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Raising Kubrick is breaking up.....

[Sep 15,2005 3:43am - blue ""]
After 4 years as a band, Raising Kubrick has decided to call it a day. It has been incredibly awesome, playing with so many amazing bands and we had a great time doing it all. We will be finishing up our remaining scheduled shows, along with playing one final farewell show to be announced soon. Our split with The Taste of Silver should be seeing the light of day one way or another in the upcoming months as well. We would like to give a massive thanks to every single person who has ever bought any merch, said any kind words about us, or supported us in any way shape or form. You all know who you are. Please come and check us out on our final shows:

Friday September 23
@ Cherry Street Station
492 North Cherry St Ext - Wallingford, CT
6 PM 21+ $8
Human Bone Bicycle Sciences Industries
Bugs and Rats
A Terrible Night For A Curse
Dour Cursiva
The Departed

Sunday October 9
@ O'Brien's Pub
3 Harvard Ave - Allston, MA
8 PM 21+ $8
w/ Shamelady
Doomsday Sleepover
Human Bone Bicycle Sciences Industries

Friday October 14
@ 171 Pilgrim Ave - Worcester, MA
6 PM All Ages Free
w/ Lye By Mistake
Human Bone Bicycle Sciences Industries
Sea of Bones

Thanks so much from the bottom of our hearts.

-Sarah, Kris, Blue & Moe
[Sep 15,2005 4:48am - RichHorror ""]
What the shit?!
[Sep 15,2005 7:14am - KeithMutiny ""]
[Sep 15,2005 7:31am - mark fucking richards  ""]
fuckin a, that sucks man. i'm glad we got to play with you at least once with the new lineup. i only got to see you guys 3 or 4 times, but each time was awesome...i'll try making it to that october 14th show and/or whatever final show you guys announce.
[Sep 15,2005 7:40am - thedeparted ""]
yeah man, that sucks
[Sep 15,2005 8:24am - eddie(nli)  ""]
[Sep 15,2005 8:31am - largefreakatzero ""]
Glad we finally got to play with you guys this year. Hope you guys get some new projects going soon.
[Sep 15,2005 8:34am - RustedAngel ""]
oh man, that is the crappyness! ahhhhhhhh. damn.
[Sep 15,2005 9:01am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Are you guys going on to do other projects or something?
[Sep 15,2005 9:07am - Craig nli  ""]
like i said on myspace, i really hope this is a joke. if not this totally sucks. im glad we get to play with you guys one last time on the 23rd. ill try to make it out for your last show too. this is horrible news.
[Sep 15,2005 9:11am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This is on par with the sadness that occured when John Ritter the Robot "joked" they were breaking up and haven't played shows since and then started new bands. :(
[Sep 15,2005 9:41am - brian_dc ""]
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...RK has some of the nicest people I've met in my short time in this scene and I'm sorry to hear this.

I'm looking forward to the chance to play with you guys one more time and to seeing what you guys and gal do in the future.
[Sep 15,2005 9:43am - NotCommon  ""]
You guys have no idea how sad this makes me :(
[Sep 15,2005 9:45am - litacore ""]
No! NO!
[Sep 15,2005 9:54am - DreamingInExile ""]
no way man! that sucks, RK was great, and I hope to hear good things from all of you in the near future... I wish you all the best of lucjk, I'm glad that I had the chance to play with you guys, and I'm glad to have met you all as well, you're all awsome people, and I'll be there in support of any/all new Ex-RK members new projects!!!

Blue, you should come be Shroud's 3rd guitarist now.

[Sep 15,2005 9:57am - litacore ""]
you guys will always have my support, no matter what you do

I haven't had a chance to meet Moe in person yet, but I'll be there for Oct 9!
[Sep 15,2005 9:58am - the_reverend ""]
blue is breaking up so blue can have a baby
[Sep 15,2005 10:34am - anonymous  ""]
cmon motha fuckis!!
[Sep 15,2005 10:41am - mark fucking richards  ""]

