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[Nov 2,2004 11:13am - RustedAngel ""]
white people seem to be the minority there especially in cities......Anyways, I go down to CT friday night after the bombshelter halloween show...

I'm at my friend kelly's house for her halloween party on saturday night in New Haven. Since Tim, Jeff, I were dressed black metal, we decided it would be funny to go down to the DnD's to take pictures with some friends. We did a mock of the abbey road photo, and right after it a group of black kids threw a friggen rock at me which hit me in the back.


me in the front, right before the rock was thrown at me...

I told Tim and Jeff about it but none of us did anything about it. We continued on having fun. A bunch of us were hanging out on kelly's porch, then all the sudden we hear mutiple pops and look over and see 3 guys run off around the corner and kimmie has paint on her, and josh got hit in the neck with pellet. So we move the party away from the porch cause it's not worth someone getting shot in the eye or some shit.

hanging out on kelly's porch: (jeff, tim, tom)

The next night was ION's show at the webster underground in Hartford...man what a shithole, the soundguy didn't know what he was doing, admission was $10 to basically see just ION. They played their set even though the vocals were inaudible.If you haven't bought the new Invocation cd you should go buy it now.

Anyways, we went outside to and were just hanging out on the side of the webster for a little while. Rob and Oscar went up to Brendan (atfs) car with a couple of ho'bags. About 20 or 30 minutes go by and they're still up there and so we're like okay they've had enough time to do whatever. So we walk up not even a block to Brendans car parked on the side of the st. in between to projects. They all get outta the car and we start hanging out around his car and a car drives by and someone throws an egg at us and completly misses his car and hits the car behind his. Then we hear popping and I look at one of the girls pink jacket and it's covered in blue paint. We continue getting shot, yet all the shots missing me even though they were ducking behind cars and I'm standing out in the open the entire time walking back and forth trying to figure out what to do. I look up and see two black kids up at the top of one of the apt's. My friends yelled at them and told them to come down to the st. We saw them run away from the window, and by then brenden,oscar,rob ion, robb ion, and tom ion all ran and climbed the stairs after them. Once they were at the top the two kids came out the bottom as I was still on the other side of the st with the two drunk girls. I started to slowly walk off as I knew I'm a pussy and would probably get my ass kicked if I said anything. Then our crew came out the bottom and exchanged words saying it wasn't them even though it clearly was, one of the douchebag kids starts running away and the other one stays right with us. While they chase the other kid, the kid we're standing with puts a fucking paintball mask on, I begin to walk away again. So we ended up chasing one of the kids all the way back down towards the webster and past it losing him around the corner. Brendan and oscar both had shards of glass in their hands which were cutting their friggen hands open.

I told robb ion to let it go, said we should just leave and call the cops and that they would probably have more of their friends after us. At this time I knew this shit wasn't safe anymore and I went accross the st. to the webster again and stayed with Jay and a few of his friends. While brenden and everyone was looking for his cellphone as he walked back up to his car that was still running I saw a kid walk behind a building in the corner of my eye across the st. I continued to look over there expecting someone to peak around, sure enough the dumb piece of shit does and starts to walk out towards the st with a baseball bat in his hands. I scream over to rob and point accross the st and he goes up to the kid and asks him if he's seen anyone with a paintball gun, the kid says no and he walks accross the st. towards us and then walks up parrallel to robb, rob, brendan and oscar who are greeted by about 12-14 black/puerto rican kids at the top of the hill. One has a knife, they have 40oz bottles, while the kid with the bat waits accross the st. Brendan asks who shot us with paintballs and they were just saying "that's our family, that's our family' I watched the group of kids surround them from where we were at the webster. Then about 5 minutes later still looking up there I see chaos and hear glass breaking and people yelling. I see rob by himself at one point and 5 kids in front of him one with the bat and take a swing at him but he broke the blow with his arm which was broken by that point. This all happend so fast and I'm not even sure what exact words were exchanged, ect. I do know that Brenden was sucker punched from behind, and Rob then jumped on that kid but they all ganged up on him as Brenden chased the kid in front of him. I guess he was screaming "shit nigga shit nigga" like a girl after someone smashed a bottle over brenden's head and he didn't go down. By this time, rob was hit with a bat over his head 3 times, broken arm, he was bitten on the hand. Brenden was hit over the head with a 40oz bottle and has a broken jaw from a blow from the baseball bat.

Here are the pictures I took just as rob and brenden made it back down to the webster as the bouncers chases the stupid kids off. Robb and Oscar were not even touched once during all this. I have no idea how, but they were lucky.

brenden's gash #1
rob and brenden laughing over the fact that none of those kids knocked them out.
rob being sat down by webster security
side view of brenden
broken arm
another broken arm
robs gash closeup, my camera macro doesn't do that thing justice, it was NASTY!

