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Drugs vs Sex

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[Jul 12,2005 10:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Notorious_DUG said:You can at least hit a woman afterwards.

But hitting girls while sober isn't as fun!
[Jul 12,2005 11:24pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
hahahahahaha oh man too many funny things said

i chose drugs. i guess i'm a faggot.
[Jul 12,2005 11:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KillerKadoogan said:hahahahahaha oh man too many funny things said

i chose drugs. i guess i'm a faggot.

not with hair like that Benji !
[Jul 12,2005 11:32pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i'm so fucked if i go to prison
[Jul 12,2005 11:42pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Sex is my drug.
I could give up caffeine if I really had to.
Wow my life is interesting.
[Jul 12,2005 11:42pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
i choose drugs because they dont talk back. id like an endless supply of opium so i can sit in a den all day and live for over 100 years
[Jul 12,2005 11:58pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
The guideline was fuck them. No one ever said anything about talking to them or putting up with their shit.
[Jul 13,2005 1:54am - wakeoftears ""]
I'd kill myself in a second if I could never get high again, even if I could bang the goddess of fuck herself.
[Jul 13,2005 7:56am - Messerschmitt ""]
I'm an alcoholic. I pop pills. i don't do any other drugs because i'm affraid of what i'll do when i'm on them. i'm a paranoid schizophrenic. sex is pretty much like a drug though.
[Jul 13,2005 8:05am - SuperFly ""]
this is a great thread.
josh does it again!
[Jul 13,2005 8:45am - Sargent Shlep  ""]
People who use drugs are cowards. Big pussies who can't handle life and need to escape. People who don't have the balls to face reality and be themselves. Poor babies. Toughen' up. Sex is the only choice. It's real.
[Jul 13,2005 9:01am - SuperFly ""]
I dont use drugs to hide from reality. I like to have a buzz. If someone smokes pot they are a coward??? Well there are a lot of cowards in this world then. I face reality every day. I support myself, work full time, and pay all my own bills. You can have your head on straight and be high at the same time no problem. I do it everyday.
[Jul 13,2005 9:08am - Josh_Martin ""]
Most of the sex people had to resort to name calling like Hooker and Sgt Dumbass up there.
Why are you so insecure with your choice?

I still stand by statement that there is no way that anyone who chose sex is in a good band.

[Jul 13,2005 9:16am - Messerschmitt ""]
haha. no shit
[Jul 13,2005 9:19am - davefromthegrave ""]
shatteredliz said:Don't ask me how I'm going to make it in the music industry without choosing drugs. I guess I could just sleep my way to the top...

if that's your plan, you can start with me :spineyes:
[Jul 13,2005 9:20am - SuperFly ""]
so how many people got drunk and high last night compared to how many got laid? obviously i got drunk and high.
[Jul 13,2005 9:20am - SuperFly ""]
drugs 1
sex 0
[Jul 13,2005 9:28am - Sargent Shlep  ""]
Yes, there are lot of cowards in this world. Lots of them. Everyone needs an escape it's people who drugs are there lifes, and if you choosing drugs over sex then it is your life IMO. Also, I am talking more about the hardcore drugs really....
[Jul 13,2005 9:32am - SuperFly ""]
I'm sure there are a lot of straight cowards here also.
[Jul 13,2005 10:36am - Sargent Shlep  ""]
Gene Simmons and Ted Nugent made there choices.
[Jul 13,2005 10:51am - Josh_Martin ""]
Josh_Martin said:I still stand by statement that there is no way that anyone who chose sex is in a good band.

Sargent Shlep said:Gene Simmons and Ted Nugent made there choices.

