earth. West Roxbury IS suburbia.

[Feb 2,2005 4:39pm - Josh_Martin ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:grundlegremlin said:I'd like to see what happens to some white metalhead kid from suburbia when he drops the n word in a place like W.Roxbury. How funny would it be then?

West Roxbury is one of the whitest places on earth. West Roxbury IS suburbia.

That's what I was thinking. A black guy dating a white girl would get killed in W. Roxbury.

Obviously Einstein meant Roxbury. But that's just stupid. Why would someone who hates blacks go anywhere near the ghetto?

[Feb 2,2005 4:42pm - dread_104 ""]
we should all fuck one another, and after a few generations, all humans would be tan
[Feb 2,2005 4:43pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
dread_104 said:we should all fuck one another, and after a few generations, all humans would be tan

Or have AIDS
[Feb 2,2005 5:17pm - anonymous  ""]
actually, west roxbury is a total liberal haven, like JP, don't think anyone would blink at a formerly white girl with a mud. Hyde Park back in the day you'd have some problems, shit, whites had problems if they had long hair, never mind bring a black around, but I think even that place has been taken over by the minorities.
[Feb 2,2005 5:23pm - moran ""]
Hooker said:Religion is a virus.

And he's the cure.
[Feb 2,2005 5:26pm - Hooker ""]
[Feb 2,2005 7:30pm - mikehuntstinks ""]
I have a equal hatred for everyone
[Feb 2,2005 7:40pm - XmikeX ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:[img]

jesus christ finally !

im not gonna read this thread. but this picture is hysterical.
[Feb 2,2005 7:57pm - tbone_r ""]
hahhaha same here. that's amazing.
[Feb 2,2005 8:20pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
hey guys we are all straight edge here right???
[Feb 2,2005 9:26pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Josh_Martin said:Obviously Einstein meant Roxbury. But that's just stupid. Why would someone who hates blacks go anywhere near the ghetto?

Because Mission Hill has replaced Allston as the punk rock epicenter of Boston. OMFG drinking Pabst on mommy and daddy's dime is cool.

[Feb 2,2005 9:34pm - dyingmuse ""]
the whole race thing get's me a bit pissed sometime too. yeah, kidding is one thing, but there really are some people here that preach the shit! i get enraged when seeing such rubbish. i think it is very sad, that in 2005 people still feel this way!

this is a true, sad very sad story, my grandfather was a huge rasist, when i was about 5 maybe 6, ok it was kindergarden, so what ever year that was, Anyway, when i was a kid i was left at their house after school, and weekends. i used to see my grandfather say god damned niggers on tv, when he was reading it was just like second nature....all i knew about the word nigger was that it had something to do with black people. i rememmber this so clearly, and it's quite shocking really, but i rememmber going to kindergarden and there was this fight and i was sent to the hall(thats where you would go if you were bad in class) so im in the hall, and i see this beautifull black girl, and i was trying to make small talk i guess, anyway...i asked her if she was a nigger, and i got suspended from school. my mother was always very liberal so when she found out she was mortified....and flipped the fuck out. i never understood why she was mad.

my point is, it's something children learn from adults. you are not born with these feelings. sad and i was so innocent then, i had no idea the hatred that had been feed to me. obviously i'm not racist. but fuck that hate!!!!! life is too short! \m/
[Feb 2,2005 9:42pm - nel  ""]
I'm glad we had this talk.
[Feb 2,2005 9:48pm - Dissector ""]
Why hasn't Joe posted in this thread yet?
[Feb 2,2005 10:11pm - Timma ""]
succubus said:too many jokes though, people don't know when to stop...and for an outsider to come and see this...gives a bad impression and scares people away

Everyone is throwing in there 2 cents on this topic, so it's now my turn..if thats a problem for you, then read no further.
In case you all haven't noticed, and I'm sure you have, I'm relatively new to RttP. I've been coming to this site for awhile now, but more just to look up shows, pics, and reviews. When I started getting into the boards, I noticed almost immediatly the racism, bigotry, and anti-gay emphasis. Of course, everyone is used to that sort of thing because it exists all around us everyday. I disagree with this whole "supression of free speech" idea because it just seems like a scapegoat to say whatever you want without consequence. Some people just don't give a fuck, which I'm aware of, but it doesn't make it right or just. Maybe no one says anything because they don't want to seem like a pussy or look like a douche amongst their friends. Most of you don't even know who I am, so I could really care less about that. All I'm trying to put forth is that using the "n" word, fag, cunt, or whatever else doesn't really accomplish anything. Post what you want, but keep in mind that not everyone might find your inside joke funny and may actually find it really offensive. I'm not trying to be a hardass, I'm just giving an "outsider" point of view. If this post makes me un-metal or whatever then so be it...but I fully agree with Blue and I'm actually glad he had the balls to start this thread.
p.s quoting me and trying to make me look like an ass isn't going to piss me off so don't even bother.
[Feb 2,2005 10:18pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
Dissector said:Why hasn't Joe posted in this thread yet?

hes prolly working.......

[Feb 2,2005 10:21pm - Dissector ""]
CongoogetalZobotomy said:Dissector said:Why hasn't Joe posted in this thread yet?

hes prolly working.......

It's a rhetorical question you dumb motherfucker.
[Feb 2,2005 11:19pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
im not racist but black/jewish/gay jokes are hilarious. as are all jokes concerning all minorities and women.

im slightly sexist i guess, but who wouldnt want a woman cooking and cleaning and in general knowing her role?

