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NEW MP3s from Hekseri

[Jan 24,2005 4:34pm - paganmegan ""]
I think it captures the mood of the demo pretty well
[Jan 24,2005 7:22pm - litacore ""]
pure chewing satisfaction
[Jan 24,2005 8:12pm - Aegathis ""]
Sure have gotten quite a few responses about these song there Larissa, in comparison to my thread, haha sucks for me
[Jan 24,2005 8:49pm - litacore ""]
nah, we're just bumping it with shit talk

get me baked and I'll start talking to you about insurance premiums rather than death metal, HAHAHAHA!
[Jan 24,2005 9:02pm - Aegathis ""]
i cant even afford to get myself drunk, haha. And i promised myself Id be a fully fledged alcoholic when i turned 21
[Jan 24,2005 9:08pm - litacore ""]
Jesus you've got your whole life ahead of you, I'll be 34 this Spring!

talk about a fuckin TRIP!

you little whippersnappers!
[Jan 25,2005 3:53am - damnose ""]
litacore said:nah, we're just bumping it with shit talk

get me baked and I'll start talking to you about insurance premiums rather than death metal, HAHAHAHA!

if only a certain ex-drummer were that responsbile while stoned. get me baked and i'll just ramble on about cromwell (even moreso). perhaps this is an unhealthy obsession. Where's Cromoholics Anonymous when you need it? probably off committing regicide on a group field trip.

see, there I go again.
[Jan 25,2005 9:41am - litacore ""]
hahaha, look out for Megan when she finishes her classes, no historical/literary allusion will be put past HER!

"Look out!"
--any Dio song
[Jan 25,2005 9:45am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:hahaha, look out for Megan when she finishes her classes, no historical/literary allusion will be put past HER!

"Look out!"
--any Dio song

[Mar 9,2006 1:06pm - Holy muff diver  ""]
holy crap. whoever is soloing needs to stop because its so pitchy. who taught you're vibrato? Cobain? Ha...Seriously though.

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