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Nov 10 (Sat) - Enslaved, Arsis, The Faceless, Lord Bacon - 6pm - 18+ - $20 - Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH)[view flyer]

Enslaved, Arsis, The Faceless, Lord Bacon, The Agonist - Mark's Showplace Nov. 10th

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Oct 8,2007 3:48pm - LORDBACON ""]

we still have some tickets left, so shoot us a line if you want to come!
[Oct 8,2007 5:46pm - craig nli  ""]
lord bacon? is that for real?
[Oct 8,2007 6:14pm - Aegathis ""]
yea it is, theyre really fucking awesome. Just with a goofy name
[Oct 8,2007 7:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats a sweet line up... mostly.
[Oct 8,2007 7:35pm - I_am_not_me ""]
Why does The Agonist keep getting thrown on all sorts of these shows? Are they trying to get the shit beaten out of 'em? Fucking metalcore.
[Oct 8,2007 8:39pm - narkybark ""]
Lord bacon is a great name, because you have to admit, bacon does rule
[Oct 8,2007 9:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Too bad this is at Mark's. The Faceless and Arsis are the only bands I'd really be dying to see, but I've seen them both a handful of times so it won't kill me to not see them.
[Oct 8,2007 10:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Same day as the MORTAL DECAY show in Mass.
[Oct 8,2007 10:32pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'll be at Mortal Decay, obviously.
[Oct 8,2007 10:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 9,2007 12:44am - craig nli  ""]
where can i hear lord bacon? im interested now. i have to admit, its a better name than "she is a liar". thats just obvious and redundant.
[Oct 9,2007 12:50am - dreadkill ""]
she is a liar is terrible. what are they doing on this show?
[Oct 9,2007 10:44am - Yeti ""]
poor Enslaved. they deserve so much better.
[Oct 9,2007 1:38pm - dreadkill ""]
i'll be there for enslaved and arsis. i'm also curious about lord bacon because of the name.
[Oct 9,2007 3:57pm - immortal13 ""]
I'd go for Arsis, The Faceless, and Enslaved, but I'm not gonna go because it's at Mark's Showplace.
[Oct 9,2007 4:52pm - LORDBACON ""]
dreadkill said:i'll be there for enslaved and arsis. i'm also curious about lord bacon because of the name.

well hit us up when youre ready. its gunna be a damn good show
[Oct 9,2007 4:56pm - LORDBACON ""]
mark's isnt quite as bad since they made it no smoking. yo can go outside into this yard type deal, makes for a much better time
[Oct 9,2007 5:24pm - Dankill  ""]
Mark's is terrible for a number of reasons which are more then smoking.
I think that's on the bottom of the list which people regularly complain about.
[Oct 9,2007 5:45pm - hammersmashedface  ""]
if you show any interest in the band that is playing they beat you up and throw you out
[Oct 9,2007 10:48pm - goatcatalystNLI  ""]
don't mean to piss on Lord Bacon's parade, but here goes...

why support shitty venues when you could see the same show in a comparatively douche-chill free environment


go to the show at the Webster in Hartford instead

(PS - Ipsissimus and Starvation are playing)
[Oct 9,2007 10:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Hartford Sucks too... What we need is an RTTP Controlled Venue. Thats the ticket!
[Oct 12,2007 12:51pm - LORDBACON ""]
Dankill said:Mark's is terrible for a number of reasons which are more then smoking.
I think that's on the bottom of the list which people regularly complain about.

true, but pay to play or not, you go to shows to support the bands, not the venue
[Oct 12,2007 1:17pm - immortal13 ""]
LORDBACON said:Dankill said:Mark's is terrible for a number of reasons which are more then smoking.
I think that's on the bottom of the list which people regularly complain about.

true, but pay to play or not, you go to shows to support the bands, not the venue

