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Hey Todd(Bombshelter), Crippled Asshole!

[Feb 14,2005 11:49am - niccolai ""]
Or combine the two... you know, freeze a huge log of shit and beat them with that.
[Feb 14,2005 11:51am - Hooker ""]
Metal Blade is proud to announce Natick MA death metal heavyweights Frozen Poop Enbludgeonment have joined the roster.

[Feb 14,2005 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
people can tell how I fell about this, since I don't "call out" people who post anonymously and since this board's inception (2001), I have only "called out" 2 people.
I hope that no one does anything illegal as this piece of shit is not worth it. (yes, DoS attacks are illegal)

If this is some one in wretched asylum, I'm sure that they will never have a show ever again at the bs or any show that you guys have access to.
[Feb 14,2005 11:59am - powerkok ""]
Or I will just administer the real killer chokehold.
All will be quiet after that. I promise.
[Feb 14,2005 12:03pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
the_reverend said:
If this is some one in wretched asylum, I'm sure that they will never have a show ever again at the bs or any show that you guys have access to.

That is why i wanna find out who it is, So i can do my best to fuck there ability to play anywhere around here..I am tempted to post their contact info on here so people can mess with them, Phone numbers ,Addresses,Personal E-mail addresses,Serge's book has every bit of contact info on them
[Feb 14,2005 12:05pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Can someone post the AIM name of the singer(i think it was) ,I wanna "talk" to him
[Feb 14,2005 12:06pm - Hooker ""]
Post all their personal shit on lambgoat.com/mb. Those kids will fuck with them.
[Feb 14,2005 12:08pm - powerkok ""]
this, bandmembers, is why you must choose your bandmates wisely.
Because, even tho, the rest of the band prolly had no idea that this schmuck was gonna write this, they will suffer for it.
[Feb 14,2005 12:12pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 14,2005 12:14pm - Hooker ""]
[Feb 14,2005 1:22pm - mikeatzero ""]
Todd has legs, And I cant beleive someone would say shit like that. Todd has been very supportive of the local bands, he has always been cool with me for the past 10 years I've known him. And the mofo can sing like Lois armstrong and then get all deicide on your ass. Todd also helped out the bands that play at the Bombshelter by giving us a lil more control over who we play with, that was needed. He's been a huge support since Pwerkok and I's Bent hogan days, till the present. Todd is metal!!!!!!!woooo-hhoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
[Feb 14,2005 1:30pm - mikeatzero ""]
Todd lemme know the next time Wretched ASSylum plays the Bs, I'll bring the goonsquad. Did I mention I hate gimmick bands! Theses guys tried to get a show with us through myspace, I turned them down cause I said I'm not into Manson or godhead, and they looked the part. Todd, I'll throw down for ya! Powerkok put's on the killer choke, and then we give the double suplex, and a big leg! Then I will finish him with the famous Dugay-fu Flyin bird smack!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 14,2005 1:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
to todd \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/
[Feb 14,2005 1:51pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
2/18/2005 - Club Fuel - Lowell, MA
Wretched Asylum w/ Q, Heretics Fork and others!
8PM - 18+

2/24/2005 - Cabot St. Pub - Chicopee, MA
Wretched Asylum w/ TBA
Details Soon!

2/26/2005 - Hogs Trough Saloon - Manchester, NH
Extreme Metal Meltdown
Slayer tribute band "Angel of Death"
Thrust 13
Hostile Witness
One Possible Theory
Wretched Asylum

Details Soon!

3/3/2005 - Goodtimes Emporium - Somerville, MA
Orrthannan Productions Presents http://www.orrthannan.com/events.html
Five Brutal Bands!
Brutal Pro Wrestling!
Brutally Sexy Girls Wrestling!

What Weapons Make War
Wretched Asylum
Hostile Takeover
Trauma Concept

7PM - 21+

March 2005
Goodtimes Emporium - Somerville, MA
Battle of the Bands!!! More details soon!

