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Metal of Fuck @ The Compound #1 - 11/4/05

[Nov 7,2005 10:44am - Yeti  ""]
yeah boo to him. hes a douchebag. fruitcake.
[Nov 8,2005 10:53am - Wood ""]
cav said:this was a great show, great performances by all of the bands, good sound, backstage! ha...the only new faces for me at this show was acariya...and i was quite impressed. ex members of ishmael as well as wood from cp, robots! great blend of melodic death and techmetalcore. definitely look forward to playing with them again. sorry we didnt stay for sacreligion, we had a 2 hour drive ahead of us, and 4 of us had to work the next morning. ive seen you guys in worcester before though. thanks for the gig! look forward to playing together soon.

Thanks for the kind words. I miss playin shows and hangin with the bands. It was awesome to be back in the shit.
[Nov 8,2005 10:56am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
soooooooo i'm pretty sure i can do more of these
[Nov 8,2005 3:18pm - thedeparted ""]
nice, maybe we can actually play the next one heh

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