Why go to a shitty venue to support bands when you could go to one of their tour dates in Mass or something at a better venue? It's pointless to go to a shitty venue because the venue is what makes half of the show fun in my opinion. If I don't like the venue (atmosphere, rules, whatever) then I'm not gonna go to it because then I'll feel bored and not really have a good time, and what's the point of going to a show if you're not having a good time?
[Oct 12,2007 1:38pm - mOe ""]
is this tour in MA
i'm dying to see the faceless
[Oct 12,2007 1:44pm - immortal13 ""]
I don't know, but I hope so, because I'm with you on dying to see the Faceless live.
[Oct 12,2007 1:51pm - mOe ""]
nope, bedford is the only NE date on their myspace
dammit...i'm not going all the way up to Marks of all places to watch them play a 20 minute set
[Oct 12,2007 3:54pm - OCR ""]
Yeti said:poor Enslaved. they deserve so much better.

I agree
[Oct 12,2007 9:54pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
true, but pay to play or not, you go to shows to support the bands, not the venue

That is the smartest thing that will be said in this entire thread
[Oct 17,2007 4:46pm - LORDBACON ""]
fuck venue bullshit, listen to the music and enjoy yourself. you dont have to be running around moshing to have a good time seeing 4 badass bands perform their music, fuck.
[Oct 17,2007 10:55pm - immortal13 ""]
I don't mosh at all. I also don't think you realize I'm banned from Mark's.
[Oct 17,2007 11:39pm - Dankill  ""]
Fine. Headbang and see where that gets you.
[Oct 18,2007 3:05am - Phrozenspite ""]
I haven't followed this thread enough... but i'll chime in here and say that I headbang like crazy up front against the barrier sometimes when I'm there and nobody's said a word to me...
[Oct 22,2007 3:58pm - metfan  ""]
Enslaved played at Paris, the pictures are avaible in my website

Enslaved 10/16/2007 Paris
[Oct 22,2007 11:57pm - MaNoWaR  ""]
This may not have to do directly with Enslaved but I must emphasize what dankill, goatcatalystNLI, and immortal13 are saying here. I have to tell you something about MarksShittyShowplace. What use to be a half-decent venue has gotten worse. A lot worse. Most of the shows at Marks (of this caliber like Enslaved) are listed at $20. However for OverKill on the night of the Oct.20 they decided to jack it up at the door to $25. I mean if you want to charge 2 different prices (one in advance and one for night of show) then fine. But make it clear to the fans in advance. Pulling this stupid shit stunt is very distasteful. Its called fucking the fans. I was thinking about attending Enslaved but it'l most likely be $25 the night of show. So I want all the metal fans to beware of Marks and their price gouging. Not to mention the TNT security. Biggest bunch of pricks. They hounded and heckled me the whole time even though I was just trying to enjoy Overkill and the other bands who played the night of the 20th. I've dealt with the security team in the past at Marks with no real problems. Even after the show was a big problem. In the past they didn't want people throwing flyers on the ground to prevent littering and I can understand that. But now TNT security were doing everything to kick people out of the parking lot trying to forbid the fans in waiting for the group. I mean I'm out of the venue now. What's TNT going to do? Write me a ticket? Arrest me? Its gotten to the point where it makes the venue not enjoyable as it once was.
[Oct 23,2007 10:13am - Burnsy ""]
i was headbanging during enslaved last time and i got a bunch of shit cuz i was pulling on the railing. tnt just makes the fans (customers who pay money!!!) alienated from the venue. shit has to change. i'm only going to this cuz enslaved is my favorite band and i can't miss em.
[Oct 23,2007 11:12am - Phrozenspite ""]
I've heard some of the terrible stuff they've done but again I headbang like crazy up against the barrier when I'm there and nobody has ever said a word to me... and during the Firewind show they let us wait inside the venue and meet with the band after their set
I've been there for
Krisiun/Decapitated/Abysmal Dawn(the one where SFU wasn't playing)
Moonspell/Katatonia/Daylight Dies
Dark Funeral/Enslaved/Abigail Williams
Katatonia/Scar Symmetry/Insomnium/Swallow The Sun
Overkill(a while ago)
Edguy/Into Eternity
[Oct 23,2007 3:54pm - shannon ""]
Aware of there "No moshing' rules,I simply fucking thrashed out a bit,bothering no one. However I was kicked out of Mark's for: Suffocation-Krisiun-Darkfuneral-Unleashed,yes like 4 shows. And a few of my friends were also. I haven't been there in months,honestly Id rather drive to BB king's or The chance. Both Newhampshire and Ny are two hours away from me. The drinks are ridiculously priced,and Im all set with weird fucks in red following me around all night.
[Oct 23,2007 5:20pm - LORDBACON ""]
i've played there 3 times and there's never been a problem with security for me. the only people i see the TNT guys booting out are the big fat guys running into people. granted they go a little overboard when actually kicking them out, but thats the rules. not that big of a deal. most of the people getting kicked out are the fucks that think they are "tough" and "badass" or "metal" or whatever and go there planning to break the rules, knowing they'll get kicked out so they can bitch about it on online threads. just don't be a fuck, and you'll be all set.

