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Anal Cunt added to Eyehategod Bill at Great Scott

[May 31,2005 4:31pm - anonymous  ""]
They'll play right before EHG goes on. Don't miss the resurrection.
[May 31,2005 4:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
again WTF !
[May 31,2005 4:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
figures, same night as Lord Gore and Impaled.
[May 31,2005 4:37pm - anonymous  ""]
Anal Cunt is playing a show tomorrow...that's WTF.
[May 31,2005 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I think josh would have posted something about that if it were true...
[May 31,2005 4:42pm - anonymous  ""]
why? Josh isn't in Anal Cunt. John Kozik is playing for AC again.
[May 31,2005 4:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'll be there, andi was saying wtf cause this just made the night that much better !
[May 31,2005 4:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i wish i was going to this now, but, im not.
[May 31,2005 4:50pm - Josh_Martin ""]
the_reverend said:I think josh would have posted something about that if it were true...

Rev, I quit AC 3 years ago.

I haven't kept up with it at all.

I heard from their drummer that this is happening though.

[May 31,2005 5:18pm - pessimist ""]
fucking sweet
[May 31,2005 5:19pm - RichHorror ""]
I officially hate my life.
[May 31,2005 7:09pm - Vladimir Cockanov  ""]
I thought that AC guy was a vegetable/retard or something now?is he gonna come out in a special helmet ? is his tour bus..the short bus?
[May 31,2005 7:11pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
last i heard he was in a wheelchair and getting better. but that was at least a month ago if not more.
[May 31,2005 8:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm torn... damn it.. I'm suppose to go to impaled/lord gore.
but seeing seth alive would be cool and seeing him in a wheel chair would be entertaining to say the least.

you think if this were true:
would have been updated... though... the colors have changed.
damn it.
[May 31,2005 8:21pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: josh, you were playing at the evlis room show in 1997-ish when you guys played for 2 1/2 hrs? I don't really remember much of that show except hearing 90% of the songs 2 times and a bunch of songs 3 times.
I miss the elvis roomespecially cause I now live a 12 minute walk from it.
[May 31,2005 8:25pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and look:
[May 31,2005 8:43pm - Al_Ravage ""]
Isn't he in a wheelchair, or in the hospital?
[Jun 1,2005 12:41am - moran ""]
From someone who is running the show tomorrow:

Here's the deal with AC: they may do a short set on EyeHateGod's gear. They haven't been "addded."
[Jun 1,2005 12:46am - Bradness ""]
John Kevorkian said earlier tonight it would be a 20 minute set tops right before EHG goes on, so yeah, it's not a full set, no need to panic anyone who likes to panic. Manic Hispanic is sucha great name
[Jun 1,2005 8:10am - joe/notcommon ""]
Seth Putnam was at the Hidden Hand show and looked fine
[Jun 1,2005 8:36am - the_reverend ""]
I'm very much torn about which show to go to now...
[Jun 1,2005 9:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
joe/notcommon said:Seth Putnam was at the Hidden Hand show and looked fine

I'm not sure "fine" is how I'd describe Seth. Ever.
[Jun 1,2005 9:24am - joe/notcommon ""]
I got an email from John F Moran yesterday, but it wasn't the beloved guitarist from Disengaged
[Jun 1,2005 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
I heard once that moran got addddddddded.
[Jun 1,2005 9:34am - moran ""]
Maybe I did, what of it?
[Jun 1,2005 9:36am - joe/notcommon ""]
Moran, what is your middle initial?
[Jun 1,2005 9:37am - joe/notcommon ""]
After recieving the email from john f moran, i went to work, and on the way saw a truck that said JF Moran company on it
[Jun 1,2005 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
I can't decide which show to go to
[Jun 1,2005 9:38am - joe/notcommon ""]
Go to Impaled, and swing by holbrook on the way and give me a ride.
[Jun 1,2005 10:32am - anonymous  ""]
seth is no longer needing the aid of a wheelchair. they are indeed doing a short set right before eyehategod plays. 15 minutes, so I'd say they have time for a good 30 songs.
[Jun 1,2005 11:08am - Kinslayer  ""]
[Jun 1,2005 11:12am - ExumedtoConsume ""]
I cant see why anyone would rather see impaled over eyehategod and anal cunt!!
[Jun 1,2005 11:17am - moran ""]
joe/notcommon said:Moran, what is your middle initial?

[Jun 1,2005 11:33am - poopsmcgee ""]
I went to see EyeHateGod last night at the webster in hartford, by far the most wasted looking band I have ever seen. At one point during the show the singer was trying to grab a towel to wipe his nose, and some kid screamed "play some fucking music you junkie"hahahahaha.
[Jun 1,2005 11:47am - joe/notcommon ""]
I am filled with hatred for Great Scotts, it has nothing to do with Anal Cunt or EyeHateGod.
[Jun 1,2005 12:26pm - anonymous  ""]
it seems like the guy booking the place is a total douche. do you know this to be true?
[Jun 1,2005 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
if you are talking about that whole thing with o'briens and the dysrhymia show, that was a whole lot of drama that doesn't matter now.
if you are talking about ben honeypump, you are totally wrong.
[Jun 1,2005 1:44pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm not so sure... It seems like Great Scott was using some of the O'Brien's shit as an excuse and exagerrated/fabricated some of the stuff that Drew/O'Brien's had said to them, as a way of blowing Joe off.
[Jun 1,2005 1:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Jack Ass in the Will of God
99 Miles of Bad Road
My Name Is God (I Hate You)
Ruptured Heart Theory
Anxiety Hangover
White Nigger
30$ Bag
Take as Needed for Pain
Sister Fucker, Pt. 2
Kill Your Boss

i'll be happy if i hear the majority of these songs tonight.
[Jun 1,2005 1:58pm - pisscup ""]
I never really cared for AC, I saw EHG in New Orleans in 93. I'm hanging with my friends tonight.
[Jun 1,2005 2:00pm - SuperFly ""]
I saw them in 93 in n.o., was that the show with buzzoven???
it was during mardi gra.
[Jun 1,2005 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
in 93, I was in highschool...
[Jun 1,2005 2:27pm - SuperFly ""]
in 93 i was high
[Jun 1,2005 2:27pm - shatteredliz ""]
In 93, I was in middle school...
[Jun 1,2005 4:19pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Whiskey Weed and Women...that would indeed be a rad set to see tonight...
[Jun 1,2005 5:22pm - shatteredliz ""]
How weird. I just got the Byzantine Cd in the mail. I didn't realize they were on Prosthetic (SonyBMG).
[Jun 1,2005 5:51pm - anonymous  ""]

this is ben - i do some booking and promotion at great scott. i got an email from AC about this, and had to say 'sorry but no' because EHG was already coming as a package-tour via Decible Mag. its possible they also talked to Mark V (blackout bar) but there has been no mention of it anywhere, and i think mark would have informed me. so i wont say 100% no about this, but 99.99999999999% as far as i know, AC isnt on the bill
[Jun 1,2005 5:58pm - annonymous  ""]
hey ben, book metal and hardcore shows at great scott. this city needs something like that and i am sure the club would make good profit.
[Jun 1,2005 6:58pm - moran ""]
anonymous said:hey

this is ben - i do some booking and promotion at great scott. i got an email from AC about this, and had to say 'sorry but no' because EHG was already coming as a package-tour via Decible Mag. its possible they also talked to Mark V (blackout bar) but there has been no mention of it anywhere, and i think mark would have informed me. so i wont say 100% no about this, but 99.99999999999% as far as i know, AC isnt on the bill

I got my info from Mark via another site.
[Jun 2,2005 3:28am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i can die happy now !

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