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New definition of FTW

[Aug 4,2008 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha thats the most boring one, but i laughed pretty hard at it.

Frumpy Tubular Wetbacks
[Aug 4,2008 3:29pm - josh_hates_you ""]
www.frankthewelder.com he welds all the sinister bikes. the have a welded by F.T.W. sticker on them

[Aug 4,2008 4:58pm - kadoogapologist  ""]
Frankcalliendo Thumbs Wretchedmen'sanuses

don't judge me
[Aug 4,2008 5:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
That guy really does suck.

Fabulous Tazmanian Whore
Friggledaggle tiffie wumps.
[Sep 1,2008 9:08am - Conservationist ""]
Face the Wallaby

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