[Feb 2,2005 11:36pm - Bradness ""]
just go here if you're sensitve http://www.gunmenrock.us
[Feb 2,2005 11:43pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
moran said:Hooker said:Religion is a virus.

And he's the cure.

that fucking old ass dodge with the nitrous is so sick.
[Feb 3,2005 4:50am - BestialOnslaught ""]
This thread = [img]
[Feb 3,2005 5:30am - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 3,2005 6:56am - korpse  ""]
[Feb 3,2005 6:58am - psychogirl ""]
i noticed most of you always do jokes, so i let you be funny (not important if i thought it's funny...). but there were also serious racist and, more than that, sexist answers.
i stopped trying to change the world. everyone lives his own life. i feel much compassion for people that need to talk (and think!) like that (of course i think jokes are funny, but it's not always a joke you make).
[Feb 3,2005 7:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Hey psychogirl, send me an email please.
[Feb 3,2005 10:07am - horror_tang ""]
dirteecrayon said:litacore said:do it in Dudley Square, that place is the 1992-ish Sarajevo of Boston

lol, i suggest malcolm x blvd right in front of the guys who sell incense and books that talk about how white people are the devil!

[Feb 3,2005 10:13am - KillerKadoogan ""]

"whats a nubian?"

"shut the fuck up!"
[Feb 3,2005 10:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
blue is just mad that i called him a guinea
[Feb 3,2005 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
no, you called him a guinea pig.
that would piss anyone off
[Feb 3,2005 10:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the_reverend said:no, you called him a guinea pig.
that would piss anyone off

stop trying to marginalize blue's anger over being italian
[Feb 3,2005 10:37am - horror_tang ""]
Take 5 Whitey
[Feb 6,2005 3:38am - anonymous  ""]
such perfect answers for who?
[Feb 6,2005 4:30am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
dyingmuse said: i asked her if she was a nigger, and i got suspended from school.

Did she say "yes"? Ha ha, jk.

I called this kid James Hunt a "Cunt" because I heard other kids call him that in 4th grade, I got suspended too! I didn't know what the hell that meant at 11 years old.

My Mom laughed, I didn't get in trouble at all, I actually think she bought me a BLACK SABBATH vinyl, cuz she rules.

[Feb 6,2005 8:44am - Wraithious ""]
grundlegremlin said:Hooker said:Religion is a virus.
more like an STD

Yes. A std that you catch from your parents when you are born that lasts untill puberty, when you can either wake the fuck up and rid your self of it or let it destroy (brainwash) you.

I think the taste of cigaretts is right on with his comments on the subject matter of this thread as well.

[Feb 6,2005 11:03pm - ArrowHead ""]
Funny, how retardedly PC this whole thing is getting. Someone said something about wanting to see a white kid yell nigger in roxbury. Isn't that racism? Assuming that blacks will react violently to such a thing? Aren't you making a judgement based on heridity and location?

Racism is a real factor. We're ALL racist, some of us just don't realize it. Remember: every group has it's common charachteristics. That's why it's a GROUP. Also, every group has it's EXCEPTIONS! So I guess it's not a matter of who is racist, but instead a matter of who takes the time to actually LOOK for the exceptions and who just judges based on norms.

Political correctness is retarded. I think if humans spent a little less time worrying about who and why we hate, and a little more time finding ways to constructively diffuse hatred's natural reactions we'd have a much more peaceful populous on our hands.
[Feb 7,2005 1:44am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I just gained so much respect for Blue after seeing that he made this thread.

The sexism, homophobia and racism on this board is what keeps me from posting on here very often. I just can't deal with it. I read all these posts about how funny rape is and how "yadda yaddda is a fag" and it boils my fucking blood. All these ignorant white kids think they can run their mouths and it doesn't effect anyone.

I'm sure they'd feel differently if they had ever felt the effects of such ignorance. I've never had a problem getting a job, I've never been hassled by the police, I've never felt like the media treats me like a joke and It just so happens that Im a straight white man. Because society in general treats me so well It makes me want even more to extend equal rights and consideration to people that aren't given as much of a break as I am.

As a side note, I just send Joe an email about this topic but I hadn't even seen this thread yet. coincidence..

[Feb 7,2005 2:35am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Boo hoo ... What a bunch of fucking cry babies...
[Feb 7,2005 2:38am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Dan.... That school story is a fucking riot. Hahahahahahahahha!!! Sorry for the un pcness....
[Feb 7,2005 5:11am - davefromthegrave ""]
one of the good things about this board is that I'm allowed to post the jokes here that i can't post anywhere else. That's also why i seem to make a lot of racist jokes here. I ahve gotten a little out of hand with some of my statements, but, hey, stereotypes exist for a reason.
[Feb 7,2005 5:44am - BestialOnslaught ""]
JonahBloodbath said:The sexism, homophobia and racism on this board is what keeps me from posting on here very often.

Well isn't that just fuckin tragic!
[Feb 7,2005 5:56am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
JonahBloodbath said:The sexism, homophobia and racism on this board is what keeps me from posting on here very often. I just can't deal with it. I read all these posts about how funny rape is and how "yadda yaddda is a fag" and it boils my fucking blood. All these ignorant white kids think they can run their mouths and it doesn't effect anyone.

I'm sure they'd feel differently if they had ever felt the effects of such ignorance. I've never had a problem getting a job, I've never been hassled by the police, I've never felt like the media treats me like a joke and It just so happens that Im a straight white man. Because society in general treats me so well It makes me want even more to extend equal rights and consideration to people that aren't given as much of a break as I am.

[Feb 7,2005 7:16am - Josh_hates_you ""]

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