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Jan 22 (Fri) - Wehwalt, Katahdin, who carries the lantern, shabti - Mos Eisley, Everett Music Complex, Everett, MA +

1/22/10 Katahdin, Shabti, Wehwalt, Who Carries The Lantern - $5 - All Ages - Mos Eisley, Everett, MA

Mos Eisley (Everett, MA) - [katahdin][randomshots][shabti][wehwalt][who_carries_the_lantern]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jan 23,2010 2:58am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 23,2010 4:52am - Alx_Casket ""]
I just wanna thank everyone who came out tonight, especially Wehwalt for sticking around to jam out and sing karaoke until after 4am. All the bands were sick. The cops came around looking for people under 21 because there have been parties in the area with hundreds of kids drinking/fucking/stabbing each other. They were surprised to find that pretty much everyone at the show was over 21. I liked that Shabti played for a good minute while the cops were shining the flashlights on them before they stopped.

As promised, Rev got mead (for coming out like a champ) and Beleth got mead AND crackers. And boblovesmusic got to share some sacremental wine with me (which is the first time I've seen him drink at a show). We're gonna tweak our game plan to avoid any further issues, this was a good learning opportunity. Even though I built a sweet moat, I will make sure that next show there will be no watery mess in front of the venue so that cars can park haphazardly per usual. Tonight was such a good time, what an adventure.
[Jan 23,2010 1:08pm - the return of arkness and evil  ""]
fuck. i will catch you debauchees next show.

[Jan 23,2010 1:22pm - Beleth ""]
I lost my mind last night. That had to be one of the craziest nights I can remember. Alex, I fucking forgot my guitar at the place. Don't ask me how, but I did.
[Jan 23,2010 1:28pm - PeteovDom ""]

Alx_Casket said:As promised, Rev got mead (for coming out like a champ) and Beleth got mead AND crackers.

How was the mead, and where might I acquire this? Been looking for Viking's Blot for ages, has some in Germany and haven't climaxed since.
[Jan 23,2010 2:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]

PeteovDom said:
Alx_Casket said:As promised, Rev got mead (for coming out like a champ) and Beleth got mead AND crackers.

How was the mead, and where might I acquire this? Been looking for Viking's Blot for ages, has some in Germany and haven't climaxed since.

I got it at the Blanchards in Allston on Harvard ave. It took me a while to find it too, but after noticing it on the menu at the Sunset Grill & Tap, I figured it wouldn't be too hard to find around there.
[Jan 23,2010 2:09pm - BigRed ""]
just saw the pics... im bringin back the alfalfa. awesome fuckin show, wehwalt was just too much for the equipment to handle
[Jan 23,2010 2:32pm - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:
PeteovDom said:
Alx_Casket said:As promised, Rev got mead (for coming out like a champ) and Beleth got mead AND crackers.

How was the mead, and where might I acquire this? Been looking for Viking's Blot for ages, has some in Germany and haven't climaxed since.

I got it at the Blanchards in Allston on Harvard ave. It took me a while to find it too, but after noticing it on the menu at the Sunset Grill & Tap, I figured it wouldn't be too hard to find around there.

I think I got it once at andover liquors.

I searched their site and didn't see it there.
maybe call?
[Jan 23,2010 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like they do have it.
[Jan 23,2010 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I've had plenty of different meads. some of them taste a bit floral. Viking's blood tastes like it's made from darker honey. Must have the bees on more clover and less wildflowers. It's also not as sickeningly sweet as a lot of meads.
[Jan 23,2010 2:45pm - Beleth ""]
I haven't had many meads in the past, and not too many of them were all that fantastic. Viking's blood on the other hand was a treat.
[Jan 23,2010 6:11pm - mdb  ""]
mead fueled our bands recording sesh. got something from the same company that makes Vikings blood, at blanchard's actually so they definitely have it. great stuff.
[Jan 23,2010 10:34pm - Alx_mobile  ""]
Most mead afficionados consider it an abomination, but I prefer Chaucer's mead (with the 2 teabags attached). I take it warmed up in a mug, as instructed. Nice and spicy, great way to warm up on a cold, grim night...
[Jan 23,2010 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
chaucer is what i usually drink, but it's a much lighter mead and has a more floral smell.
[Jan 24,2010 7:56am - aaron_michael ""]
Wes Eisold?

[Jan 24,2010 12:20pm - badsneakers ""]

aaron_michael said:Wes Eisold?


[Jan 24,2010 12:23pm - beelze ""]
BM and a Pig Destroyer shirt just don't mix AT ALL.
[Jan 24,2010 12:24pm - BigRed ""]
[Jan 24,2010 12:26pm - badsneakers ""]
yeah all bands were sick.

we had a good time playing despite my equipment malfunctions and me being to drunk/tired to fix it.

sucks the cops stayed out front and turned people away. matt, our singer had to bring his g/f home. she has cystic fibrosis and couldn't handle all the cigarette smoke. anyway the cops stopped him on the main road and told him everything was shut down and to go home. he finally convinced them to let him go back to get his gear.
[Jan 24,2010 2:08pm - goatcatalyst ""]
shoot pigs
[Feb 23,2011 3:19pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just reminisced about this show over the weekend, what a night...
[Feb 23,2011 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wish we could have played this club :(
[Feb 23,2011 3:26pm - boblovesmusic ""]
That was a great show! Still one of my favs!
[Feb 23,2011 3:26pm - hauptpflucker ""]
indeed lake parking lot was epic
[Feb 23,2011 3:28pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:wish we could have played this club :(
we were so close, to the point where my cymbal stands were assembled near the stage, haha.

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