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Raising Kubrick is breaking up.....

[Sep 18,2005 10:35pm - powerkok ""]
anonymous wants an answer said:Bla bla bla, explain the reason for the breakup or stop the thread.

[Sep 18,2005 10:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i hear they broke up so memebers could follow a promising career in gay porno, but thats hear say so far...
[Sep 19,2005 9:33am - blue ""]
its the truuf.
[Sep 19,2005 10:12am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Well, I'm assuming this is all for the best, kids, or you wouldn't be doing this. I love you all and I wish nothing but the best for you. I'm glad I got to be there through all 4 years of the fun, laughs, & good times. I'll be going to your last few shows to give you love and buy some merch because soon it will be kvlt.
[Sep 19,2005 1:47pm - sean shrapnel nli  ""]
i heard it was cause mOe and blUe were tired of looking at Kris's nuts everyday !
[Sep 20,2005 9:59am - cannabista ""]
Kris and I were making the gay porno WAY before this decesion was made. And Kieth we've had your contract ready to sign for weeks now
[Sep 22,2005 10:47pm - kriswithak ""]
hey they like looking at my nuts

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