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Joke Time...get as dirty and racist as you like

[Feb 14,2004 12:29am - boobtoucher ""]
I take my women like I take my coffee, in the can.
[Feb 14,2004 12:36am - swamplorddvm ""]
What did the black boy get for his birth-day?..
[Feb 14,2004 12:46am - Kalopsia ""]
swamplorddvm said:What did the black boy get for his birth-day?..

your bike
[Feb 14,2004 12:46am - Kalopsia ""]
what is the most confusing day in Harlem?
[Feb 14,2004 1:10am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
what do you call 30,000 mexicans jumping out of an airplane...

[Feb 14,2004 1:12am - Wee...Bink! ""]

What do you call 5,000 black people on the ocean floor?

a good start.
[Feb 14,2004 1:32am - swamplorddvm ""]
How do the chinese name their children?
[Feb 14,2004 1:37am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Whats black and white and red all over?

an inter-racial couple having sex while i menstruate on their faces!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
[Feb 14,2004 1:42am - swamplorddvm ""]
swamplorddvm said:How do the chinese name their children?

They throw silverwear down the stairs. HA!
[Feb 14,2004 10:50am - Dissector ""]
Kalopsia said:what is the most confusing day in Harlem?

Fathers day
[Feb 14,2004 10:53am - Assuck ""]
I like my women like I like my steak...bloody
[Feb 14,2004 10:54am - Assuck ""]
whats the difference between a cadillac and a pile of dead babies?
[Feb 14,2004 10:58am - Dissector ""]
Assuck said:whats the difference between a cadillac and a pile of dead babies?

I don't have a cadillac in my garage.
[Feb 14,2004 12:51pm - joostin ""]
Why do women have babies?

Because it hurts and they deserve it.
[Feb 14,2004 2:54pm - brendan  ""]
what would you call the simpsons if they were black??

[Feb 14,2004 2:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Dissector said:Kalopsia said:what is the most confusing day in Harlem?

Fathers day


[Feb 14,2004 3:02pm - Chococat ""]
Chococat says that the father's day joke is old and anyone that hasn't heard it yet and that finds it funny now is a moron =^_^=
[Feb 14,2004 3:30pm - ratt_mowe ""]
what do you call a row of trees in harlem?

[Feb 14,2004 3:31pm - ratt_mowe ""]
whats the difference between a tire and a nigger?

a tire doesnt sing when you put chains on it.
[Feb 14,2004 3:32pm - Chococat ""]
what do you call a black irish man?

a lepreCOON
[Feb 14,2004 4:04pm - tbone_r ""]
how do u get a 4 year old to cry twice?....wipe your bloody cock on its teddy bear
[Feb 14,2004 5:55pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Chococat said:Chococat says that the father's day joke is old and anyone that hasn't heard it yet and that finds it funny now is a moron =^_^=

Actualy I have heard it before and I still find it funny. Your Irish-nigger joke isn't exactly grade A comedy. funny but not great.
[Feb 14,2004 6:00pm - Assuck ""]
what do you get when you skin a 4 year old with a razorblade?

an erection.
[Feb 14,2004 6:00pm - Assuck ""]
Dissector said:Assuck said:whats the difference between a cadillac and a pile of dead babies?

I don't have a cadillac in my garage.

Nicely done.
[Feb 14,2004 6:01pm - Assuck ""]
Oh hey and we're playing a show with you guys. This should be an interesting show...
[Feb 14,2004 6:03pm - Assuck ""]
How do you circumcise a redneck?

Kick his sister in the jaw.
[Feb 14,2004 6:04pm - Assuck ""]
I seem to be talking to myself...
[Feb 14,2004 6:14pm - retzam ""]
Assuck said:what do you get when you skin a 4 year old with a razorblade?

an erection.

Damn, I was going to tell this one:
What do you get when you kick a dead baby down the stairs?

An erection

Whatever though.

What's the difference between a black person and a bucket of shit?
The bucket
How long does it take a black woman to take a shit?
9 months
How do you get a black person down from a tree?
Cut the rope

I am sure most of you have heard all 3 of these.
[Feb 14,2004 6:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Matters not if the're old or not. As long as the're funny. and fucked up.
[Feb 14,2004 6:23pm - Assuck ""]
What's grosser than gross?
A dumpster full of dead babies

Whats grosser than that?
the one at the bottom is still alive

What's grosser than that?
It has to eat its way to freedom

whats grosser than that?
it goes back for seconds

[Feb 14,2004 6:25pm - retzam ""]
Assuck said:What's grosser than gross?
A dumpster full of dead babies

Whats grosser than that?
the one at the bottom is still alive

What's grosser than that?
It has to eat its way to freedom

whats grosser than that?
it goes back for seconds


I never really understood this one.
[Feb 14,2004 7:25pm - Kalopsia ""]
what's worse than 10 dead babies in a dumpster?

one dead baby in 10 dumpsters
[Feb 14,2004 7:30pm - Dissector ""]
Whats black and blue and hates anal sex?
The 8 year old in my trunk.

What does sperm and Mexicans have in common?
There are millions of them but only a few actually work.
[Feb 14,2004 7:32pm - Dissector ""]
Assuck said:Oh hey and we're playing a show with you guys. This should be an interesting show...

What band are you in?
[Feb 14,2004 11:54pm - the_reverend ""]
you guys all need to recognize that justins joke rules you all.
[Feb 15,2004 12:52am - Abbath ""]
what's worst than a pile of dead babies....

.....the one in the middle trying to eat its way out
[Feb 15,2004 12:54am - succubus ""]
you mean aaron aka joostin's joke
[Feb 15,2004 1:24am - Kalopsia ""]
what's red, bubbly, and sticky?

a baby in a microwave
[Feb 15,2004 1:24am - Kalopsia ""]
what do u say when you see your tv floating at night?

drop it nigger
[Feb 15,2004 1:40am - the_reverend ""]
man, you guys should be glad that none of your know any black people.
I saw one once... I locked my car doors.
[Feb 15,2004 1:47am - swamplorddvm ""]
I know some. Then I feel bad when I see them. I'm such an ass.
[Feb 15,2004 2:09am - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:man, you guys should be glad that none of your know any black people.
I saw one once... I locked my car doors.

lol. well i do know a couple black ppl, and i'm friends with them. they just don't go to this message board.
[Feb 15,2004 6:37am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Kalopsia said:what do u say when you see your tv floating at night?

drop it nigger

hahahahaha, amazing.
[Feb 15,2004 10:58am - Assuck ""]
Dissector said:>>

What band are you in?>>

I'm in Abhorred.
[Feb 15,2004 11:24am - MyDeadDoll ""]
what's pink, red and silver and runs into walls?

a baby with forks in its eyes.
[Feb 15,2004 1:43pm - Assuck ""]
whats the difference between a chocolate cake and a dead baby?

I don't sodomize a chocolate cake before i eat it
[Feb 15,2004 3:25pm - the_reverend ""]
womens rights
[Feb 15,2004 3:26pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:womens rights

[Feb 15,2004 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
"size doesn't matter"
[Feb 15,2004 3:30pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
what sits in front of a mirror and gets smaller and smaller?

a baby combing its hair with a potato peeler

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