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Albums you can't fucking wait for

[Mar 8,2007 3:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
oh and Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
[Mar 8,2007 3:43pm - Agrippa ""]
King Diamond
[Mar 8,2007 3:51pm - the_rooster ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:MALIGNANCY - Inhuman Grotesqueries


the new NEUROSIS and CEPHALIC CARNAGE records.
[Mar 8,2007 3:54pm - mOe ""]
something new and heavy from CLITORTURE
new Cephalic
new Vital Remains
[Mar 8,2007 3:59pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Throwing Shrapnel - Volume
[Mar 8,2007 4:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
KeithMutiny said:Throwing Shrapnel - Volume

oh yeah.
[Mar 8,2007 4:10pm - pam ""]
I'm out of the loop, I've been listening to old shit lately, so...nothing.
[Mar 8,2007 4:20pm - mOe ""]
HAHA, actually i think i'm downloading the new Vital Remains at this moment
more news as it develops
[Mar 8,2007 4:39pm - mOe ""]
yup, sounds fuckin killer
[Mar 8,2007 4:47pm - sacreligion ""]
i'm looking forward to the new dimmu cd...i wanna hear what direction they go in
[Mar 8,2007 4:49pm - pam ""]
It's pretty good, Sac.
[Mar 8,2007 4:49pm - sacreligion ""]
oh so you're back in the loop, eh?
[Mar 8,2007 4:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
SEXCREMENT - GENITALES FROM THE PORNO POTTY is fully recorded, all we need is Peter "Space Case" Rutcho to finish the mix.
[Mar 8,2007 4:50pm - JDDomination ""]
The Anna Nicole Smith Experience, but I guess I'm gonna have to be patient.
[Mar 8,2007 4:50pm - sacreligion ""]
are there any listenable tracks anywhere?
[Mar 8,2007 4:50pm - BornSoVile ""]
new Dying Fetus is fucking amazing!
Angel Corpse and King Diamond are the 2 I am anxiously awaiting the most.
[Mar 8,2007 5:02pm - mOe ""]
agreed...this new VR fuckin kills too
[Mar 8,2007 6:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
new king Diamond
Shape Of despair
keen of The Crow
Mourning Beloveth
Fall Of Emperean
Mael Mordha
Mister Vertigo
Shroud Of Bereavement!!!!!
[Mar 8,2007 6:04pm - mortalis ""]
odious mortem - cryptic implosion
[Mar 8,2007 7:05pm - pam ""]
sacreligion said:oh so you're back in the loop, eh?

Jon downloaded it yesterday. I also have the new Finntroll, which is outstanding. Those are the only two new albums I've heard this year.
[Mar 8,2007 7:09pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
blue said:goreality
decrepit birth

the proteus full length is fucking ridiculous

those dudes are my friends and i already heard it. its awesome.
[Mar 8,2007 7:13pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
I am looking forward to new pig destroyer.
[Mar 8,2007 7:26pm - Neverpurified ""]
Definately looking forward to

Type O Negative
[Mar 8,2007 7:33pm - Phillip ""]
Odious Mortem
Blood Freak
[Mar 8,2007 9:45pm - NIGGER ""]
Monstrosity and Skrewdriver!
[Mar 8,2007 10:08pm - demondave ""]

NunSlaughter - HEX

[Mar 8,2007 11:15pm - Niccolai ""]
[Mar 8,2007 11:21pm - MikePile  ""]
I want the new fucking Abscess, all other CDs can leap into some kind of hypnotoilet
[Mar 8,2007 11:29pm - NIGGER ""]
the rest is crap!
[Mar 8,2007 11:58pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
new Virgin Black
[Mar 9,2007 10:01am - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
new abhorred!!!
[Mar 9,2007 10:14am - sex with dead jews  ""]
Angel Corpse
[Mar 9,2007 10:44am - immortal13 ""]
anonymous said:new dying fetus!!

anyone heard it yet

I downloaded it. It's fucking amazing, and I'll probably buy it too just because it's that good.
[Mar 9,2007 10:46am - immortal13 ""]
New Vital Remains.
[Mar 9,2007 12:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
King Diamond, Vital Remains, Immolation
[Mar 9,2007 2:02pm - wakeoftears ""]
[Mar 9,2007 4:13pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
immortal13 said:New Vital Remains.

[Mar 10,2007 7:25am - Dwellingsickness ""]

[Mar 10,2007 1:15pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
This Vomitory CD is sick!!
[Mar 13,2007 3:45pm - Todd NLI  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:
TORSOFUCK - As Semen Blends With Rot

That is not coming out, they are all done actually, At least in the current form, 2 members quit. As soon as they get new people they will start writing to release something new.
[Mar 13,2008 8:57pm - anonymous  ""]
pease post new arghoslent, SOMEBODY!!! My copy is on the way, and I'm going to buy on vinyl. I WANT TO HEAR IT NOW!!!!!!!!
[Mar 13,2008 9:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
new arghoslent
[Mar 13,2008 9:28pm - DJ DEATH  ""]
Anal Vomit
(Latter of the 2 on there way via NWN on vinyl)
[Mar 13,2008 10:17pm - bradmann ""]
i second the Disrupt reissues but i am also very much looking forward to the new My Morning Jacket.
[Mar 13,2008 10:35pm - dyingmuse ""]
New Shroud

So much work still to go. Wish I could fast forward till it's release.

Shape Of Despair
Mourning Beloveth
[Mar 14,2008 10:35am - Yeti ""]
[Mar 14,2008 10:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
New Life at Zero to come out this year. Working on our 8th and final song for the disk, then the painfulness of recording the fucking mess.
[Mar 14,2008 11:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
COMPOSTED / PARASITIC EXTIRPATION (and maybe a 3rd band) - A Split of Epic Proportions CD
[Mar 14,2008 12:55pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
dysentery, 'from past suffering comes new flesh.'

out very soon!
[Mar 14,2008 12:57pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
anathema, shape of despair, the last labum in the virgin black trilogy, necrophagist, ummm... thats all i can think of.

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