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JUNE 27th @ The Choppin' Block \M/

the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma) - [5_minutes_hate][ascendancy][kurixis][life_at_zero][porphyria][randomshots]
[Jun 16,2004 12:54am - Terence ""]

Everyone better go or I will have a hissy fit and complain more about people not going to shows.
[Jun 16,2004 5:05am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fuck you man! I'm not going! Bands are dumb!! Music is stupid!!!
[Jun 16,2004 7:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going for the metal, and staying for the hip hop
(if I don't have to work that is)
[Jun 16,2004 7:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The lady in the flyer keeps whispering naughty things to me.
[Jun 16,2004 7:58am - Siberian  ""]
Awesome, Life At Zero! This show's gonna be fun, is Nolan still in LAZ?
[Jun 16,2004 8:10am - RustedAngel ""]
nah, LAZ has one guitar player now (andy).
[Jun 16,2004 9:22am - RustedAngel ""]
Terence said:

Everyone better go or I will have a hissy fit and complain more about people not going to shows.

show up before 4 too!
[Jun 16,2004 9:29am - deadhooker ""]
one guitar player, who blows you away, and downsy isnt drumming anymore, it's nick, the kid is a phenom. duguay isnt on throat anymore either, totally revamped band. so fucking good. you must go or i will sick metal kittys on you.

joe, so you are gonna go?
[Jun 16,2004 9:30am - deadhooker ""]
yay terence. flyers rule
[Jun 16,2004 9:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will go if I am not working.
[Jun 16,2004 9:47am - RustedAngel ""]
deadhooker said:yay terence. flyers rule

why do you think I put it up as a splash page :spineyes: http://www.porphyria666.com

[Jun 16,2004 10:09am - Siberian  ""]
I too will go if my time machine returns me to June 27th correctly, it's been having some issues recently and landed me in 1975 for the weekend. Coked out and many many disco bitches later, I now am home. Ishn't that veird!
[Jun 16,2004 9:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
bump for jesus.
[Jun 17,2004 12:03am - Terence ""]
a bump for hating life.
[Jun 17,2004 9:56am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
I bumped your girlfriend and not with 1 hip if you know what i mean
[Jun 17,2004 9:56am - RustedAngel ""]
bump for vagina lips.
[Jun 17,2004 12:54pm - RustedAngel ""]
bump for vagina lips swallowing pp's.
[Jun 17,2004 11:34pm - Terence ""]
[Jun 18,2004 1:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 18,2004 4:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 18,2004 5:39pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jun 19,2004 1:07am - RustedAngel ""]
assaholics anonymous
[Jun 19,2004 2:27am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 19,2004 2:10pm - Terence ""]
its up there.
[Jun 19,2004 2:39pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Jun 19,2004 3:03pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
bubba gump
[Jun 20,2004 2:32am - Terence ""]
patchuey chomp.
[Jun 20,2004 5:26pm - Terence ""]
Just a week away folks, I went all around Boston today to hang up flyers everywhere, I hope it gets some people out!
[Jun 21,2004 12:18am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Free lapdances for all the ladies.
[Jun 21,2004 1:31am - Terence ""]
its raining men!
[Jun 21,2004 8:46am - RustedAngel ""]
it's going to rain poop on sunday.
[Jun 21,2004 10:21am - RustedAngel ""]
so WHO from RTTP is going to this on sunday?

[Jun 21,2004 11:44am - RustedAngel ""]
oh yeah, terence, mike someone: can a member's girlfriend come even if she's underage? can we say she's the merch girl or something?
[Jun 21,2004 1:56pm - Siberian  ""]
ROLL CALL..............

Let's see some support this sunday, we've got the pure awesomeness of Ascendancy and Life at Zero, the fresh blood of Porphyria and 5 Minutes Hate, and Kurixis (whom I've not heard or seen yet) from Maine, they must be good if Terence booked 'em. What else you got going on for a sunday afternoon?
[Jun 21,2004 3:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
Kurixis isn't good...they're GREAT! God I'm corny, but they do kick ass! If you haven't seen them yet, make sure you're there. Great bill Terence!
[Jun 21,2004 5:01pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I think the Choppin Block is pretty accepting of the girlfriend-clause. Double check with Terence before you etch it in stone.
[Jun 21,2004 5:31pm - blue ""]
those bands arent black metal.
[Jun 21,2004 6:02pm - Terence ""]
yeah Jim, just as long as she's working, i.e selling merch, it should be fine. I'll let them know in advance. They can put big X's on her hands and everything. :D
[Jun 21,2004 6:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
jim? lol
[Jun 21,2004 6:09pm - Terence ""]
oh Im sorry Tom. I thought Jim was the one that asked about the underage person. whoopsie daisy. I forget things so quickly anymore.
[Jun 21,2004 11:39pm - Terence ""]
I had this awesome dream about ice cream the other night.
[Jun 22,2004 7:40am - Siberian  ""]
Hm, and I had an awesome dream about underage girls!
[Jun 22,2004 8:41am - succubus ""]
i had a nightmare about monsters...i think a vampyre was after me...i remember i was alone (where was my man..huh??? dammit!) ugh..towards the end i realized how crazy it was and figured out it was not real and i made myself wake up from it

[Jun 22,2004 2:39pm - Terence ""]
i had a dream i was naked with Gene Hackman while walking around a mall.
[Jun 22,2004 5:47pm - Terence ""]
i just need to bring this thread to the top. Time to play my JNES.
[Jun 22,2004 9:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
my singer (Tim) flyered the show in Boston today... I asked him if he saw any of your flyers and he said that he went to go post one up on a board and one was already there. hahahah.

and he's making us a new logo which I should be getting in my inbox later tonight.
[Jun 22,2004 11:39pm - Terence ""]
haha thats awesome. yeah I hit Boston pretty hard!
[Jun 22,2004 11:41pm - Terence ""]
BTW Tom, thats great that you are helping to advertise with this. I really appreciate that man. Most bands are lazy as shit and never help with advertising.
[Jun 23,2004 10:09am - RustedAngel ""]
no problem, I gave him a copy of the flyer on friday and he was going to do it saturday in boston but he got drunk and forgot so he made up for it yesterday. haha. He said he saw some metalheads and gave them flyers too. hopefully it's a decent draw for a sunday.
[Jun 23,2004 11:40pm - Terence ""]
yes, I hope to god as well that it is a decent turnout.

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