[Jul 13,2005 10:51am - Robdeadskin ""]
I picked drugs also...because I have been doing them because of sex and all the dumb whores i get with...now off to L.A. for more drugs and whores!!
[Jul 13,2005 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
I drank and then got a BJ so
drugs 2
sex 1
[Jul 13,2005 11:28am - SuperFly ""]
you're double dipping rev
[Jul 13,2005 12:43pm - ~Carina~  ""]
since when is booze a drug?
and what do i get for making that drink?
not like i put any roofies or anything..
[Jul 13,2005 12:44pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
fucking my girl is like being high anyways, so i'd take that. technically weed isnt a drug, so i'll take sex and weed.
[Jul 13,2005 12:45pm - SuperFly ""]
the choice includes drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
[Jul 13,2005 12:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
~Carina~ said:since when is booze a drug?
and what do i get for making that drink?
not like i put any roofies or anything..

Uh, alcohol has been a drug since the beginning of time.

Damn Rev, you need to school your bitch.

[Jul 13,2005 12:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Jesus_Slaves said:technically weed isnt a drug

Wrong again.
THC is most certainly a drug.

[Jul 13,2005 12:51pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
well yeah, but i was speaking in the sense that weed is a plant as opposed to crack, which isnt.
[Jul 13,2005 12:52pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i thought you were a huge kiss fan?!
[Jul 13,2005 12:52pm - paganmegan ""]
well , crack IS actually derived from a plant.
[Jul 13,2005 12:53pm - SuperFly ""]
[Jul 13,2005 12:57pm - ~Carina~  ""]
to me, you saying "drugs" = illegal drugs
[Jul 13,2005 1:14pm - anonymous  ""]
what if I don't want either?
[Jul 13,2005 1:18pm - ~Carina~  ""]
if you don't want either, then forget it...do whatever makes you happy
[Jul 13,2005 1:20pm - anonymous  ""]
eh, I guess I would have to go with drugs. I love me some liquor and I could still masturbate...that means I can incorporate toys too, right? ok...drugs it is.
[Jul 13,2005 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like this thread is turning into a home edition of lesbian camp.

all the girls get mullets and ani difranco records.
all the guys, get the fuck out!
[Jul 13,2005 1:25pm - ~Carina~  ""]
succubus said:<<i voted sex!
it can be like a drug you know!


You have never done real drugs then.

sorry i only saw this comment now..and my reply to you Josh is that you've obviously never had AWESOME SEX
[Jul 13,2005 1:30pm - SuperFly ""]
[Jul 13,2005 1:35pm - SuperFly ""]
my brain must be cooked from all the drugs 'n booze cause I find this thread very amusing.
[Jul 13,2005 1:36pm - Josh_Martin ""]
~Carina~ said:Josh_Martin]
succubus said:<<i voted sex!
it can be like a drug you know!


You have never done real drugs then.

sorry i only saw this comment now..and my reply to you Josh is that you've obviously never had AWESOME SEX

I have had awesome sex. I've also done awesome drugs.

You've had awesome sex but have never done good drugs. You have no basis at all for comparison.

When you've been writhing on the ground in pleasure after doing a shot of cocaine that makes an orgasm seem like the most pointless thing in the universe, then we'll talk.

[Jul 13,2005 1:37pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
you ever had awesome sex.............ON WEED??!
[Jul 13,2005 1:38pm - ~Carina~  ""]
[Jul 13,2005 1:39pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
[Jul 13,2005 1:57pm - SuperFly ""]
3 hours of work to go, i've got everything done.
I could sure use some drugs now.
[Jul 13,2005 2:05pm - ~Carina~  ""]
aaron if you're reading this...there is a bug on text.rttp...not all replies show up right away.
josh's last reply to me only showed up now...when i looked before i could only see superfly's reply...
Josh, i don't do drugs and never tried and never will try coke, i lost a good friend to coke and my ex (when i was in college) was a cokehead..and since we broke up last i heard he was in and out of jail...so it's not for me
anyhow, don't mean to be so serious, just stating my experience..
[Jul 13,2005 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
there is no bug on text.rttp
it is your browser.
[Jul 13,2005 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
obviously, your browser chose drugs.
[Jul 13,2005 2:14pm - SuperFly ""]

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