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Gunman opens fire at Batman premiere, 14 dead

[Jul 21,2012 8:46am - the_reverend ""]
I heard this dudes parents were killed in an allley on night, right in front of him.
[Jul 21,2012 11:49am - Arillius.bm  ""]
FAIRFAX, VA—In the wake of last evening's horrific shooting that killed 12 in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, representatives from the National Rifle Association asked all Americans to please try, in this moment of sadness and grief, to remember the myriad great and indispensable things that guns do for us every day. "While the events of last night are truly tragic, I sincerely hope that no one at any point forgets how truly terrific guns are, and how they enrich all of our lives on a regular basis," said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, adding that the nation's citizens must open up their hearts in this time of mourning and realize how simply unlivable a life without gun ownership would be. "From hunting, to protecting one's home from prowlers, to target practice, why, there is practically no end to the ways in which guns are constantly improving our lives every moment of every day. As awful as this shooting was, none of us should ever forget that." LaPierre then closed his remarks with a direct plea to the people of Aurora, asking them to try and imagine where they would be today without the citizen's right to bear arms.
[Jul 21,2012 1:09pm - Lucis Trust  ""]
this could very well be a false flag event, to give Obama the go ahead and sign the UN treaty on guns which would be implemented here in the US. Dont know what I am taking about look it up and do a google about it. Lucis Trust previously known as Lucifer Publishing Company located at 666 United Nations Plaza, and have a seat on the UN.
[Jul 21,2012 1:15pm - Lamp ""]
That reads like something out of the Onion.
[Jul 21,2012 1:16pm - Lamp ""]
And I was correct.
[Jul 21,2012 1:26pm - Arillius.bm  ""]
I was born out of an onion.
[Jul 21,2012 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought onion too
[Jul 21,2012 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
That truly was a... *puts on sunglasses* dark night

[Jul 21,2012 4:59pm - Lucis Trust  ""]
Gunman was covered from head to toe, witness's cannot confirm shooters face.

Gunman came in through the side exit door, aren't those locked usually?
who unlocked it, or left it open for him? You cannot kick those in.

Gunman was a neuroscience major, his college has DARPA funding

DOD has an intelligence office in the area

Gunman asked for the NAVY, and is not in the military

Black Ops Killer?

Manchurian Candidate?

UN Small Arms Treaty to be signed on 7/27/12


ask yourself what is the true motive?

Gun Control...
[Jul 21,2012 5:41pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Lamp said:That reads like something out of the Onion.

Onion or not, it actually reads like you average NRA rhetoric. Though I've been a member for years, those guys are so right-wing it hurts.
[Jul 22,2012 2:33pm - stoneylarsen ""]

Lucis%20Trust said:
Gunman came in through the side exit door, aren't those locked usually?
who unlocked it, or left it open for him? You cannot kick those in.

Gunman bought a ticket, exited through said door before film started but propped it open on his way out in order to get back in.

If they had run a background check on James Holmes he would have passed because his only previous run-in with the law was a speeding ticket.

And I am disgusted that some folks seemed to think if there were people packing heat in the theater there would have been less dead. Bullshit,. If anything, there would have been more dead.

I have heard the argument that "responsible" people should be allowed to pack concealed heat for just these sort of situations. I'm willing to bet George Zimmerman considers himself a stand up, responsible citizen as well...

I'll go back under my goddamn rock now and continue to spin side 2 of At War With Satan...

PS - They love to blame the films themselves but you all know that already http://articles.latimes.com/1988-04-14/entertainment/ca-1992_1_gang-member
[Jul 22,2012 2:34pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
[Jul 22,2012 2:35pm - stoneylarsen ""]
No doubt FRESH KILL already have
[Jul 22,2012 2:49pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Too obvious.
[Jul 22,2012 3:00pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
batman batmassacre batmurder batdeath
[Jul 22,2012 5:13pm - trioxin245 ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:batman batmassacre batmurder batdeath
blasted to death they wouldnt leave the theatre alive, they paid to see batman but actually they paid to die
[Jul 22,2012 6:33pm - chernobyl nli  ""]

the_reverend said:That truly was a... *puts on sunglasses* dark night


[Jul 23,2012 8:16am - the_reverend ""]
Joker didn't have red hair. Idiots.
Also, lol whenever I hear them say John Holmes.
[Jul 23,2012 8:19am - Yeti ""]
John Holmes opens fire at movie theater, 12 drenched.
[Jul 23,2012 8:23am - the_reverend ""]

stoneylarsen said:
And I am disgusted that some folks seemed to think if there were people packing heat in the theater there would have been less dead. Bullshit,. If anything, there would have been more dead.

I have heard the argument that "responsible" people should be allowed to pack concealed heat for just these sort of situations. I'm willing to bet George Zimmerman considers himself a stand up, responsible citizen as well...