that aside, we still have a shitload of tickets left to sell so any help would be appreciated. support the bands, see awesome music, have a good time. just hit us up.

also, we have our original singer back, and the music is sick and better than ever. we should have a live demo next week with him on it.

until then, we still got some instrumentals up on the Lord Bacon MySpace
[Oct 23,2007 7:25pm - immortal13 ""]
LORDBACON said:i've played there 3 times and there's never been a problem with security for me. the only people i see the TNT guys booting out are the big fat guys running into people. granted they go a little overboard when actually kicking them out, but thats the rules. not that big of a deal. most of the people getting kicked out are the fucks that think they are "tough" and "badass" or "metal" or whatever and go there planning to break the rules, knowing they'll get kicked out so they can bitch about it on online threads. just don't be a fuck, and you'll be all set.

that aside, we still have a shitload of tickets left to sell so any help would be appreciated. support the bands, see awesome music, have a good time. just hit us up.

also, we have our original singer back, and the music is sick and better than ever. we should have a live demo next week with him on it.

until then, we still got some instrumentals up on the Lord Bacon MySpace

Please don't take any offense to what I'm about to say:

The reason you haven't been kicked out is because you're doing all of Bernie's dirty work, and they can see that you're in one of the bands that did so. Sometimes I'll sell tickets for shows, but man, not nearly the amount NEC asks for or at the price they ask for. And the fact that they need to be pre-bought. Bernie does nothing but make the bands his bitch and make it seem like he's doing something for them, when altogether it's just shows they getting on that they could get on at a different venue without paying so much money for it.
[Oct 23,2007 7:41pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Fuck Mark, Bernie and their simian security turds in their cockstarved gullets. Go see this show in Hartford. You've got to seig heil on stage to get kicked out of that place. Protect your hessian liberties - boycott Mark's
[Oct 23,2007 7:49pm - immortal13 ""]
GoatCatalyst said:Fuck Mark, Bernie and their simian security turds in their cockstarved gullets. Go see this show in Hartford. You've got to seig heil on stage to get kicked out of that place. Protect your hessian liberties - boycott Mark's

If I wasn't banned from Mark's I would continue to boycott it, but it's kinda hard to do both if you think about it. But either way, I'll help lead the boycott. I'll make a fucking myspace and everything.
[Oct 23,2007 8:01pm - I_am_not_me ""]
I've never had any problems. I rather like the no moshing rule, keeps people from being tards. But yeah, pay to play is gay.
[Oct 24,2007 11:30am - LORDBACON ""]
immortal13 said:Please don't take any offense to what I'm about to say:

The reason you haven't been kicked out is because you're doing all of Bernie's dirty work, and they can see that you're in one of the bands that did so. Sometimes I'll sell tickets for shows, but man, not nearly the amount NEC asks for or at the price they ask for. And the fact that they need to be pre-bought. Bernie does nothing but make the bands his bitch and make it seem like he's doing something for them, when altogether it's just shows they getting on that they could get on at a different venue without paying so much money for it.

none taken, but that has nothing to do with what i just said. i didnt get kicked out cause i wasnt being a fucktard and trying to get kicked out. thats all it takes to have a good time there. ive never pre-bought tickets or sold the full amount, but we do need to sell some so help us out and shut the fuck up. we're just trying to play a good show here. start another thread for the mass show, no offence
[Oct 24,2007 12:43pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I've already spoken my piece several times about Bernie and his retarded business ethics, but I'll continue to do so for as long as I want...