This is the schedule for them, Fell free to go to any of these shows and "support" them
[Feb 14,2005 1:51pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
*feel free
[Feb 14,2005 1:53pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
I heard those Wretched Asylum guys wear inverted strap on dildos up their asses when they play live, thats why they walk all bowlegged
[Feb 14,2005 1:58pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Guys they drink Absinthe backstage, HOW FUCKING EDGY AND UNIQUE!
[Feb 14,2005 2:50pm - armageddonday ""]
Todd said:I'm sorta speechless, I did nothing to these guys,yea I was mad at the last show because they covered the Handicapped stall at the bombshelter with fake blood and i could nott use it all night ,but i asked them nicely about cleaning it and they refused so i got a little mouthy i guess but if this thread was started by them ,then that is so way out of line , I hope it is found out that it is one of them ,we'll see how easy it is for them to get shows anywhere around here afterwards

This is a reason good enough for me not to book them (not that I would have, obviously) and not carry their shit at the store (again, not that I would have).
If by any chance they play in PVD and if I get enough people who feel rowdy we might just go down there and kick their ass....
[Feb 14,2005 2:59pm - powerkok ""]
I thought the Wretched Asylum guys were rttp members? no? I havent been in the loop latley.

HAHAHAHA flying poopfish also rules.
Its time to bash some queeeyahs theya Mikey.
[Feb 14,2005 3:03pm - eddie ""]
what a shithead

i hope this guy(girl) dies a most painful death.
[Feb 14,2005 3:38pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
All this cause i was wearing my RTTP Hoodie and was sitting up front during their set,Although the singer did comment on how everyone here on RTTP loves them,when he saw me
[Feb 14,2005 3:40pm - Hooker ""]
Oh yeah, what's a blue bus faggot?
[Feb 14,2005 3:41pm - dreaminginexile ""]
the_reverend said: (yes, DoS attacks are illegal)

yeah, I know that... but a DoS would be kinda fun.
[Feb 14,2005 4:38pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Hey,Wretched Asylum's singer just signed on AIM, anyone wanna have some fun??
[Feb 14,2005 4:44pm - nate ""]
I wish I was at home so I could login to AIM, being at work sucks. I wanna have some fun with the bitch...
[Feb 14,2005 4:52pm - dreadkill ""]
have we established that it is definitely him, rather than another band member or friend of the band? i know it is fun to make fun of that band, but i just want to make sure we're accusing the right person.
[Feb 14,2005 4:56pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I dunno who it is actually ,I just wanna see if someone can get him to admit to it
[Feb 14,2005 6:16pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm curious to see if someone can get him to confess. he probably won't thoguh, knowing the beating that awaits if he does.
[Feb 14,2005 6:54pm - asylum666singer  ""]
First off, I'll start by saying that the only thing that you stupid fucks are right about is that this somehow ties to my band.

The only reason I am posting on this ridiculous site is for Todd, not for any of you scum fucks. Todd, I was instant messaged about this from someone I did not know a couple hours ago. I read it and had a pretty good idea who it was, for various reasons. I did find out who posted that, and he is infact a friend of mine. I do apologize to you on his behalf, and am a little upset he did that without my knowing. I have heard some things of you talking of our band in a negative response. So, I call it like I see it and told some people. Just like I told people all the comments these scum fucks say about raping Steph and how they should kill us all, etc. Now what I can't understand is why you were at our show on Friday? But regardless, I went right up to you and shook your hand and shot the shit with ya for a while. Trust me, if I don't like you, I won't do that. I like ya Todd, even though I heard some shit, I brush it off because I think you are a decent guy. I remember you telling us a while back that we were your favorite band that goes into the Bombshelter and remember when you came from there to try and catch our set at Milly's one night. I have always showed you respect, and if I had something to say to you, I would. If you wish to discuss this further, I will be happy to talk to you about it. You have my number, infact I believe you tried to call me earlier.

To the rest of you asshole fucks, suck my dick!!!

If I did want to attack anyone on this site, my first victim would be JoJoHomoCommon. Oh, and Joe, I'll have those clippings for you once I can scan them in. You can post them on here and all these stupid assholes can spend their time talking shit. If any of you fucks want to rape anyone, I'll gladly accept. And to the site owner, it's pretty fucking pathetic that you have a site where people feel they can condone something such as rape, to me, that's a serious fucking matter. Not calling someone a name.
[Feb 14,2005 6:59pm - succubus ""]
asylum666singer said: And to the site owner, it's pretty fucking pathetic that you have a site where people feel they can condone something such as rape, to me, that's a serious fucking matter. Not calling someone a name.

rape is not funny and the site ower does not think that is funny and does not condone rape...he however, does not read every single post that is made on here...

but to simplify what was said about todd to "calling someone a name"..well that is not at all the same thing...

and 2 wrongs don't make a right
[Feb 14,2005 7:01pm - armageddonday ""]
What I don't get personaly it's this....