Everyone is okay, things could have gotten a lot worse, we took the fuck off when we were told they were coming back with guns by the security, and someone accross the st....Basically if you don't think you have enough people with you, you probably shouldn't fuck with this little turds on their own turf. They were seriously all over the place. Fuck those kids, I hope someone throws a cocktail into their apt' building and burns that shit down. fuckers. Yeah, sure it's halloween and apparently shooting paintballs at people is fun but if you hit someone in the eye with one of those fuckin things it won't be fun anymore. I know if I ever move I can 100% say it will never be in CT. I'd rather kill myself than live near those fuckbags.

Brendens Car windshield was smashed, and his car was looted. 2 of the kids got identified by brandon and caught by the police luckily. I still would rather see them get decapitated.
[Nov 2,2004 11:21am - Christraper ""]
If we went back there would you be able to point out the building they came out of?
[Nov 2,2004 11:28am - the_reverend ""]
the broken arm is the br00talist...
I snapped my arm worse than than when I was 10 and it still creeps me out.
[Nov 2,2004 11:29am - RustedAngel ""]
yep... when you're going by the side of the webster where the 'underground' is... it's like the first project/condo on right not even a block up the st.
[Nov 2,2004 11:29am - assuck ""]
i went to a show a couple years ago at webster and there were bullet holes inthe window of the theater. i knew that was a shitty neighborhood, but jesus christ. at least no got killed.

no one that matters anyway.

now where did i put my flamethrower...
[Nov 2,2004 11:29am - succubus ""]
i had to use a translator to look at the pics and it takes too long so i only saw a few

you guys looked awesome and sorry to hear about the BS you had to deal with

the area around the webster sucks..CT is weird...it has it's yuppy wealthy areas and ghettos down the street
[Nov 2,2004 11:33am - RustedAngel ""]
when we were taking off in the car, we were going to go down the side street by the webster parking lot, but robb saw the car that was in front of us go by and two of the kids in it laughing, it was a one way and cars were on both sides, they stopped in front of us so we couldn't get by and we backed up down the st and left the scene, returning about 10 minutes later so I could run to my car and follow them out of hartford. We got to Robb's house in new britain and rob was bleeding all over the place, he took a shower, and his friend amy came to pick him up and took him to the hospital even though he has no insurance.

I gave him the cryptopsy shirt he was wearing, I will have to get him a new one....
[Nov 2,2004 11:46am - Josh_hates_you ""]
stupid niggers and spics. baseball bats knifes and guns are for pussy fags espeacialy when they outnumber you 12 to 5.

same goes with the hardcore mentality........tuff guy dood......when you are surrounded by your friends.

starting fires on halloween is fun too. im sure there was a gas station nearby somewhere. burn the building down.
[Nov 2,2004 11:51am - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_hates_you said:stupid niggers and spics. baseball bats knifes and guns are for pussy fags espeacialy when they outnumber you 12 to 5.

that's why brenden and rob were laughing, because they were outnumbered 12 on 2 and the kids couldn't even knock them out.
[Nov 2,2004 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 2,2004 12:12pm - grindwhore666 ""]
shit! that sounds pretty intense. glad it's not that bad here (yet)
[Nov 2,2004 12:14pm - Christraper ""]
[Nov 2,2004 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
if I got hit with a baseball bat, I would be no more.
[Nov 2,2004 12:20pm - Christraper ""]
i got hit in the face with a bat. fucker broke my nose.
[Nov 2,2004 12:30pm - nick ""]
thats so lame, i cant understand why people do shit like this.
[Nov 2,2004 12:43pm - GoatCatalyst  ""]
there ought be a clandestine meeting and projects ought be burnt to the ground. let those degenerate subhumans burn.
[Nov 2,2004 12:56pm - powerkok ""]
[Nov 2,2004 12:57pm - Thurman ""]
[Nov 2,2004 1:17pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Nov 2,2004 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]
um.. duh... look at that fucking place.
I parked my car and promptly walked back to it and paid to park.
that place = waste zone.
[Nov 2,2004 1:26pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
I thought it was a blast
[Nov 2,2004 1:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That shit's fucked.