There are always going to be two sides to this issue: the people who see how Bernie/NEC REALLY are, and the people who don't pay enough attention to what's happening to others as a result of the retardation of Bernie/NEC. Just because YOU didn't have anything bad happen to you doesn't mean that they're on your side or that others probably deserved to be dicked over. That would be wrong.

My old band played the Cryptopsy show at Good Times last June; we sold all of our 50 tickets, plus probably 25 more, and helped our buddies Downfall out with selling a good handful of theirs. Bernie told us we were the first band to come up with all of the money, and one of only few to actually have all the money, so he was grateful. Then, we played the Suffocation/Goatwhore show at Mark's last July...if anyone doesn't remember the clusterfuck that weekend was, here's a recap (it's long, but I don't give a fuck...people need to know this bullshit):

The first Suffocation show was on Friday, July 28th (I think that's the correct date) at Mark's. The second show was supposed to be at Good Times in Somerville, MA, but they most likely told Bernie to fuck off because he is a piece of shit. So, Bernie announced that the show would be moved to Mark's...meaning that the same show was going on two nights in a row at the same fucking place with just different local bands trying to whore themselves out. To make this matter even more awkward and trying for the bands selling tickets, Bernie decided that anyone who bought a ticket for the first night would be able to get into the second night, or vice versa, FOR FREE. Nice guy, right? Helping out all those fans...WRONG. Anyone with an ounce of fucking intelligence would tell the bands that had to sell tickets for the second night that they didn't have to worry about getting all 50 tickets sold, since there were going to be most likely at least 100 kids showing up FOR FREE. To top it off, this all happened a few days before the show was supposed to happen so it didn't leave anyone enough time to prepare. I thought Bernie would be lenient, but no, he had to get his panties in a bunch. He eventually cut the bands some slack only because he realized everyone was against him, but he was a dick throughout the entire fucking night. When I showed up I had to argue with security to let me in since I was in one of the bands, while Bernie just stood behind him saying nothing for 5 minutes then reluctantly let me in...nice guy, after saying how grateful he was for our hardwork the last show we played for him. After we got off stage, I loaded my stuff back out in two trips. After the second trip, security wouldn't let me back in. I told him I was in a band and that he had seen me loading my stuff in and out. He proceeded to argue with me...what kind of fucking bullshit is that??? One of the fucking bands playing can't come and go as they please, ESPECIALLY when loading out? What kind of a way to run a venue is that shit? Still, Bernie was standing behind the guy for 5 minutes before telling him it was ok. After expressing my feelings towards the situation and how fucked up it was that he could be such a nice guy when we're giving him money not-so-hard-earned for him, then turn around and be the biggest dick ever to try hiding the fact that it was HIS mistake for not bringing in all the money he needed, this fucking idiot says, "You'll never find a show in New England again." I don't know if this is more hilarious than it is fucking pathetic. Bernie and New England Concerts are far from a local concert monopolizer and I haven't got shit to worry about.

The way that Bernie does business is completely ass backwards. As a promoter, this douche factory should already have the tour guarantee in pocket before the show even fucking starts. If you can't deal with the fact that you'll lose money most of the time, you shouldn't be a promoter for UNDERGROUND METAL MUSIC!!!!!! If a band's guarantee is too much for you to handle, fucking bargain with them. If a band asks for $1000 and you think they can't draw that much in whatever area you're booking them in, you talk them down and then the 2 parties eventually come to a reasonable price or that band just doesn't work with the promoter, it's as simple as that. Bernie is doing a huge injustice to underground music trying to capitalize on something that is more about passion and pastime than it is about business and making money. Make bands sell 75 tickets at $20 a pop to play with The Misfits...don't force 6 or 7, sometimes even more, local bands sell 50 tickets each to see an underground metal band, no matter how "popular" they are. I'm sure Mark's can't even hold as many people as there are tickets to be sold for most shows. Some people may say it's smart business, but it's not smart business when everyone in the fucking world is going to eventually hate you and refuse to do business with you.