Todd said:I'm sorta speechless, I did nothing to these guys,yea I was mad at the last show because they covered the Handicapped stall at the bombshelter with fake blood and i could nott use it all night ,but i asked them nicely about cleaning it and they refused so i got a little mouthy i guess but if this thread was started by them ,then that is so way out of line , I hope it is found out that it is one of them ,we'll see how easy it is for them to get shows anywhere around here afterwards

....pretty fucked up!

[Feb 14,2005 7:04pm - asylum666singer  ""]
By the way Todd, at least you can tell the truth about the bathroom incident. We went to clean that for you, and you know it. You said "it's a little disrespectful don't you think", so I had Brandon go with you into the bathroom to have him clean it. Why is it, people on this board lie so much?
[Feb 14,2005 7:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
asylum666singer said:First off, I'll start by saying that the only thing that you stupid fucks are right about is that this somehow ties to my band.

The only reason I am posting on this ridiculous site is for Todd, not for any of you scum fucks. Todd, I was instant messaged about this from someone I did not know a couple hours ago. I read it and had a pretty good idea who it was, for various reasons. I did find out who posted that, and he is infact a friend of mine. I do apologize to you on his behalf, and am a little upset he did that without my knowing. I have heard some things of you talking of our band in a negative response. So, I call it like I see it and told some people. Just like I told people all the comments these scum fucks say about raping Steph and how they should kill us all, etc. Now what I can't understand is why you were at our show on Friday? But regardless, I went right up to you and shook your hand and shot the shit with ya for a while. Trust me, if I don't like you, I won't do that. I like ya Todd, even though I heard some shit, I brush it off because I think you are a decent guy. I remember you telling us a while back that we were your favorite band that goes into the Bombshelter and remember when you came from there to try and catch our set at Milly's one night. I have always showed you respect, and if I had something to say to you, I would. If you wish to discuss this further, I will be happy to talk to you about it. You have my number, infact I believe you tried to call me earlier.

To the rest of you asshole fucks, suck my dick!!!

If I did want to attack anyone on this site, my first victim would be JoJoHomoCommon. Oh, and Joe, I'll have those clippings for you once I can scan them in. You can post them on here and all these stupid assholes can spend their time talking shit. If any of you fucks want to rape anyone, I'll gladly accept. And to the site owner, it's pretty fucking pathetic that you have a site where people feel they can condone something such as rape, to me, that's a serious fucking matter. Not calling someone a name.

i, for one, dont feel intimidated.. but maybe thats cause i've destroyed people 10x tougher, who knows...

friend of crap assylum or not, that was pretty fucking shitty to post, im not friends with todd, but ive never heard anything bad from him about anyone or thing, and i would be more than happy to drive all the way to fuckin new hampshire to see someone get their ass handed to them, escpecially after what they said...

and for this kid, you wanna wanna talk shit about joe? well, in that case i am friends with him and would definately kick someones face in for him, online fuckin bullshit is all this is, grow some fucking balls, you know all the shows that every single one of us are at.
[Feb 14,2005 7:42pm - asylum666singer  ""]
KeithMutiny. I don't look for violence, never have. Why you are talking about fighting is beyond me, I have never started shit with any one of you fucks. I don't plan on fighting you assholes, not worth my time. My record is long enough you prick, and you are certainly not worth me going to jail. If we go back to the initial war that started with me and Joe let's be clear on one thing. He started this, not me, regardless what he says. He was instant messaging our manager and said that he wanted me dead. I didn't even know who he was, so that's when I messaged him and told him to say shit to me and not my manager if he has something to say. So, if you feel you want to kick in my face for a piece of shit like Joe, then you must be just as stupid. Not that you could kick my face in, I could care less about that bullshit though.
[Feb 14,2005 7:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
dont question intergrity i have for friends, and people that help me out, and certainly dont question my physical ability in a "violent" situation.

what you can question is yourself in this situation, and i only state that due to the fact i have observed your over usaged of the concept you have a "record" and that you want people to be afraid. We all have records, and some are rather lengthy, but most people arent proud of that and would chose not to force that as an excuse.

the final point i wish to make in this particular post, is lastly not to question the intelligence of someone you have yet to speak with, or know very little of. You take it apon yourself to call me, a person accepted into the BU law program 3 years early, and also a person that scored in the top 3% of the country on all the military intelligence exams, "stupid". Now thats not very user friendly, think first before you jump to such conclusions.