I'm glad my house didn't get egged this year by retarded gangs.
[Nov 2,2004 1:30pm - succubus ""]
i have posted about the surrounding area a few times on here

it sucks
[Nov 2,2004 1:31pm - RichHorror ""]
White people are the devil.
[Nov 2,2004 1:32pm - powerkok ""]
Never been there, but my drummers buddy said he wanted us to get a show there, now I am definitley going!
I need some excersize anyway, and theres way too much blood IN my body.

and josh...5 on 12 withs bats and knives is plenty reason to shoot everyone in the face.
Of course out of staters wouldnt be packing because theyre not allowed, yet you ARE allowed to get bat weilding ghetto rats, bats swung at you, with NO police anywhere in sight....and if you had been packing you wouldve been pulled over and hauled to jail for wanting to live.
GAY! that is GAY.

[Nov 2,2004 1:32pm - succubus ""]
i'm a mere female demon
[Nov 2,2004 1:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Kill whity!
[Nov 2,2004 1:36pm - powerkok ""]
its whitey, tanto!
[Nov 2,2004 1:42pm - swamplorddvm ""]
see it's the so called "white man" who denied me a good education.
[Nov 2,2004 1:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hired those goons to attack you and I am very disapointed that they failed.
[Nov 2,2004 1:48pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope you kept your receipt.
[Nov 2,2004 1:49pm - powerkok ""]
swamplorddvm said:see it's the so called "white man" who denied me a good education.

hahahahaha. :NEWHORNS:
[Nov 2,2004 1:50pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
Thanks Joe, how bout next time you send a crew who aren't pussies.
[Nov 2,2004 1:51pm - powerkok ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I hired those goons to attack you and I am very disapointed that they failed.

Thats what you get for hiring lazy people.
[Nov 2,2004 1:52pm - succubus ""]
swamplorddvm said:see it's the so called "white man" who denied me a good education.

psst i guess his was not that much better


[Nov 2,2004 1:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
next time I will hire Kok and Hoser.
[Nov 2,2004 1:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
I wish KOK and HOSER were with us, haha.

I think it's funny that 12 of them couldn't take 2 people down, even though they did get bashed pretty hard. I'm glad the shit didn't get worse than it did.

It's also funny how the first 2 kids were saying it wasn't them when we clearly knew it was. They thought we were stupid white people or something. hahahaha. fucking dumb gaylords.
[Nov 2,2004 1:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't think black people think white people are stupid, they just assume they don't have the balls to do anything about it.
[Nov 2,2004 2:00pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
well, in retrospect, mabye we should have just let it go

HAHAHAHAHAH nah fuck it
[Nov 2,2004 2:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
I should have called the cops when we were all around the exxon station. I told Tom too since he was on his phone already but he didn't.
[Nov 2,2004 2:02pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
fuck the police, fuck,fuck, fuck the police,fuck fuck, fuck the police, yo fuck em
[Nov 2,2004 2:03pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
A. It's politically correct to hate white people. Jews made sure of that. The media also encourages self hatred and guilt.
B. Whites have turned into tolerant pussies because of christian tyranny and enlavement. We have to love thy neighbor!!!
C. We are becoming the minority.
D. It's only going to get worse.
E. Good advice: Be like Thor and smash these motherfuckers in half with hammers!
[Nov 2,2004 2:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
imagine how bad i'd feel if i didn't call them and like rob got shot or something dude? i think about that shit cause it probably could have happend.
[Nov 2,2004 2:04pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
hahahah don't be a bitch, I'm kidding
[Nov 2,2004 2:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Nov 2,2004 2:05pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser would have been drunk and talked to the kids for hours.
[Nov 2,2004 2:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:hoser would have been drunk and talked to the kids for hours.

[Nov 2,2004 2:07pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
HEy man, the moral of the story for me is, fuck it My hard MIC head can take a 40oz and a bat, and I still won't go down. good times
[Nov 2,2004 2:10pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hahaha I thought he was calling me Tanto. like some indian or something.

Estupido ijo de puta.
[Nov 2,2004 2:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hired someone else, round 2 won't be so easy for you:

[Nov 2,2004 2:12pm - powerkok ""]
I wish I was there with a flamethrower!
[Nov 2,2004 2:13pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The toughest gang I'e ever seen: http://normalflora.org/strawberry_mountain_gang.html
[Nov 2,2004 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
ijo? you mean hijo?
[Nov 2,2004 2:14pm - the_reverend ""]
they are tuf.. damn
[Nov 2,2004 2:14pm - powerkok ""]
hahahah I was calling u tanto, but I speeeled it werong.
[Nov 2,2004 2:15pm - powerkok ""]
the_reverend said:hoser would have been drunk and talked to the kids for hours.

yes. PWND!
[Nov 2,2004 2:16pm - succubus ""]
powerkok said:hahahah I was calling u tanto, but I speeeled it werong.

yeah and i called you out on it

but no one saw my reply or what?
[Nov 2,2004 2:17pm - succubus ""]
succubus said:swamplorddvm said:see it's the so called "white man" who denied me a good education.

psst i guess his was not that much better


[Nov 2,2004 2:18pm - powerkok ""]
Yes, I am so used to seeing tanto, as in tanto knives....silly me.
[Nov 2,2004 2:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
succubus said:powerkok said:hahahah I was calling u tanto, but I speeeled it werong.

yeah and i called you out on it

but no one saw my reply or what?

