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The_Network, Hand Choke Neck, Pray for a Plague, Virulency at the Brickhouse in Dover!!!

[Feb 3,2005 1:09pm - hoser ""]
Monday February 14th
7pm Doors

The Brickhouse
Dover, NH

The St. Valentines Day Massacre!!


Hand Choke Neck
Pray for a Plague

Fucking insane show. Bring your sweetie pie and smash the shit outta Dover with her....What a great fucking gift!!!!
[Feb 3,2005 1:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'll probably shoot over with my invisible girlfriend.
[Feb 3,2005 1:12pm - hoser ""]
Sweet....make sure that I get a piece of her ass before you leave.
[Feb 3,2005 2:46pm - hoser ""]
Any flyers yet? Anyone....anyone????
[Feb 3,2005 4:53pm - hoser ""]
[Feb 3,2005 9:56pm - hoser ""]
holy crap.........i just heard that every label in the world will be at this show courting PFAP!!!!!!
[Feb 3,2005 10:14pm - silky ""]
hoser said:Any flyers yet? Anyone....anyone????

I'll fucking make some tonight. I was just fucking waiting for the fucking line up to be confirmed. fuck. fuck me.
[Feb 3,2005 11:04pm - powerkok ""]
[Feb 3,2005 11:59pm - hoser ""]
This show will be better than Ezra....and better than chocolate milk!!!
[Feb 4,2005 1:39am - lil_jackie ""]
virulency.........not virulence
[Feb 4,2005 1:50am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
[Feb 4,2005 1:51am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
This is the night before I move to Utah
[Feb 4,2005 1:52am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
Nate never did make it out for my b'day. Kinda pissed about that.
[Feb 4,2005 8:07am - hoser ""]
Well.....Mr. flyingpoopdestroyer.....we will just have to re-celebrate your birthday this night. So I guess that we'll just see you at the show, now won't we?
[Feb 4,2005 7:03pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
Virulency cant play are drummer brock his back. in a roller coaster accident...sorry. get shaniqua to play.
[Feb 5,2005 12:11am - ArrowHead ""]
Virulence broke up a few years ago, You might wanna fix that flyer. Virulency should change their name, or they're going to get mixed up like this a LOT.
[Feb 5,2005 2:03am - hoser ""]
Good, now come to the show.
[Feb 5,2005 11:32am - silky ""]
cervix in a can.
[Feb 5,2005 12:21pm - hoser ""]
Ok onto this show......will be a fucking sick show...so all of ya get out and see our radical new singer!
[Feb 6,2005 8:14am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
[Feb 6,2005 1:26pm - hoser ""]
Ok....flyers are up.....

See yas at the show.
[Feb 6,2005 2:12pm - powerkok ""]
[Feb 6,2005 3:23pm - anonymous  ""]
That flier rocks it's going to be nice to watch the_network play there again without the world series on.
[Feb 6,2005 10:53pm - hoser ""]
I hung these flyers around Dover....I'm sure that people are laughing quite vigorously by now.
[Feb 6,2005 11:41pm - powerkok ""]
I wanna get shrunken and ride a motorbike up your dink.
[Feb 7,2005 10:01am - silky ""]
so, who's replacing virulency?
[Feb 7,2005 10:49am - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
I hope everyone realizes that Virulency is unable to play due to a freak chinese finger trap accident. GET SHANIQUA! I want to hear them play through a good quality sound system.
[Feb 7,2005 11:10am - powerkok ""]
shaniqua....are you guys down for this show?
what happened to virulency?
[Feb 7,2005 12:15pm - jonnyrites  ""]
birth rites wants in. valentines day anthrax.
[Feb 7,2005 12:53pm - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
I can agree with that. Birth Rites would be great for it I like a wide range of styles. Don't stop believin', hold on to that feeling.
[Feb 7,2005 12:56pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Shaniqua will play.
[Feb 7,2005 5:57pm - powerkok ""]
[Feb 7,2005 6:18pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
God I love Shaniqua

why didn't they come up this weekend!??!?!?!

[Feb 7,2005 8:01pm - hoser ""]

Is Virulency in or out?!!?!?

If they are out I would like it if Shaniqua, Taste of Silver, or someone could play.

What are we going to do??
[Feb 7,2005 9:54pm - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
I can spit blood and fart on show ponies
[Feb 7,2005 10:07pm - hoser ""]
lemme know what the fuck is going on with Virulency...no go or like what???
[Feb 7,2005 10:28pm - silky ""]
get shaniqua.
[Feb 7,2005 11:28pm - powerkok ""]
I just found out I have aids.
They help me on and off the bus.
I also have to take a dump.
I'll go do that now.
ok bye.
[Feb 7,2005 11:54pm - hoser ""]
I told you to get that lump checked out!!!!
[Feb 8,2005 1:44am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
PLEASE, Please Shaniqua play. Play like the fall of Rome.
[Feb 8,2005 1:44am - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
And I want lots of dead folks as well. But seriously, I hope you guys play.
[Feb 8,2005 2:38am - kyledoes ""]
virulency isnt playing get t.o.s. and shaniqua
[Feb 8,2005 3:13pm - grundlegremlin nli  ""]
Shaniqua vs Taste of Silver split set, anyone?
[Feb 8,2005 3:43pm - powerkok ""]
ok so shaniqua is definitley down?
Hose said we cant split sets, but if shaniqua or tos wants it, let us know asap.
email poopisgreat@hotmail.com
[Feb 8,2005 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
what time will this show be over by?
I might come by before RTTP,
but I doubt it.
[Feb 8,2005 7:58pm - hoser ""]
Well it will probaly be over by midnight. I would guess......It is a Monday night after all.
[Feb 9,2005 12:09am - hoser ""]
im drunk lets fuck.,......nate from the Network, Tim from Pray for a Plague and me from Hand Choke Neck were all drinking together tonight at the Brickhouse.....yall asshole better be at this show....because Shaniqua and the assfucks juist got officially added to this line up. assholes
[Feb 9,2005 12:44am - jonnyrites  ""]
your goddamn fiancee made me drink piss when i was 6.
[Feb 9,2005 9:26am - hoser ""]
Hahahahahaha.....that's pretty metal dude. GG used to do shitlike that for kicks. So ya Shaniqua is on this show.
[Feb 9,2005 9:27am - hoser ""]

Shaniqua and the Skullfuckers
Pray for a Plague
Hand Choke Neck

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