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Bands that you currently despise the most

[Sep 7,2007 10:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
There are so many shitty bands that I hate right now. What band's (bands') music makes you wish death upon the members every time you hear a song?

My list is long, so off the top of my head:

Avenged Sevenfold

Please share.
[Sep 7,2007 10:42am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Any newer Metallica / any and all Godsmack. It pissed me off greatly to realize last night that I can't tell the difference.
[Sep 7,2007 10:43am - Mess ""]

fuck that band
[Sep 7,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
Job For A Cowboy
The Black Dahlia Murder
Cradle of Filth
Avenged Sevenfold
All That Remains
[Sep 7,2007 10:47am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Life at Zero

Just kidding I wuv you guys.
[Sep 7,2007 10:47am - Yeti ""]
Arch Enemy also
[Sep 7,2007 10:47am - ZJD ""]
U2. Always and forever.
[Sep 7,2007 10:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ZJD said:U2. Always and forever.

[Sep 7,2007 10:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
Definitely U2
[Sep 7,2007 11:01am - largefreakatzero ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Life at Zero

Just kidding I wuv you guys.

Do you wuv us in a gay way or a prison way? It matters, you know.

Currently, I actually hate my band and myself.
[Sep 7,2007 11:02am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeti said:Job For A Cowboy
The Black Dahlia Murder
Cradle of Filth
Avenged Sevenfold
All That Remains

That's a good list, right there.
[Sep 7,2007 11:08am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
As always, the Dropkick goddamn douchebag fake-ass potato eater Murphys.
[Sep 7,2007 11:08am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
largefreakatzero said:Do you wuv us in a gay way or a prison way? It matters, you know.

[Sep 7,2007 11:22am - Ryan_M ""]
Bare Naked Ladies
Hinder <---good call Yeti!!!
A7F/KSE/Trivium/Atreyu ect.... any newer melodic watered down glam shit like that - I guess that's a given.
Any jazzed up "math metal" i.e. Daughters, Ed Gein, As the Sun Sets, etc...
Almost any "slam"/jock/meathead death metal i.e. Devourment, Waking the Cadaver, etc...
Anal Blast and any "Porno/Gore grind" bands where they only sing about womens' periods, coprophagia, and general misogyny because they can't get laid for themselves.
[Sep 7,2007 11:26am - rhys ""]
Jimmy Buffett
[Sep 7,2007 11:26am - largefreakatzero ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:As always, the Dropkick goddamn douchebag fake-ass potato eater Murphys.

Yes! Another good one.
[Sep 7,2007 11:42am - rilly  ""]
All That Remains > Everyone in any band posting here. Oli Hebert rips shit up
[Sep 7,2007 11:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
rilly said:All That Remains > Everyone in any band posting here. Oli Hebert rips shit up

What happened to Killswitch Engage?
[Sep 7,2007 12:02pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
anal blast is hilarious and not bad at all. no idea what you're smoking.
[Sep 7,2007 12:40pm - Aegathis ""]
the Canadian Coffin Birth
[Sep 7,2007 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
Ryan_M said:Almost any "slam"/jock/meathead death metal i.e. Devourment, Waking the Cadaver, etc...
Anal Blast and any "Porno/Gore grind" bands where they only sing about womens' periods, coprophagia, and general misogyny because they can't get laid for themselves.

ah good ones as well, that whole "slam death" thing bugs the shit out of me. i don't mind Internal Bleeding, but it does get very redundant.
[Sep 7,2007 12:43pm - anonymous  ""]
this concept of "wuv" both confuses and angers me.
[Sep 7,2007 12:46pm - rilly  ""]
No one said Zakk Wylde's Band. I'm glad,they rock!
[Sep 7,2007 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
oh yeah and Black Label Society. they also blow donkey balls.
[Sep 7,2007 1:28pm - brandon... ""]
Any local hardcore band that has no talent but continues to play shows not take it serious and piss me the fuck off.
Any grind band that just plays a bunch of non musical noise , that stupid people think are talented or "crazy" No they just suck.
cute is what we aim for
All the fucking faggots on Making the band . Theres no fucking band even there.
Bleeding through
Theres so much more
[Sep 7,2007 1:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Peyton Manning
[Sep 7,2007 1:35pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm keepin' it posi

If I don't like a band, I don't listen.
[Sep 7,2007 1:36pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm pretty excited to have never heard of a good portion of the bands mentioned in this thread.
[Sep 7,2007 1:37pm - brandon... ""]
what a nice guy
[Sep 7,2007 1:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
brian_dc said:I'm keepin' it posi

If I don't like a band, I don't listen.

