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Favorite Drummers??

[Feb 3,2007 10:08pm - retzam ""]
JDDomination said:[img]

Another drastically underrated rock drummer.
[Feb 3,2007 10:41pm - Archaeon ""]
Aegathis said:porphyria said:steve smyth
marco minneman
bobby jarzombek
tomas haake
richard christy
gene holgan
mike heller

Steve smyth plays drums now?

I hope that was sarcastic

[Feb 3,2007 10:42pm - Archaeon ""]
Archaeon said:Aegathis said:porphyria said:steve smyth
marco minneman
bobby jarzombek
tomas haake
richard christy
gene holgan
mike heller

Steve smyth plays drums now?

Steve Smith is a Jazz/Rock drummer whose nasty not the guy in Nevermore haha

[Feb 3,2007 10:43pm - Archaeon ""]
Archaeon said:Archaeon said:Aegathis said:porphyria said:steve smyth
marco minneman
bobby jarzombek
tomas haake
richard christy
gene holgan
mike heller

Steve smyth plays drums now?

Steve Smith is a Jazz/Rock drummer whose nasty. not the guy in Nevermore haha

[Feb 4,2007 12:53am - powerkok ""]
I ate a drummer once.
I shit out a drummer too.
[Feb 4,2007 12:53am - powerkok ""]
know what Im sayin bruh....h.uhuhhhhh

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