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Now Find a show to go to!

Jan 22 (Fri) - Wehwalt, Katahdin, who carries the lantern, shabti - Mos Eisley, Everett Music Complex, Everett, MA +

1/22/10 Katahdin, Shabti, Wehwalt, Who Carries The Lantern - $5 - All Ages - Mos Eisley, Everett, MA

Mos Eisley (Everett, MA) - [katahdin][randomshots][shabti][wehwalt][who_carries_the_lantern]
[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jan 19,2010 2:40am - Beleth ""]

bigred said:borrow a guitar cab? were bringing all our equip what u talkin bout meng

I'm talking 'bout Mc'unity, friend. You passed the test. I knew I could count on ye!!!! To reiterate, fancy dinner before the trek. Celebration booze will be offered in return of our debt.
[Jan 19,2010 1:23pm - BigRed ""]
yes..raw steak and whiskey to light our way
[Jan 19,2010 1:56pm - Alx at work  ""]
I'm quite psyched for this show and hoping for a good turnout from the locals.

I'll be taking pictures of Wren taking pictures of the bands too, so that's another reason to come!
[Jan 20,2010 9:09am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 20,2010 9:14am - ark  ""]
killer lineup, bummer this is the same day as doomriders at ralph's....which is just down the road and not in everett...
[Jan 20,2010 12:30pm - Beleth ""]
Wehwalt demos at this show. This time I'm serious.
[Jan 20,2010 2:32pm - Alx at work  ""]

Beleth said:Wehwalt demos at this show. This time I'm serious.


And not to piggyback topics, but I'm starting to book the next BM show for April with CNV. moseisleybooking@gmail or message via myspace if interested. :satancross:
[Jan 20,2010 7:12pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jan 20,2010 8:29pm - 8====D  ""]

Alx%20at%20work said:
Beleth said:Wehwalt demos at this show. This time I'm serious.


And not to piggyback topics, but I'm starting to book the next BM show for April with CNV. moseisleybooking@gmail or message via myspace if interested. :satancross:

morgirion/wehwalt may very well be interested. I'll talk to you about it Friday.
[Jan 20,2010 10:54pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I was thinking Morgirion would be a suitable candidate. We shall discuss over mead and crackers.
[Jan 21,2010 2:37am - Beleth ""]
NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT CRACKERS! 10x more excited for this show than I was yesterday.
[Jan 21,2010 2:19pm - Beleth ""]
The demo is done. We'll have CDR's at the show. Here's a link for anyone who wants it beforehand.

[Jan 21,2010 4:45pm - Alx at work  ""]
Hell yes. Looking forward to listening to it when I get home, I dug the sample you sent me a little while back.
[Jan 21,2010 5:57pm - badsneakers ""]
will download!
[Jan 21,2010 11:05pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Digging the demo right now.
[Jan 22,2010 12:50am - Beleth ""]
Fucking awesome. I'm stoked for tomorrow/today/whatever.
[Jan 22,2010 6:24am - badsneakers ""]
[Jan 22,2010 9:14am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'll be taking photos at this show since Rev likely won't be there, I hear he's afraid of Everett and anything Star Wars related.
[Jan 22,2010 9:31am - badsneakers ""]
Haha awesome
You get my pm alex?
[Jan 22,2010 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
oh wait.. so I shouldn't show up tonight?
[Jan 22,2010 10:08am - badsneakers ""]
Of course you should!
[Jan 22,2010 12:30pm - Alx at work  ""]
Rev, I know you're afraid of Everett. If you surprise me tonight, I will pour a chalice of mead for you.
[Jan 22,2010 12:31pm - Alx at work  ""]

badsneakers said:Haha awesome
You get my pm alex?