It's much more enjoyable to hate. You should try it sometime.
[Sep 7,2007 1:51pm - brian_dc ""]
I save my hate for people, dawg!
[Sep 7,2007 2:05pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
my chemical romance
modern metalcore
from autumn to ashes
nine inch nails
in flames
fall out boy
gwen stefani
black label society
dir en grey
anything christian
[Sep 7,2007 2:07pm - goatcatalyst ""]
i don't think my infantile attention span can handle the "slam metal" genre

i'd much prefer to sit with Dying Fetus "Killing On Adrenaline" - goodtimes right there
[Sep 7,2007 2:09pm - brian_dc ""]
definitely have love for the Kevin Talley era DF.
[Sep 7,2007 2:36pm - archaeon ""]
[Sep 7,2007 2:41pm - goatcatalyst ""]
aiden DEFINITELY. i just see a picture of them and i get hoppin' mad.
[Sep 7,2007 3:18pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
goatcatalyst said:aiden DEFINITELY. i just see a picture of them and i get hoppin' mad.

i haven't met a single soul that likes aiden. I've talked to kids into my chemical romance and atreyu and they despised aiden. Even 15 year old girls dislike aiden.

Aiden looks like a horrorcore band, yet they stole that look from the good bands
[Sep 7,2007 3:29pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Most of the bands that have members posting on this forum! ;)
[Sep 7,2007 3:31pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Anything nu-metal (i.e. Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed, etc.)
Anything mallcore (i.e. Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, etc.)
Anything "indie" or "emocore" (i.e. From Autumn To Ashes, Calico System, etc.)
Pop music.
Garage band black metal or death metal.
Radio rock bands (i.e. Hinder, Velvet Revolver, Godsmack, etc.)
and other stuff.
[Sep 7,2007 3:36pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Anything nu-metal (i.e. Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed, etc.)
Anything mallcore (i.e. Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, etc.)
Anything "indie" or "emocore" (i.e. From Autumn To Ashes, Calico System, etc.)
Pop music.
Garage band black metal or death metal.
Radio rock bands (i.e. Hinder, Velvet Revolver, Godsmack, etc.)
and other stuff.

exactly. I hate this stuff too. I also dislike melodic hardcore, j-rock, rap, hip-hop, country, disco, darkthrone, and some synthpop
[Sep 7,2007 3:44pm - joeycobra ""]
bands that currently annoy me when I hear press about them(granted I try to avoid stuff I don't like)

Job For A Cowboy-seriously none of you kids own a suffocation record???

Daughtry-This douche needs to get fucked up by parasites...or a brown recluse real bad.

Drop Dead Gorgeous-Someone showed me this band and ever since I keep hearing press about them. I hope they get SARS or Bird Flu.

Blessed By Broken Heart-Same deal as above, except a little worse I think. I remember reading(on lambgoat I think) this band needed a new member and part of the requirments were must be attractive and have a sense of fashion. Should be against the law for this band to exist....

that's all I can think of right now.
[Sep 7,2007 3:49pm - Lamp ""]
[Sep 7,2007 3:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]
joeycobra said:bands that currently annoy me when I hear press about them(granted I try to avoid stuff I don't like)

Job For A Cowboy-seriously none of you kids own a suffocation record???

Daughtry-This douche needs to get fucked up by parasites...or a brown recluse real bad.

Drop Dead Gorgeous-Someone showed me this band and ever since I keep hearing press about them. I hope they get SARS or Bird Flu.

Blessed By Broken Heart-Same deal as above, except a little worse I think. I remember reading(on lambgoat I think) this band needed a new member and part of the requirments were must be attractive and have a sense of fashion. Should be against the law for this band to exist....

that's all I can think of right now.

YES!!! This is the kind of hate I like. This gentleman is wishing disease on band members for creating horrible excuses for songs. I support this type of negativity 1000%.
[Sep 7,2007 3:52pm - kessaris ""]

god damn that band bugs the shit out of me...and a certain member of my band loves them...and has the zakk wylde guitar

I'm suprised no one else has mentioned them, what with the shitshow I've seen already

except all that remains...I do like them
[Sep 7,2007 3:54pm - goatcatalyst ""]
on a different note, i kinda hate anyone who doesn't acknowledge the supreme rule of Samhain.
[Sep 7,2007 3:54pm - largefreakatzero ""]
BLS: Good call, they are terrible, but they have already been shit on in this thread. That's OK though, repeated jabs are just fine.
[Sep 7,2007 3:56pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Oh and I also hate Deicide.

Glen Benton's vocals are HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE.
[Sep 7,2007 3:57pm - kessaris ""]
where is your god now?
[Sep 7,2007 3:58pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Glen Benton is washed up now, but earlier Deicide up to Once Upon the Cross (the best one in my opinion) was pretty damn good -- especially for the time period.
[Sep 7,2007 3:59pm - kessaris ""]
I just saw an advertisement for arch enemy...I'd rail that chick like there's a tomorrow, but it's pretty far off.

then I remembered their guitar player doing a scaley doodle for betcha can't play this. kinda weak...then I saw Al Pitrelli's betcha can't play this. It was a minor scale played...kinda fast.

I bet 90% of the people on this board coulda done it.

So Al Pitrelli pisses me off now too

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