I did. =)

I'm special
[Nov 2,2004 2:42pm - largefreakatzero ""]
It actually is suprising how many nigs can fit in a hive. It's too bad none of you guys were packing -- control some surplus population.
[Nov 2,2004 3:12pm - some random person  ""]
yeah, found this through a friend.

Thats intense.

Makes me want to kill them. Want me to grab a few friends and try for round two?

We can attempt a fatality as well! meh..too much Mortal Kombat for today...
[Nov 2,2004 3:35pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
fuck the ghettos and the yuppie perfect neighborhoods, northeast white trash turf is where its at. im down for the cause if you guys wanna go to htfd and fuck shit up
[Nov 2,2004 3:40pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
notice how yellow our teeth are from having so much blood in our mouths?

either that or we have terrible oral hygene
[Nov 2,2004 3:42pm - the_reverend ""]
or it's tom's camera phone.
[Nov 2,2004 3:52pm - robsheol ""]
it wasnt that bad until the bat came into play. its really sad when 1 skinny white kid can effectively take out 3 "thugs" without getting fucked up. true, there were still 4 other guys on me, but if that bat hadnt come out and those guys were still on me, i think i would have done just fine. but then again, they all had knives too...... but come on, THREE hits to the head with a goddamn bat and i didnt go down...... i think i would have been fine.
[Nov 2,2004 4:01pm - trouty  ""]
Or maybe that's just fake blood. Either if it ain't ya'll are still a bunch of dickless racist fucktards. Pathetic morons.
[Nov 2,2004 4:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
was this in hartford? I've been to UH a few times it's really very strange area, like carina said, some places are yuppie havens and the next block over is a full blown ghetto. this blows this had to happen to innocent people. good to see you guys stood your ground though. CHEERS!
[Nov 2,2004 4:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
robsheol said:it wasnt that bad until the bat came into play. its really sad when 1 skinny white kid can effectively take out 3 "thugs" without getting fucked up. true, there were still 4 other guys on me, but if that bat hadnt come out and those guys were still on me, i think i would have done just fine. but then again, they all had knives too...... but come on, THREE hits to the head with a goddamn bat and i didnt go down...... i think i would have been fine.

Without the bat you'd have fucked those kids up without question. They had knives but they were afraid to use them. Anyone afraid to use what they have in a fight is going to lose the fight.

[Nov 2,2004 6:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
trouty said:Or maybe that's just fake blood. Either if it ain't ya'll are still a bunch of dickless racist fucktards. Pathetic morons.

[Nov 2,2004 6:18pm - powerkok ""]
3 HITS TO THE HEAD WITH A BAT??? and youre still among the living?
those kids musta swung like faggots havin their nails done.
no offense to your head, as I'm sure its a tough head, even with pussy swings, that shit hadda smart a bit.
[Nov 2,2004 6:18pm - powerkok ""]
trouty said:Or maybe that's just fake blood. Either if it ain't ya'll are still a bunch of dickless racist fucktards. Pathetic morons.

you sound southern.
and by that I mean kinda stupid, slow, and lazy.
[Nov 2,2004 6:19pm - kate chaos  ""]
shit.. thats fucking stupid shit. i wouldve shot them in the back of the knee caps. bitches. :-p
great to see you guys lovin your battle scars though.
[Nov 2,2004 6:23pm - powerkok ""]
An Old Classic.
[Nov 2,2004 6:26pm - Kalopsia ""]
remember tom, anonymous post, disregard, because he obviously didn't read your whole post of the event. that really sucks that happened. i'm gonna have to start bringing one of my brother's knives with me from now on. and i definately gotta remember to never play the webster theater
[Nov 2,2004 8:34pm - dave from the grave  ""]
The webster fucking sucks. This shit doesn't improve anything.
[Nov 2,2004 9:02pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
kate chaos said:shit.. thats fucking stupid shit. i wouldve shot them in the back of the knee caps. bitches. :-p
great to see you guys lovin your battle scars though.

is this the kate chaos that lived in north stonington? if so KATE!!!!!