i will defend 95% of people on this board because they treat me with respect and in return i do the same. Thats something you may need to invest a little education in.
[Feb 14,2005 8:13pm - asylum666singer  ""]
If you are so smart then why are you acting so stupid? I don't want people to be afraid of me, I hope you were joking.
[Feb 14,2005 8:49pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck you douche and your fucking friends
[Feb 14,2005 8:52pm - horror_tang ""]
[Feb 14,2005 9:16pm - asylum666singer  ""]
Well, I am done posting here. It's already wasted enough of my time. I don't particularly care to post on a board where murder and rape are idolized. Regardless, a site owner reads every post or not, that's fucked. I bid you all a fare fucking well. Todd, again I deeply apologize for the comment my friend made, if you wish to discuss you know how to get a hold of me as I will no longer post here. Take care.
[Feb 14,2005 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
cool, since I don't want a site where you or your shit-eating friends post.
Go back to writing your positive music and stop posting here.
-the site owner who "idolizes rape and murder"
[Feb 14,2005 10:46pm - Aegathis ""]
nate said:I wish I was at home so I could login to AIM, being at work sucks. I wanna have some fun with the bitch...

Dude you go on aim? whats your sn?
[Feb 14,2005 10:51pm - tbone_r ""]
asylum666singer said:I don't particularly care to post on a board where murder and rape are idolized...

ok, first off...we all know you're gonna keep reading this thread, regardless of whether or not you post on it again. secondly, grow the fuck up. clearly the rape jokes are jokes....don't be such a girl and use defenses like "i dont wanna be around you rape promoting hethens". i haven't even heard your band and i already know you suck simply by reading your responses. and i'm not just doing this to jump on the bandwagon to play bash the shitty band...excuses like the one above are weak and pathetic.
[Feb 14,2005 10:55pm - Abbath ""]
threads like this should be erased, todd has done nothing wrong except been a cool guy, it's not his fault that your band sucks anonymous
[Feb 14,2005 11:53pm - dread_104 ""]
i think rape is hilarious. seriously.
[Feb 15,2005 12:09am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
So wasn't WA's original beef with Joe/Notcommon over the Notcommon bands having shitty equipment and not playing music that would garner popularity? Didn't he say something like, "Oh pathetic JoMO, hahaha, enjoy accomplishing nothing while my band is ruling the Grammys"(of course at the height of their popularity they would reject "herd mentality" and play music just like their unique obscure influences such as Rammstein and Nine Inch Nails)

I'm sure that providing the soundtrack to public access professional wrestling shows is far more successful than glowing reviews hailing your label's innovative music or having all of your releases distributed by Relapse.

And please, calling us all horrible people for talking about rape and murder sounds asinine coming from someone who performs covered in stage blood, makes light of mental illness, and writes songs called "We All Die". Not to mention that they're the same complaints cocklover(the asshole who insulted Todd) voiced in a previous thread which really helps your whole "I'M NOT THIS UNNAMED PERSON!" act.
[Feb 15,2005 4:19am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
asylum666singer said:By the way Todd, at least you can tell the truth about the bathroom incident. We went to clean that for you, and you know it. You said "it's a little disrespectful don't you think", so I had Brandon go with you into the bathroom to have him clean it. Why is it, people on this board lie so much?

Cleaned huh?, I'll get the keys,you can meet me there it is still covered, the cleaning person does not come til wednesday, So anytime you wanna meet me there I'm all for it!:middlefinger:
[Feb 15,2005 5:30am - MikeFuckFuck  ""]
Just kick them off all the bills Todd, even if I didn't go to the show I would pay for Wretched Asylum not to play.
[Feb 15,2005 9:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Whatever problems Wretched Asylum had with me or my bands doesn't involve Todd at all, so even bringing it up here is ridiculous.

If Wretched Asylum doesn't hand over their friend to you guys, you should resort to carnie justice, and just take it out on the band themselves.

I am still waiting on those newspaper clippings from the person who doesn't condone violence but sent 3 cops to the hospital.
[Feb 15,2005 9:18am - anonymous  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
you should resort to carnie justice, and just take it out on the band themselves.

I am still waiting on those newspaper clippings from the person who doesn't condone violence but sent 3 cops to the hospital.

Joe, we'd gladly confront them on the Carnie Wilson show but the bitch got cancelled after she ate the studio audience.
[Feb 15,2005 9:19am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I forgot to log in

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