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The_Network, Hand Choke Neck, Pray for a Plague, Virulency at the Brickhouse in Dover!!!

[Feb 9,2005 9:31am - powerkok ""]
jonnyrites said:your goddamn fiancee made me drink piss when i was 6.

Hers or yours?
[Feb 9,2005 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
I'm trying to decide which way would be funnier.
[Feb 9,2005 11:20am - powerkok ""]
[Feb 9,2005 11:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Feb 9,2005 11:23am - grundlegremlin ""]
Kung Fu Masa Gas Passa
[Feb 9,2005 11:48am - powerkok ""]
I fixed the razer flyer.
[Feb 9,2005 11:58am - grundlegremlin ""]
Nice,I'm gonna go litter the area with those.
[Feb 9,2005 12:02pm - jonnyrites  ""]
it was either her's or the other girl down the street. they told me it was apple juice. i was only 6.

in other news...
shaniqua on v-day...at the brickhouse...in dover...now that's love
[Feb 9,2005 12:17pm - jonnyrites  ""]
[Feb 9,2005 12:18pm - jonnyrites  ""]
[Feb 9,2005 12:28pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha thats classy.
[Feb 9,2005 12:29pm - powerkok ""]
p.s. those are some twisted chicks!!!
[Feb 9,2005 12:33pm - grundlegremlin ""]
HAHAHA!!!! Thats a fucking riot jonnyboy!
[Feb 9,2005 1:19pm - jonnyrites  ""]
i figured you sick fucks would appreciate that.
[Feb 9,2005 1:29pm - stainless ""]
I can't wait to hit up dover bowl around 5pm and hit that dollar combo till show time...............trouble...
[Feb 9,2005 1:44pm - anonymous  ""]
Hey if i go i will need a place to stay or a way back, oh yeah stevus and matt live here in good ole manchestery!!!!!
[Feb 9,2005 2:36pm - powerkok ""]
is that mikeatzero?
and may I ask whatt he dollar combo is?
[Feb 9,2005 2:49pm - stainless ""]
the dollar combo is.
1 dollar draft beer
1 dollar big ball bowling lanes
1 pizza and other greasy shit
and it's probaly a dollar cab ride to the brickhouse from there.
[Feb 9,2005 3:01pm - powerkok ""]
ohhh nice.
[Feb 9,2005 3:02pm - powerkok ""]
Its funny how New Hampshirites call regular bowling 'big ball' when its normal everywhere else in the country.
[Feb 9,2005 11:29pm - hoser ""]
So if like....Fartiqua and the assmagnets need directions, lemme know. But these acemongrels have littered the Aviary many times in the past...

Call me if you need directions....email me for the number.

Love my pumpkin.

Dream with us.

ok bye
[Feb 10,2005 2:03am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
Might I add, Stainless scott, that all drafts are 2 bucks on mondays at the b-hizzle
[Feb 10,2005 2:04am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
oh, and see the above Utah comments. We're getting Court street shizzy.
[Feb 10,2005 9:52am - powerkok ""]
I am gonna need a date for this show since I am forfeiting my chances of ANY poon whatsoever that night.
The things we all do for the neck.....but goin without some poon on guarenteed poon day? ri cock ulous!!!

So anyway, bitches...come to kok.
[Feb 10,2005 9:54am - powerkok ""]
but for $2 beers, I may just fuck myself.
[Feb 10,2005 11:24am - hoser ""]
$2 Pibbers and I can walk to this show....

My anus is gaping with joy!!!
[Feb 10,2005 12:27pm - powerkok ""]
yo hose, me and Matty were talkin last night about crashin at yer place if its ok??
We might as well drink on if were gonna be out there anyway....yes no maybe so? are you working the next day?
[Feb 10,2005 1:47pm - hoser ""]
Ya, you guys can crash, of course....my dojo is your dojo. Just don't shit in the cat box, and don't fuck with my cat.
[Feb 10,2005 2:15pm - i'm a slut  ""]
hey me and 37 of my super hot hoar friends are coming to ths show to find valentine's dates i hope some nasty metal boys are going to be there
[Feb 10,2005 2:16pm - powerkok ""]
I would never fuck with the mazy.
and shitting in the cat box has been done to death.
U never mentioned not spanking children into the sink tho.
[Feb 10,2005 2:17pm - powerkok ""]
i‘m a slut said:hey me and 37 of my super hot hoar friends are coming to ths show to find valentine's dates i hope some nasty metal boys are going to be there

hot hoars? cool dont make me pork 36 of you.
[Feb 10,2005 4:12pm - hoser ""]
I'm going to bring a bag of pig farts and $2 for a beer.
[Feb 10,2005 4:21pm - i‘m a slut  ""]
38 of us
[Feb 10,2005 4:24pm - ph  ""]
as in boar?
as in pig?
[Feb 10,2005 4:40pm - powerkok ""]
38 hoars and counting.
[Feb 10,2005 6:49pm - hoser ""]
Guys....keep this thread bumped will ya?? I want all of New Englands finest metal snobs and liberal, dick jacking weiners to know that they are invited to this show!!! I can't wait to see their unzipped fly's!!! Oh the JOY!!!
[Feb 10,2005 8:23pm - hoser ""]
so like.....who is going to this from RTTP....just outta curifuckingosity...
[Feb 11,2005 12:18am - powerkok ""]
I m re-arranging my sock drawer that night....sorry.
[Feb 11,2005 8:59am - hoser ""]
Bon Jovi should headline this show....then maybe the kids on this board would come out.
[Feb 11,2005 8:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
hoser said:so like.....who is going to this from RTTP....just outta curifuckingosity...

are you nuts?! people from the message board don't go to shows unless their band is playing.
[Feb 11,2005 9:19am - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
are you nuts?! people from the message board don't go to shows unless their band is playing.

[Feb 11,2005 9:20am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Joe Christianni made me say it, sorry.
[Feb 11,2005 1:29pm - silky ""]
[Feb 11,2005 1:36pm - hoser ""]
[Feb 11,2005 2:46pm - grundlegremlin ""]
After party anyone?
[Feb 11,2005 4:14pm - hoser ""]
We could at my house but I have to work at 9am.....so you assholes would have to be gone by then.
[Feb 11,2005 5:43pm - powerkok ""]
hahahahaha gone by nine? Ill stay in a boat across the mud banks.
[Feb 11,2005 6:53pm - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
I will be at this. Joe shouldn't come because he shit on Shaniqua just because of thier name, unaware of how they really know how to tear this mother down.
[Feb 12,2005 11:05am - hoser ""]
why would someone tear down another's mother?
[Feb 12,2005 2:16pm - hoser ""]
I wonder if Joe Christianni will be attending this show??

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