Anyone that is blind to this shit needs to wake the fuck up and realize that just because it looks like you're getting treated well and being given the opportunity to play with huge touring bands and sometimes your idols, it doesn't mean that there are more people/bands/businesses suffering from how fucking retarded this sort of business is. I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say to oppose me, because you're fucking wrong. It's not about supporting the bands, it's about making fucking money. It may be about supporting the bands to the locals and to the fans, but not to the person you're shelling out more money than you need to, and that's the fucking problem.

[Oct 24,2007 5:27pm - fuck  ""]
yet another example that pay to play is gay....this guy has to beg people to buy tickets from him.
[Oct 24,2007 6:23pm - LORDBACON ""]
fuck said:yet another example that pay to play is gay....this guy has to beg people to buy tickets from him.

cant argue with that.

I dont support Mark's way of business at all, but id like to share the stage with those bands, so we have to try and sell some tickets. None of the other times weve played there we came up with the money. Putrescine played and didnt sell any tickets, just strung them along and showed up late so they already had it all set for us to play. and with finntroll we only sold 5. i dont expect to sell nearly the 50 tickets they made us promise, but we are most likely going to play anyways and not get booked there again. im not arguing for any form of business or anything, the same shits been posted and re-posted on every mark's forum there is. old news.

so if you want to see the show with sweet fucking bands, get in touch. if not, catch the next one, but dont let a venue stop you from seeing the music you like
[Oct 25,2007 8:55am - immortal13 ""]
LORDBACON said:immortal13 said:Please don't take any offense to what I'm about to say:

The reason you haven't been kicked out is because you're doing all of Bernie's dirty work, and they can see that you're in one of the bands that did so. Sometimes I'll sell tickets for shows, but man, not nearly the amount NEC asks for or at the price they ask for. And the fact that they need to be pre-bought. Bernie does nothing but make the bands his bitch and make it seem like he's doing something for them, when altogether it's just shows they getting on that they could get on at a different venue without paying so much money for it.

none taken, but that has nothing to do with what i just said. i didnt get kicked out cause i wasnt being a fucktard and trying to get kicked out. thats all it takes to have a good time there. ive never pre-bought tickets or sold the full amount, but we do need to sell some so help us out and shut the fuck up. we're just trying to play a good show here. start another thread for the mass show, no offence

None taken, but even if I did wanna go, I'm banned from Mark's.
[Oct 25,2007 9:02am - immortal13 ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I've already spoken my piece several times about Bernie and his retarded business ethics, but I'll continue to do so for as long as I want...

There are always going to be two sides to this issue: the people who see how Bernie/NEC REALLY are, and the people who don't pay enough attention to what's happening to others as a result of the retardation of Bernie/NEC. Just because YOU didn't have anything bad happen to you doesn't mean that they're on your side or that others probably deserved to be dicked over. That would be wrong.

My old band played the Cryptopsy show at Good Times last June; we sold all of our 50 tickets, plus probably 25 more, and helped our buddies Downfall out with selling a good handful of theirs. Bernie told us we were the first band to come up with all of the money, and one of only few to actually have all the money, so he was grateful. Then, we played the Suffocation/Goatwhore show at Mark's last July...if anyone doesn't remember the clusterfuck that weekend was, here's a recap (it's long, but I don't give a fuck...people need to know this bullshit):

