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Nov 10 (Sat) - Enslaved, Arsis, The Faceless, Lord Bacon - 6pm - 18+ - $20 - Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH)[view flyer]

Enslaved, Arsis, The Faceless, Lord Bacon, The Agonist - Mark's Showplace Nov. 10th

[show listing]  _______________________________
[Nov 11,2007 11:50am - wtf  ""]
Did enslaved cut their set short because the crowd was so terrible? They did not play nearly as long as I was expecting them to being the headliner and all. They deserve better than Mark's.
[Nov 11,2007 1:20pm - christopher  ""]
Yeah, I thought they would play longer too. They sounded awesome though. I've missed them every other time they've come around, so I was really excited to seem them tonight. I was that guy in the middle moving like a douche bag. Why was everyone so mellow?

Arsis was great.

They wouldn't let my friend in because he only had a learner's permit...that put a downer on the night. If Enslaved wasn't one of my absolute most favorite bands, i would not of been there. Fuck marks. I would go see Suffocation if it was at some shit house next door. I don't mind the drive. But i'm skipping that show. Hopefully i never have to go there again.
[Nov 11,2007 4:10pm - dreadkill ""]
everyone was mellow because mark's kicks people out for headbanging.
[Nov 11,2007 4:14pm - fishcakes ""]
fucking sad!
[Nov 11,2007 10:07pm - Imperator  ""]
I missed Enslaved the last time they were in town, so this was my one shot to see them and I didn't have the experience of the last show they did to compare to. Regardless, I was blown away by Enslaved, shorter set or not. With that said, I don't think I will ever go to mark's again. I'm 37 and I have been going to shows since I was 16 and I have NEVER been to a worse venue. Prices suck, beer selection sucks, SECURITY are absolute dickheads and the no moshing rule is absurd.

The only good thing I can say about mark's is that the sound in that place is better than anything I have ever experienced at the lame ass Palladium. I'm not saying I like the place (mark's), just that I hate driving into Mass to see bands at the Palladium and having them sound like shit because of the Palladium's sound system. Too bad mark's sucks so much ass though, it is only 8 miles from where I live.

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