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American Legion (Nashua, NH) - [holy_war][in_remembrance][kingdom][ligeia][randomshots][the_neon_hookers][with_no_remorse]
[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Mar 22,2007 8:52am - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
[Mar 22,2007 10:45am - anonymous  ""]
With No Remorse really like themselves(in a bad think they are the shit kind of way), they always set-up shows and have themselves playing 2nd to last. I've been to a few shows they play and if they put on the show they always play 2nd to last when really they should probably be opening(pay your dues. In Remembrance, Kingdom, and the Neon Hookers work ALOT harder than you).

They are a fucking god-awful band. I cannot wait for the metalcore trend to wear down with these nu-metal turds and they will change their name and rip-off whatever they think is cool(however by then most people will view that trend they are hopping on as watered down and lame)

ps. this band used to all dress up in sweatshirts with the name of the band on the front and their names on the back.....god damnit I hope they die for real.
[Mar 22,2007 11:10am - SacreligionNLi  ""]
they do kinda have that attitude about them but they're not bad dudes, we've played with em a couple times before

true story: one of the funnier things i've heard about a local band was from a girl that went to school with these dudes. she said "i used to be friends with them but they don't talk to me anymore now that they're all famous and stuff"

apparently famous means more than 20,000 myspace page views or something
[Mar 22,2007 3:07pm - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
With No Remorse will be playing 2nd on this bill
[Mar 22,2007 3:18pm - joeycobra ""]
I think this is funny how after the past few comments someone is stating they are playing 2nd when clearly the flier had them playing 2nd to last this is just kind of funny to me.

and yeah this band sets up shows and always plays right before what ever national acts are playing ussually screwing far better bands out of the slot they desevre.
[Mar 22,2007 6:59pm - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
the way our flyers are designed does not necessarily reflect the order...
[Mar 30,2007 10:35am - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
[Apr 1,2007 1:24pm - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
[Apr 1,2007 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I will be there in 5 minutes
[Apr 1,2007 5:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
new sounds system? sick.
i like in remembrance but couldn't make it out today.
next time

i wonder if people are going to throw meat at the singer of kingdom?
[Apr 1,2007 6:10pm - the_reverend ""]
there is a bunch of "beef" with kingdom I guess, but I will let anonymouses talk about it. the room is set up like it was the first time I went to a show here. the new sound system is awesome.

holy war: they were really young kids and didn't seem to sure of themselves on the stage. It also doesn't help to be the first band when everyone is just standing around. Sort of slowed paced hardcore. Similar to some integrity.
[Apr 1,2007 6:13pm - succubus ""]
i'm watching simpsons
[Apr 1,2007 6:33pm - xanonymousx ""]
i think kingdom is now ex-ex black my heart seeing how ben (digital i guess is his scene name?) is not playing bass for them anymore.
[Apr 1,2007 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
the guitar play from neon hookers was filling in and he was in BMH from what people said.
[Apr 1,2007 7:42pm - the_reverend ""]
with no remorse: they were pretty good. I think I saw them once. a bunch of kids where there dancing for them. Some of the vocals were sort of deathcore-y.

NEON HOOKERS: sounded awesome, but the crowd really didn't do much. I always expect to be a little scared when they play with all the bodies flying around and pile ups, but I wasn't. This was the last date on their tour and it sort of made sense why it was low key. I guess luke (IR) was filling in on bass for them on the tour.

kingdom: the singer does look familiar. She's from maine. During their set, people start tossing around bounceyballs. Oh man, I was really afraid for my eyes. The last time bounceyballs came out in nashua I got hit in the eye. The set was good. The people dancing knew like all the words. They did some speeches like the christian people do, but about veganism and stuff. they had the guitarist from neon hookers in their band on bass. He was the representative of sweatshop meat eaters in the band. there was also a BBQ outside against this band. one thing is that vegans are skinny and I kept missing focusing on their arms
[Apr 1,2007 7:47pm - the_reverend ""]
in remembrance: more and more bounceyballs! Wasn't it one of their last sets that I got hit in the eye. They ended up playing a really good set for their homecoming. The second they started the sound was perfect. These dudes sound so good. It was also funny that all the people who were dancing for Kingdom, weren't dancing for IR. Then nick said some things hatin' on the singer of kingdom. If you are looking at the pictures and thinking "red and blue lights?!? Wtf?" well guess what, there were red and blue lights attached to the new sound system and they turned them on during IR.

The end of IR's set, there was some sort of fight with weapons and 2 people getting their head busted up. This cause A LOT of issues for johnny. Some of the people involved should know how much it sucks when shit happens to/at your show. But it was also Johnny who I saw mopping all the blood up and not one of the responsible parties. Outside was chaos with the buillding owner yelling at people, 2 people from kingdom and nick arguing about the hatin', and highscool girls snapping ms photos. That's all my preaching, but it was fucking lame. It was hilarious when the building owner said "this isn't dorchestah, we're just a bunch of caucasion dudes trying to listen to music and have a good time" and the drummer for neon hookers yelled out that he was in fact african american. I don't believe it, but then again, I don't see people's colors..
[Apr 1,2007 8:12pm - xanonymousx ""]
so did the show get shut down?
this is why i HATE our hardcore "scene" no one can just get along its all about who's crew you roll with ect. it is retarded.
why can't we all just go to a show which we all pay the same price to go to and just have a good time?
it pisses me off that people are dick heads and can't just watch the band play and have a good time. isn't that what shows are suppose to be? a good time. i don't pay my hard earned cash to go somewhere and say wow that sucked. i go to these things to have a good time and hang out with my friends.