Like I said on fb, in war with trained soldiers who are more trained at guns than 99.999% of us citizens, the friendly fire makes up 20% of casualties.
[Jul 23,2012 11:41am - xmikex ""]
On behalf of every mild mannered person who ever got a rep as a future serial killer for wearing black t-shirts with squiggly band logos on them in high school only to grow up and watch privileged all-American med students commit high profile cold blooded murders...

lol @ u.
[Jul 23,2012 12:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
nonsensical two cents:

[Jul 23,2012 1:14pm - Yeti ""]

xmikex said:On behalf of every mild mannered person who ever got a rep as a future serial killer for wearing black t-shirts with squiggly band logos on them in high school only to grow up and watch privileged all-American med students commit high profile cold blooded murders...

lol @ u.

[Jul 23,2012 1:17pm - yummy ""]
Look out FIMS, you may cause liberals to cry out loud over your quick search
[Jul 23,2012 2:14pm - Lamp ""]

xmikex said:On behalf of every mild mannered person who ever got a rep as a future serial killer for wearing black t-shirts with squiggly band logos on them in high school only to grow up and watch privileged all-American med students commit high profile cold blooded murders...

lol @ u.

This quote seriously made my fucking day.
[Jul 23,2012 5:28pm - chernobyl ""]

the_reverend said:Joker didn't have red hair.

I might have had an action figure when I was younger where the joker had red/orangish hair......NOT SURE THO
[Jul 23,2012 5:50pm - Ghoulash ""]

Lamp said:
xmikex said:On behalf of every mild mannered person who ever got a rep as a future serial killer for wearing black t-shirts with squiggly band logos on them in high school only to grow up and watch privileged all-American med students commit high profile cold blooded murders...

lol @ u.

This quote seriously made my fucking day.

[Jul 23,2012 9:12pm - yummy ""]
I'm watching Kick Ass, just to feel dangerous, and I'm noticing the main character draws a slight resemblance to Jason Holmes.
[Jul 23,2012 10:28pm - Lamp ""]
One of my friends is apparently friends with one of the dudes from Skinny Puppy on Facebook and that guy swears up and down that he actually met the kid who committed the shooting and had a conversation with him.
[Jul 23,2012 10:32pm - Burnsy ""]
Señor Lamp, that is a frigid chronicle.
[Jul 23,2012 11:01pm - chernobyl nli  ""]
...so what was the conversation about?
[Jul 23,2012 11:01pm - chernobyl nli  ""]
[Jul 23,2012 11:11pm - arilliusbm ""]

Lamp said:One of my friends is apparently friends with one of the dudes from Skinny Puppy on Facebook and that guy swears up and down that he actually met the kid who committed the shooting and had a conversation with him.

I'm sorry, Lamp..

But this quote goes down as one of the top 20 lines in RTTP history.
[Jul 24,2012 12:16am - nekronaut ""]
My third grade teacher has a cousin who knows a guy that worked at the place where they sold those things and he once met a guy who knew somebody that had a conversation with the guy from Skinny Puppy about how your friend was friends with him on Facebook.
[Jul 24,2012 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure I got stoned just reading that.
[Jul 24,2012 12:32am - yummy ""]
I know a guy whose band went on tour with Skinny Puppy which means I'm Kevin Bacon.
[Jul 24,2012 12:34am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Well if he swears up and down, then it must be true. And he wouldn't lie to a friend.
[Jul 24,2012 12:52am - KEVORD ""]

[Jul 24,2012 1:18am - Lukas  ""]
[Jul 24,2012 8:26am - xmikex ""]
^ What exactly are we calling this guy that is so much better than a "terrorist." He's not exactly pulling one over on people. I don't get why anyone would make/post that. gtfo.
[Jul 24,2012 10:21am - Lukas  ""]
Umm he should be treated like a terrorist but he's not. instead they're saying that he probably has a mental illness, fuck that!!!!
[Jul 24,2012 10:48am - Yeti ""]
it's that they are not calling him a terrorist, but if he was Muslim that word would be plastered all over the news. just like Anders Breivik, he was a Christian terrorist, but wasn't labeled as such.
[Jul 24,2012 10:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
there is no way this dude pulled this off without help. gimme a fuckin break.
[Jul 24,2012 2:46pm - not slag  ""]
I say, kill off every last fucker on the planet. We then have nothing to worry about.
[Jul 24,2012 2:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

not%20slag said:I say, kill off every last fucker on the planet. We then have nothing to worry about.

change you can believe in.
[Jul 26,2012 4:47pm - stoneylarsen ""]
[Jul 26,2012 4:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 26,2012 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]

Luka said:..
Don't you live up stairs from me?
[Jul 26,2012 6:11pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:
Lamp said:One of my friends is apparently friends with one of the dudes from Skinny Puppy on Facebook and that guy swears up and down that he actually met the kid who committed the shooting and had a conversation with him.

I'm sorry, Lamp..

But this quote goes down as one of the top 20 lines in RTTP history.

[Jul 26,2012 6:38pm - chernobyl ""]

Lamp said:
arilliusbm said:
Lamp said:One of my friends is apparently friends with one of the dudes from Skinny Puppy on Facebook and that guy swears up and down that he actually met the kid who committed the shooting and had a conversation with him.

I'm sorry, Lamp..

But this quote goes down as one of the top 20 lines in RTTP history.


Because Arl said so.

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