[Nov 2,2004 9:34pm - robsheol ""]
trouty said:Or maybe that's just fake blood. Either if it ain't ya'll are still a bunch of dickless racist fucktards. Pathetic morons.

come on now, if you actually think that I am a racist, then you have to be the biggest fucking moron on the face of the planet...... considering I am black...... you fucking retard.:yoda::yoda::yoda:
[Nov 2,2004 10:02pm - the_reverend ""]
you are only 1/2 black.
too bad it's not from the waste down.
[Nov 2,2004 10:16pm - Brendan ATFS  ""]
[Nov 3,2004 5:34am - robsheol ""]
from the waist to my knees, baby, waist to my knees.....
[Nov 3,2004 6:06am - the_reverend ""]
then how do you explain the high tops?
[Nov 3,2004 11:13am - jake  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The toughest gang I'e ever seen: http://normalflora.org/strawberry_mountain_gang.html

i heard that quin kid throws garbage bags filled with kittens into the lake just for laughs.
[Nov 3,2004 3:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
robsheol said:from the waist to my knees, baby, waist to my knees.....

how's your arm dood? cast on it?
[Nov 4,2004 9:25am - RustedAngel ""]
this shit still pisses me off!
[Nov 4,2004 11:10am - anonymous  ""]
i have a spint on it because it does the same thing and costs about $100 less. typing and masturbating have become difficult..... and high tops are what ALL the cool kids are rocking nowadays...shit, son
[Nov 4,2004 12:13pm - Chulsky von Streetwalker  ""]
I'm available if you're forming an ION Brute Squad.
[Nov 4,2004 12:39pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
theres already the 860 (areacode) defense force. are we gonna see a merge of brute force to clean out the ghetto or what?
[Nov 4,2004 4:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
hatebreed is playing the webster theater soon, maybe some FSU kids will go show those motherfuckers what's up, hahaha.
[Nov 4,2004 8:17pm - anonymous  ""]
hahahaha we have our own brute force!!
[Nov 28,2004 11:05pm - RustedAngel ""]

The kid who had the baseball bat, was shot AND KILLED by another thug gang soon after this. Brenden works out with a cop who was on the case. FANTASTIC NEWS! :bow:
[Nov 28,2004 11:14pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Nov 28,2004 11:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
I forgot to put that he was KILLED!
[Nov 28,2004 11:37pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
[Nov 29,2004 12:30am - Kalopsia ""]
i'm just curious, when u said "soon after this" do mean like a couple hours after they attacked u guys, or like a week later?
[Nov 29,2004 12:32am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
is there a news article about the shooting?
[Nov 29,2004 3:25am - Stumbling55 ""]
probably not, that shit happens all the time, if they listed the police reports for hartford in the newspaper they wouldnt have room for anything else...
[Nov 29,2004 3:28am - Stumbling55 ""]
robsheol....hmmm..... waist to your knees huh? can i double check that in that in person?
[Nov 29,2004 7:36am - the_reverend ""]
man, I hate white people SO MUCH!
[Nov 29,2004 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:man, I hate white people SO MUCH!

hahah, move somewhere where white people are hated, see how long it takes before something happens to you, or something you own.
[Nov 29,2004 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 29,2004 10:34am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
whites to the back of the bus
[Nov 29,2004 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 30,2004 8:46am - stumbling55 ""]
sometimes i feel so mistreated as a white woman these days... and it just.... it just makes me wanna.... crrryyyyyy..... then again, im stubborn... sooooo.... fuck it.
[Jan 3,2007 1:54pm - anonymous  ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:kate chaos said:shit.. thats fucking stupid shit. i wouldve shot them in the back of the knee caps. bitches. :-p
great to see you guys lovin your battle scars though.

is this the kate chaos that lived in north stonington? if so KATE!!!!!

yes it is.
[Feb 17,2007 2:53am - infect ""]
all i know about the webster theatre surrounding area, is that theres a shell station that sells really cheap bongs. me and christian bought a big house bong for the metal mansion for like 40 bucks
[Feb 17,2007 3:13am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:A. It's politically correct to hate white people. Jews made sure of that. The media also encourages self hatred and guilt.
B. Whites have turned into tolerant pussies because of christian tyranny and enlavement. We have to love thy neighbor!!!
C. We are becoming the minority.
D. It's only going to get worse.
E. Good advice: Be like Thor and smash these motherfuckers in half with hammers!

Whenever I have to go anywhere...anywhere where I think there will be trouble I carry my mini sledge hammer in my belt, it's a ten pound, looks like a mini mjollnir

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