If it was on here, I did not. Please send to the moseisleybooking@gmail address, I can check it here at work.
[Jan 22,2010 12:39pm - the_reverend ""]

where the hell is this place? in the back of an 18 wheeler?
[Jan 22,2010 12:40pm - Alx at work  ""]
http://www.closedcasket.com/directions -use this
[Jan 22,2010 12:43pm - the_reverend ""]
looking at gmail, it's like you are looking to get us all jumped.
[Jan 22,2010 12:56pm - Beleth ""]

the_reverend said:looking at gmail, it's like you are looking to get us all jumped.

worth it.
[Jan 22,2010 1:12pm - boblovesmusic ""]

the_reverend said:looking at gmail, it's like you are looking to get us all jumped.

it's near where the thrash show with exmortus, witchaven and bonded by blood was
[Jan 22,2010 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
if it's near there, they mos def want to get us jumped.
beelze going to be there handing out jobs like he promised?
[Jan 22,2010 2:20pm - Alx at work  ""]
It's safe, rev. I've secured the area.
[Jan 22,2010 2:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope every last caucasian is forcibly relieved of their wallet tonight and the bounty is passed on to my precious little Puerto Rican angelraper as tribute. But being the prince he is, he will give them back to you with the warning that your time will come.
[Jan 22,2010 2:48pm - Beleth ""]
Tonight we adorn ourselves with the dust ov mars and wage his wars upon the earth.
[Jan 22,2010 3:20pm - robing ""]
im there.
[Jan 22,2010 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
thankfully, I'm hessian.
[Jan 22,2010 5:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You just make sure you take good pictures of my Puerto Rican holocaust cherub, Pepelis, and you'll have nothing to worry about. I've been in touch with my MS-13 brothers in Everett.
[Jan 22,2010 7:45pm - Alx_mobile  ""]
For everyone attending, there is a tiny bit of a puddle near the entrance. In order to provide ample parking for bands, please park before the puddle and walk around it to the left. Thanks, see you there.
[Jan 22,2010 8:12pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_mobile said:For everyone attending, there is a tiny bit of a puddle near the entrance. In order to provide ample parking for bands, please park before the puddle and walk around it to the left. Thanks, see you there.

Heading over in a couple minutes!
[Jan 22,2010 8:18pm - badsneakers ""]
Puddle, river its all the same!
[Jan 22,2010 8:41pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jan 22,2010 9:06pm - the_reverend ""]
they are about to set up shabti's gear...
[Jan 22,2010 9:06pm - the_reverend ""]
wren: bring me food. starving.
[Jan 22,2010 10:18pm - Alx_mobile  ""]
i think the rev just winked at me as me and wren sipped wine, and then the cops broke down the door looking for some guy named aaron from nh
[Jan 22,2010 10:21pm - the_reverend ""]
aaron from nh is an ass hole.
shabti sounded awesome and then was awkwardly interrupted by the everett gang unit. that was odd. not sure what was going on until the music was stopped and the lights went on. oh well. at least the show was just paused and not shutdown.
[Jan 22,2010 10:21pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_mobile said:i think the rev just winked at me as me and wren sipped wine, and then the cops broke down the door looking for some guy named aaron from nh

no one is going to believe this comment except the guy from nh part
[Jan 22,2010 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
my car is out there with nh plate.. gosh... there were a bunch of cops out there just hanging out trying to figure there way out of the huge mud puddle. they were all nice enough though. I would rather have nice cops over jerks or nice cops over no cops when i actually need them any day.
[Jan 22,2010 10:32pm - the_reverend ""]
and like 1/2 the crowd bolted when the cops showed up. i hope they come back.
[Jan 22,2010 11:32pm - boblovesmusic ""]
This show is legendary
[Jan 22,2010 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
wehwalt played through all the technical issues that they had. it was pretty cool. I think that the plug for the guitar was the issue. cool stuff. the other thing was that mr casket gave me a cup of vikings blood to sip from while they played. drinking mead while shooting a black metal band in rapesville mass? epic.
[Jan 23,2010 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
katahdin were so good. blistering black metal like immortal with nice riffs (like immortal), but with vocals more like wolves in the throne room. also, they did a last song that was a cover of led zeplin.

late show is late. im going to miss fourth meal.
[Jan 23,2010 2:47am - the_reverend ""]
working on pictures.

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