blue and i can't believe it.
[Sep 15,2005 10:44am - mark fucking richards  ""]
[Sep 15,2005 10:45am - mark fucking richards  ""]
woops, i guess it did work
[Sep 15,2005 10:54am - anonymous  ""]
I heard they are breaking up so blue has more time to trim his eyebrows....
[Sep 15,2005 11:14am - Cecchini ""]
[Sep 15,2005 11:40am - Doomkid ""]
A sad day, tis true. At least I finally got lyrics from Sarah.
[Sep 15,2005 11:45am - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
would you guys still play music if me and robb locked you in the basement and threatened you with meat cleavers?
[Sep 15,2005 11:47am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 15,2005 11:54am - succubus ""]
April fools!
[Sep 15,2005 11:58am - brian_dc ""]
is this really a joke? or is that just wishful thinking?
[Sep 15,2005 12:08pm - timma nli  ""]
hate to burst the proverbial bubble, but nay my friend...a joke it is not. i might not know my ass from my elbow on about 90% of the things that happen on this board, but i do know for fact that this is truth. or is it?
[Sep 15,2005 12:09pm - succubus ""]
my post was/is wishful thinking
[Sep 15,2005 12:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This is sad news.
[Sep 15,2005 12:13pm - anonymous  ""]
is this cause they dont have a label anymore to book them shows and what not?
[Sep 15,2005 12:13pm - Dissector ""]
This is uber lame.
[Sep 15,2005 12:23pm - mOe  ""]
anonymous said:is this cause they dont have a label anymore to book them shows and what not?

[Sep 15,2005 12:33pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Wow blue, that fuckin sucks, You guys and gal ,were a killer band ,and some of the nicest people I personally have ever met in the NE scene. The first time I seen you guys ,that blew my mind,that vocals like that could come from Sarah.. I still have yet to get your full length, But I listen to the RTTP live set all the time , it is a great representation of what you all were about....Crazy live shows,One of the most energetic bands live I have seen in a long time.I'll miss you guys alot, I am sad I do not work at a club at the moment ,Cause I definately would want your farewell show to be there.
[Sep 15,2005 12:42pm - brian_dc ""]
timma nli said:hate to burst the proverbial bubble, but nay my friend...a joke it is not. i might not know my ass from my elbow on about 90% of the things that happen on this board, but i do know for fact that this is truth. or is it?


succubus said:my post was/is wishful thinking

UGGGGGGHHH! (Charlie Brown frustration face...you know, the point eyes to the sky one)

damn, I hope all sorts of sweet bands come out of this split up, you're all too good for it not to go down like that.
[Sep 15,2005 12:47pm - the rooster  ""]

sucks fellas. we (clitorture) really enjoyed jamming and hanging out with you guys. all great dudes. hopefully we'll run into each other again. good luck.
[Sep 15,2005 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
this is all cause of that nu-metal part in one of those songs
[Sep 15,2005 12:49pm - mOe  ""]
the_reverend said:this is all cause of that nu-metal part in one of those songs

[Sep 15,2005 12:52pm - NotCommon  ""]
anonymous said:is this cause they dont have a label anymore to book them shows and what not?

thats the dumbest thing i ever heard
[Sep 15,2005 12:53pm - anonymous  ""]
NotCommon said:anonymous said:is this cause they dont have a label anymore to book them shows and what not?

thats the dumbest thing i ever heard

Yes because not common records was barely a label :shocked:
[Sep 15,2005 12:55pm - NotCommon  ""]
Correction, NotCommon still is barely a label. I am back from hiatus cracker.
[Sep 15,2005 1:21pm - doomkid nli  ""]
NotCommon said:Correction, NotCommon still is barely a label. I am back from hiatus cracker.

gospel truth?
[Sep 15,2005 1:40pm - NotCommon  ""]
Yeah, I have plans for Sin of Angels and Kevorkian's Angels, in fact we just changed Bugs and Rats name to Bugs and Angels.
[Sep 15,2005 1:46pm - powerkok ""]
Whats the reason RK broke up?
Obviously its not just 'cuz'....WE wanna know dammit.
[Sep 15,2005 4:43pm - Stevey_Evil ""]
Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! This sucks. Good luck to all of you Kubricks. I had a lot of great times playing shows with you. I must make it to one of the last shows.
[Sep 15,2005 4:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Sep 15,2005 6:01pm - DomesticTerror ""]
damn, that sucks...we had some good times. Teratism will miss you.
Best of luck to y'all in your future projects.
[Sep 15,2005 7:46pm - kriswithak ""]
thank you very much for the support from everyone. does anyone need a bass player? hahaha
[Sep 15,2005 7:49pm - cav nli  ""]
a terrible night for a curse might still be looking, but i think craigs gonna do it

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