hope this doesn't hurt the nashua shows from booking.
[Apr 1,2007 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
legia played and then I walked out side an there were 4 cruisers.
[Apr 1,2007 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures... april fools
[Apr 1,2007 9:10pm - xanonymousx ""]
no lie about the cruisers rev
[Apr 1,2007 9:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
damn they're rockin a jbl system up in nashua now. sweet.
[Apr 2,2007 9:23am - anonymous  ""]
So what happened? Someone beat up the kingdom chick? Please tell me a member of with no remorse died if not the whole band!
[Apr 2,2007 11:04am - xmikex ""]
who fought?
[Apr 2,2007 12:24pm - aaron_michael ""]
jesus and the devil.
it's a personal thing.
[Apr 2,2007 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]
honestly, I don't know who really fought. the whole fight looked like it was in slow motion and a bunch of kids camera running in who weren't at the show. it looked stupid and then the cops came. Basically, everyone scattered that was there and Ligeia played a short set to like 10 people. By the time Ligeia was over, the cops were outside so I beated it to my car.
[Apr 2,2007 2:16pm - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
the show was an overall success and my thanks to the kids and bands that played their hearts out. this is one of the few places in nashua that will allow our kind of music and lifestyle and we should not take this for granted. let's not ruin this for the kids, the bands and for the legion as they look at this as a business for them as well with their liquor sales. shame on the kids for having a barbecue in protest of Kingdom's lifestyle and bringing up. They are good people and they have my respect. I'm just a neutral guy here, but man, maybe a tranquilizer shot here and there would do some justice instead. See you all at the next show and to all those that were involved in that altercation, my best wishes to you and hope everything is well.
[Apr 2,2007 5:35pm - anonymous  ""]
its too bad that some fuckin pussies had to bash my boys in the head with fuckin locks... we paid 10 bucks to come see ligeia and with no remorse. we seen with no remorse but missed ligeias whole fuckin set. if anyone has pics of the altercation id love it if you posted them for us....
[Apr 2,2007 5:49pm - anonymous  ""]
its sad that it had to fuckin happen. we went there to have a good time, dance and listen to some music. just cuz we were in our own little crew doesnt mean were there to start fuckin trouble. my boy also gave one of the kids that confronted my other boy a fuckin ciggarette. were suppose to fuckin unite at hardcore shows and have fun.... unless having fun at hardcore shows is non-existent......
[Apr 2,2007 5:51pm - anonymous  ""]
im one of the kids who got the head bashed open ... these pussies are gunna get what they deserve no doubt... it all started over some kid asking my boy if he punched someone in the pit, my boy said no and band fighting... he got one then i did... A FUCKING PAD LOCK TIED TO A GOD DAMN BANDANNA...honestly if u wanna fight fight me one on one no weapons
[Apr 2,2007 5:54pm - anonymous  ""]
come one now wtf is this world coming to when some one has to tie a lock to a black bandana and hit some one in the head with it .. FUCK THE SCENCE KIDS and there crews there the ones that are going to ruin it for everyone else .. .. whatever happen to fighting with fist and not weapons ?
[Apr 2,2007 5:56pm - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
this fuckin sickens me...are you ok? i'm sure you required stitches or staples from the description of the story. how did everything turn out?
[Apr 2,2007 6:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Apr 2,2007 6:24pm - anonymous  ""]
im ok 7 staples and 3 stitches but the kid who hit us was arrested so something good came of it at least and we hung out with ligea for a few mins so all in all night was not a dissapointment
[Apr 2,2007 7:05pm - anonymous  ""]
rev, you should take photos of these fights so people can be identified.
[Apr 2,2007 7:12pm - the_reverend ""]
that's sort of why I don't do it.
that and fights usually happen (like this one) once my camera's gone away.
[Apr 2,2007 7:59pm - dreadkill ""]
this should have been called wiggerfest
[Apr 2,2007 8:20pm - Kevord ""]
It actually looks like baseball hat fest.
[Apr 2,2007 8:26pm - dreadkill ""]
sidewards baseball hat fest
[Apr 2,2007 8:29pm - Kevord ""]
The hats are straight. Their heads are sideways from the sick mosh.
[Apr 2,2007 8:34pm - dreadkill ""]
our drummer is in one of the bands from this.
[Apr 2,2007 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
oh yeah he is.
[Apr 2,2007 8:56pm - xanonymousx ""]
i think i know[of] some of the kids involved in this incident....
i will get the info Wednesday night.
[Apr 2,2007 9:08pm - anonymous  ""]
let me know i would really like to help my friends out... they got some good gashes
[Apr 2,2007 9:57pm - Charlie AKA C MURDEROUS  ""]
Man what a bad day to take off at nashua shows. wuts good rev. I should have been there
[Apr 2,2007 10:17pm - anonymous  ""]
IR fucking killed it.
[Apr 2,2007 10:43pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and the beef between IR and Kingdom was worked out I guess and it was just a misunderstanding about a promoter shorting all the bands.
[Apr 3,2007 8:37am - xmikex ""]
bake em away toys
[Apr 3,2007 8:51am - aaron_michael ""]
anonymous said:come one now wtf is this world coming to when some one has to tie a lock to a black bandana and hit some one in the head with it .. FUCK THE SCENCE KIDS and there crews there the ones that are going to ruin it for everyone else .. .. whatever happen to fighting with fist and not weapons ?

"their" "they're"
[Apr 3,2007 9:04am - yummy ""]
wow, this shit will continue to happen at any show. sucks that people have to get hurt tho. Are long hairs a major target at these shows or would I be cool?
[Apr 3,2007 10:38am - xmikex ""]
cuz we fight to live
we live to fight
we don't give a shit
what's wrong or what's right right right

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