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Role Call : Shroud, Abhorred, Ascendancy + others Sunday March 13 @ PA's Lounge

P.A.'s Lounge (Somerville, MA) - [abhorred][ascendancy][randomshots][shroud_of_bereavement][the_binding][the_taste_of_silver]
[Mar 11,2005 10:41am - dreaminginexile ""]
Shroud of Bereavement
The Binding
The Taste of Silver

[Mar 11,2005 10:45am - KillerKadoogan ""]
KillerKadoogan said:i wanna see some titties at this show, or i will be forced to play naked, and none of you want to see that, believe me.[/QUOTE
[Mar 11,2005 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
carina and I are thinking about it.
I would like to check out the binding.
[Mar 11,2005 10:47am - dreaminginexile ""]
the_reverend said:carina and I are thinking about it.
I would like to check out the binding.

sweet, I hope to see you guys there!

do you know if Carina mailed that CD of pics to Dan R. or if she's gonna bring it to the show?
[Mar 11,2005 10:50am - the_reverend ""]
she or I will bring it to the show.
she's not burnt them yet.
[Mar 11,2005 10:59am - dreaminginexile ""]
ok, sounds good.
[Mar 11,2005 11:00am - anonymous  ""]
yes, the rev told me about the show and i figured I could burn a couple of copies for you guys and bring it =)

[Mar 11,2005 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I might be there
[Mar 11,2005 11:15am - dreaminginexile ""]
anonymous said:yes, the rev told me about the show and i figured I could burn a couple of copies for you guys and bring it =)


AWSOME! thanks again for taking the time to come up and do that shoot, the pics I've seen so far look awsome, I can't wait to see the rest :newhorns:

Shroud loves you Carina!
[Mar 11,2005 12:31pm - dreaminginexile ""]
bumpin for teh titties!
[Mar 11,2005 12:34pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan and I are coming

goat pee!
[Mar 11,2005 12:36pm - paganmegan ""]
all hail goat pee
[Mar 11,2005 12:40pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Mar 11,2005 12:42pm - paganmegan ""]
[Mar 11,2005 12:44pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
can you make out what the middle goat's name is?

the one on the left appears to be billy, and the one on the right seems to go by kid. i just cant read the middle one's name.
[Mar 11,2005 12:47pm - litacore ""]
[Mar 11,2005 12:48pm - paganmegan ""]
It kind of looks like it says kakke
It's hard to tell
[Mar 11,2005 12:52pm - dreaminginexile ""]
paganmegan said:It kind of looks like it says kakke It's hard to tell

I hope that's not his last name... especially if his first name is "bu"

that'd be like: "Hi my name is Kakke, Bu Kakke..."
[Mar 11,2005 12:52pm - litacore ""]
[Mar 11,2005 12:52pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go. It's either that or...oh wait I'm playing! Boy did I pull a boner, huh????
[Mar 11,2005 1:13pm - lady_czerach ""]
I'll be going to this.
[Mar 11,2005 1:47pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
<3 i can't wait to see you kids there!
[Mar 11,2005 2:32pm - dreaminginexile ""]
bumpin for teh titties!!! (again, lol!)
[Mar 11,2005 3:30pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
I'll probably be there.
[Mar 11,2005 3:36pm - dreaminginexile ""]
TerribleNightSteve said:I'll probably be there.

[Mar 11,2005 5:33pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i have come to the conclusion that the middle goat's name is nanny
[Mar 11,2005 5:44pm - Strep Cunt  ""]
[Mar 11,2005 6:31pm - pessimist ""]
yes! bring me a cryostasium cd and i shall i give you an abhorred cd (as long as we have them)
[Mar 11,2005 6:57pm - dyingmuse ""]

i'll bring the meat
[Mar 11,2005 7:11pm - pessimist ""]
that should have been the flyer for sausage fest
[Mar 11,2005 7:23pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
i'll probably make this.
[Mar 11,2005 7:27pm - pessimist ""]
yes! come drink with us
[Mar 11,2005 7:38pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
what is the order of the bands? what time?
[Mar 11,2005 7:48pm - pessimist ""]
from last to first,
Shroud of Bereavement
The Binding
The Taste of Silver

first band around 7:15-7:30, last band at 11.
[Mar 11,2005 7:50pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
cool, thanks. most likely see you there.
[Mar 11,2005 8:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
this is going to rock! i am really digging the lineup!

\m/ \m/

ohh yeah,
question... is there a pa, and monitors? and if there is a pa, how many mike ins are there?
[Mar 12,2005 12:26pm - anonymous  ""]
there is a pa, but that's as much as I know.

[Mar 12,2005 7:52pm - dyingmuse ""]
right on! should we bring something for monitors?

bump! for king diamond!
[Mar 12,2005 8:28pm - DreamingInExile ""]
bump for King Diamond AND teh titties \m/
[Mar 12,2005 11:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
and the show tommorrow!!!!! who's going?

i think i might just go!
[Mar 12,2005 11:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
if you want, go for it.

dan, if I need to borrow an amp tomorrow, is yours ok? If not that's fine, but one of mine is in the shop and I might need a back-up

I can always ask the binding, too, so don't feel any pressure.

[Mar 13,2005 5:00am - BornSoVile ""]
looking forward to this show!
you know you wanna see the first official Abhorred show with a bassist!
don't forget the triumphant return of Ascendancy from the east coast mini tour!
: p
[Mar 13,2005 5:32am - gorgish  ""]
i just went naked sleding with the binding
[Mar 13,2005 8:46am - dyingmuse ""]
yeah you can use my amp no prob man

can't wait to hear you josh!

\m/ ascendancy too \m/

i haven't heard abhorred since last december so i am rather curious to hear them now.
[Mar 13,2005 9:54am - dyingmuse ""]
[Mar 13,2005 11:43am - BornSoVile ""]
i still have the strep throat vokills too!
[Mar 13,2005 11:48am - dyingmuse ""]
that sucks...are you sick still?

everyone is sick these days
[Mar 13,2005 1:48pm - pessimist ""]
mars bitches
[Mar 13,2005 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I need some directions or an address please
[Mar 13,2005 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]
345 Somerville Ave
Somerville, MA

got it.

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