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From A Second Story Window, Cattle Decapitation etc.

[Apr 4,2006 11:12am - the_reverend ""]
keith should also see animosity.
they are awesome
[Apr 4,2006 5:15pm - EAB Booking  ""]
for sure.
[Apr 4,2006 5:21pm - mOe @ work  ""]
yea, Animosity is a very underrated band...good solid tech death with awesome sense of groove

people just assume they're metalcore because they're on Blackmarket
[Apr 26,2006 10:51am - EAB Booking  ""]
Unfortunately we had to remove the opening band from this bill. This was a request by the agent to not have an opening act. Please don't inquire about the opening spot because you aren't getting it. Thanks!

Final lineup:

June 13th @ Club Lido
1290 Northshore Road-Revere, MA (Wonderland T Stop on Blue Line)
5pm ALL AGES w/Bar

From A Second Story Window
Cattle Decapitation
Misery Index
Job For A Cowboy
[Apr 26,2006 10:53am - EAB Booking  ""]
[Apr 26,2006 12:29pm - anonymous  ""]
fuck yes i wil be there
[Apr 26,2006 12:38pm - jakeman  ""]
job for a cowboy is terrible. death metal is going to be the new metalcore if bands like this keep popping up and people keep enjoying them.

ffassw is equally just as bad. songs are too long and just plain and simple boring. again. metalcore. "death metal."

cattle decap and misery index rules. those two should do a tour on their own instead.
[Apr 26,2006 12:40pm - SteveOTB ""]
I want to play this show bad.
[Apr 26,2006 1:44pm - anonymous  ""]
jakeman said:job for a cowboy is terrible. death metal is going to be the new metalcore if bands like this keep popping up and people keep enjoying them.

ffassw is equally just as bad. songs are too long and just plain and simple boring. again. metalcore. "death metal."

cattle decap and misery index rules. those two should do a tour on their own instead.

FASSW > you
[Apr 26,2006 1:48pm - mOe nli  ""]
[Apr 26,2006 3:23pm - EAB Booking  ""]
^^^ haha I agree on that. This package rules, thats the bottom line.
[Apr 27,2006 8:58am - EAB Booking  ""]
[Apr 28,2006 8:53am - EAB Booking  ""]
[May 15,2006 12:26pm - anonymous  ""]
shows not that far off, who will be there, and who won't? Everybody should really be there..
[May 15,2006 4:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ill be there Cattle D twice in the same month...fuck yeah
[May 19,2006 9:20am - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 1,2006 5:37pm - EAB_Booking ""]
come to this show..
[Jun 1,2006 5:44pm - EAB_Booking ""]
June 13th @ Club Lido
1290 Northshore Road-Revere, MA
5:30pm doors ALL AGES w/bar

From A Second Story Window
Cattle Decapitation
Misery Index
Job For A Cowboy

[Jun 3,2006 2:22pm - EAB_Booking ""]
We might put tickets on sale prior to the show.
[Jun 8,2006 11:12am - EAB_Booking ""]
[Jun 8,2006 11:17am - SteveOTB ""]
I'll be there.
[Jun 8,2006 11:18am - mOe ""]
this is so close, i can SMELL it
[Jun 8,2006 11:18am - EAB_Booking ""]
bring ya friends!
[Jun 8,2006 11:35am - SinisterMinister ""]
Hey are all the guys from CD vegans? The bassist and drummer are pretty big guys for that diet. Unless all they eat is crisco.
[Jun 8,2006 11:36am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What is this, the 13th Cattle Decapitation gig in this area this month?
[Jun 8,2006 12:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
wish this didn't have to start so early during the week, hopfully i get there in time!
[Jun 8,2006 12:16pm - blue ""]
counting down the days.
[Jun 12,2006 3:24pm - mOe ""]
[Jun 12,2006 3:27pm - cav ""]
12 bucks?!?!
[Jun 12,2006 3:39pm - mOe ""]
who gives a shit...and its a tour package with 5 national bands on it, of course the show's not gonna cost 6 bucks
[Jun 12,2006 3:46pm - brian_dc ""]
is there still an opening band for this? I might not be able to make it right at 5:30 but I don't want to miss any of the nationals. I have to see JFAC live in order to judge them and I love the other 4.
[Jun 12,2006 3:46pm - brian_dc ""]
not that I feel good about missing a local band...it's just a circumstance.
[Jun 12,2006 3:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow so this is tomorrow huh, damn the came outta nowhere
[Jun 12,2006 3:49pm - mOe ""]
woohoo am i excited
[Jun 12,2006 3:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mOe said:woohoo am i excited

pffft you dont get excited
[Jun 12,2006 3:50pm - mOe ""]
i get excited for 2 things
FASSW and titties
[Jun 12,2006 3:52pm - SteveOTB ""]
Yeah mOe can't wait to see my tits.
[Jun 12,2006 4:39pm - EAB Booking  ""]
Yes, 12 bucks. Im sorry if $2.40 cents a band, for five national acts is too much.

Moe you rule! There better be some serious grabbing the mic from Will action going on
[Jun 12,2006 5:09pm - EAB_Booking ""]
doors will be at 5:30pm, the show will start no later than 6:00pm
[Jun 12,2006 5:20pm - mOe ""]
EAB Booking said:Yes, 12 bucks. Im sorry if $2.40 cents a band, for five national acts is too much.

Moe you rule! There better be some serious grabbing the mic from Will action going on

haha, what would a FASSW show in MA be without it
[Jun 12,2006 5:24pm - anonymous  ""]
who is opening?
[Jun 12,2006 6:21pm - EAB_Booking ""]
Job For A Cowboy is opening, followed by Animosity.
[Jun 12,2006 6:26pm - mOe ""]
no local band?
[Jun 12,2006 6:34pm - SteveOTB ""]
A local band was supposed to open but I guess no one wanted a local band opening.
[Jun 12,2006 6:52pm - EAB_Booking ""]
no local band. Wasn't our decision. We had somebody but had to remove them because the booking agent/bands made the request it stays at just the package of 5 bands.
[Jun 12,2006 6:52pm - EAB_Booking ""]
Be at this show, its a fucking rediculous lineup.
[Jun 12,2006 9:04pm - EAB_Booking ""]
[Jun 12,2006 10:08pm - blue ""]
1 day away. cant fucking wait.
[Jun 12,2006 10:12pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
900 scene kids are gonna show up for blowjob for a cowboy and then leave within the first 30 minutes
[Jun 12,2006 10:26pm - EAB_Booking ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:900 scene kids are gonna show up for blowjob for a cowboy and then leave within the first 30 minutes

I doubt it. 900 kids would be nice though

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