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Rotten Sound / Misery Index / Bane Of Existence / Magrudergrind ~ may 24th Tue

American Legion (Providence, RI) - [bane_of_existence][magrudergrind][misery_index][randomshots][rotten_sound]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[May 25,2005 5:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
fuck you, your all faggot pieces a shit, dont run your mouth of ill PUNCH YOU IN YO TEEF!!!!

[May 25,2005 5:01pm - subjugate shn  ""]
thanks to ann for booking us and to rev and my friend phil for taking pix and to anyone that didn't get lost and made it there to see us play
[May 25,2005 5:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
boe - got wicked lost got in there half way through the set, sounded great. seemed like denouced was a tad faster tonight, kinda cool.

magrudergrind - holy fuck. first time i've seen/heard them and they totally blew me away. great energy as well. hope they play up here more often.

rotten sound - gawd damn. first time i saw these dudes live, i'm not that familar with their records but nonetheless i dig seeing bands live first then getting the album. very intense set all around, world class gentleman as well. \m/

misery index - excellent as usual. i was kinda bummed that people left after rs, but i think everyone who was left gave these boys a warm reception. you know shit is crazy when blue starts a pit!!! got to steal the mic from mark for the demand the impossilbe courus, i love that song. always a pleasure seeing them around NE.

i got retardedly lost, i won't get into it, it's not that hard to find at all, just there are no signs. oh well. had a few beers and tokes at anne's afterwards, thank you kindly for letting me stop by. didn't get in bed til 4:30. and now i'm getting ready for the middle east show. METAL!!
[May 25,2005 5:40pm - subjugate shn  ""]
i wouldn't say we were lost persay but we definantly wern't virgin tight thats for sure ha ha
[May 25,2005 5:57pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yes, I too got lost. Some random guy that tried to sell me stolen sneakers ended up giving me directions to the show. I only missed one BoE song. Great show all around!
[May 25,2005 6:00pm - subjugate shn  ""]
i didn't see you liz
[May 25,2005 6:02pm - shatteredliz ""]
Well I was there. I showed up about one song into your set. You guys sounded really good!
[May 25,2005 6:04pm - subjugate shn  ""]
yea cool , thanks but we coulda played a lot better, well at least i know i could have anyway
[May 25,2005 6:18pm - phobia ""]
thanks rev... that picture of me makes me look wasted. actually, i think i was wasted.
-good show though, but i wish more people showed up

hey look, Finland is celebrating America
[May 25,2005 8:08pm - IntricateProcess ""]
show was great, and i couldnt even stick around for misery index. rotten sound and magrudergrind were worth the ride from waltham
[May 26,2005 3:19am - the_reverend ""]
I think around the time I snapped that picture, rotten sound's singer yelled "AMERICA" lyric in a song.
[May 26,2005 3:20am - the_reverend ""]
ok, I got lost, carina lead me there.

bane of existence: well, dispite doug's hatred of everything including christmas and his siblings, their set was really good. they started off with the sound off, like usually, with the sound not being all that, but after 1 song, they were in the groove which is awesome cause they usually pull tight on the 3rd song. their set ended very quickly.

magrudergrind: a very very shoot set. I've seen then a couple times now and they get better and better. I think that they are moving from a noisey grind band to grind core and death metal. the crowd was really really into them too which was cool. how, the guitarist went through 2 cabs which was cool. They even got called back for another song.

rotten sound: we'll I was a little upset that they weren't covered in blood. but whatever, they had a few technical difficulties, but they pulled through and played an awesome set. it's very funny to see the difference between their old songs and their new songs.

misery index: not that many people left before they went on.. though the place cleared out by the time they ended. sucks cause they played really good. the people that did stay pumped their fist along with tons of great tracks. can't wait to see them again in maryland.
[May 26,2005 6:08am - dug-a-hole  ""]
I don't hate my siblings, I just don't talk to them much. Right on about X-mas though. Regardless of my "hatred for everything" I don't go out there and try to intentionally suck. I still try my best.

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