The first Suffocation show was on Friday, July 28th (I think that's the correct date) at Mark's. The second show was supposed to be at Good Times in Somerville, MA, but they most likely told Bernie to fuck off because he is a piece of shit. So, Bernie announced that the show would be moved to Mark's...meaning that the same show was going on two nights in a row at the same fucking place with just different local bands trying to whore themselves out. To make this matter even more awkward and trying for the bands selling tickets, Bernie decided that anyone who bought a ticket for the first night would be able to get into the second night, or vice versa, FOR FREE. Nice guy, right? Helping out all those fans...WRONG. Anyone with an ounce of fucking intelligence would tell the bands that had to sell tickets for the second night that they didn't have to worry about getting all 50 tickets sold, since there were going to be most likely at least 100 kids showing up FOR FREE. To top it off, this all happened a few days before the show was supposed to happen so it didn't leave anyone enough time to prepare. I thought Bernie would be lenient, but no, he had to get his panties in a bunch. He eventually cut the bands some slack only because he realized everyone was against him, but he was a dick throughout the entire fucking night. When I showed up I had to argue with security to let me in since I was in one of the bands, while Bernie just stood behind him saying nothing for 5 minutes then reluctantly let me in...nice guy, after saying how grateful he was for our hardwork the last show we played for him. After we got off stage, I loaded my stuff back out in two trips. After the second trip, security wouldn't let me back in. I told him I was in a band and that he had seen me loading my stuff in and out. He proceeded to argue with me...what kind of fucking bullshit is that??? One of the fucking bands playing can't come and go as they please, ESPECIALLY when loading out? What kind of a way to run a venue is that shit? Still, Bernie was standing behind the guy for 5 minutes before telling him it was ok. After expressing my feelings towards the situation and how fucked up it was that he could be such a nice guy when we're giving him money not-so-hard-earned for him, then turn around and be the biggest dick ever to try hiding the fact that it was HIS mistake for not bringing in all the money he needed, this fucking idiot says, "You'll never find a show in New England again." I don't know if this is more hilarious than it is fucking pathetic. Bernie and New England Concerts are far from a local concert monopolizer and I haven't got shit to worry about.

The way that Bernie does business is completely ass backwards. As a promoter, this douche factory should already have the tour guarantee in pocket before the show even fucking starts. If you can't deal with the fact that you'll lose money most of the time, you shouldn't be a promoter for UNDERGROUND METAL MUSIC!!!!!! If a band's guarantee is too much for you to handle, fucking bargain with them. If a band asks for $1000 and you think they can't draw that much in whatever area you're booking them in, you talk them down and then the 2 parties eventually come to a reasonable price or that band just doesn't work with the promoter, it's as simple as that. Bernie is doing a huge injustice to underground music trying to capitalize on something that is more about passion and pastime than it is about business and making money. Make bands sell 75 tickets at $20 a pop to play with The Misfits...don't force 6 or 7, sometimes even more, local bands sell 50 tickets each to see an underground metal band, no matter how "popular" they are. I'm sure Mark's can't even hold as many people as there are tickets to be sold for most shows. Some people may say it's smart business, but it's not smart business when everyone in the fucking world is going to eventually hate you and refuse to do business with you.

Anyone that is blind to this shit needs to wake the fuck up and realize that just because it looks like you're getting treated well and being given the opportunity to play with huge touring bands and sometimes your idols, it doesn't mean that there are more people/bands/businesses suffering from how fucking retarded this sort of business is. I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say to oppose me, because you're fucking wrong. It's not about supporting the bands, it's about making fucking money. It may be about supporting the bands to the locals and to the fans, but not to the person you're shelling out more money than you need to, and that's the fucking problem.

Hah, he makes it sound like he's the only guy that books shows in New England. Fucktard.
[Oct 25,2007 3:32pm - htaed  ""]
Man, I would have gone to this show, I've been getting pumped for enslaved for awhile now. I love strippers, pool, and metal, and supposedly you'd get the former two for free w/your ticket. after reading this shit though, I'd have to say fuck that. How the fuck can you not be allowed to mosh when the venue only plays brutal metal bands. what the fuck did everyone do during decapitated? I could understand not allowing gay-fu hardcorn dancing but normal pits only affect the people in them.
[Oct 25,2007 3:38pm - Yeti ""]
i HATED the fact that i had to hand over money to see Finntroll. i've already given that fuckhead way too much money with Sac.

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