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JUNE 27th @ The Choppin' Block \M/

the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma) - [5_minutes_hate][ascendancy][kurixis][life_at_zero][porphyria][randomshots]
[Jun 16,2004 12:54am - Terence ""]

Everyone better go or I will have a hissy fit and complain more about people not going to shows.
[Jun 16,2004 5:05am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fuck you man! I'm not going! Bands are dumb!! Music is stupid!!!
[Jun 16,2004 7:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going for the metal, and staying for the hip hop
(if I don't have to work that is)
[Jun 16,2004 7:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The lady in the flyer keeps whispering naughty things to me.
[Jun 16,2004 7:58am - Siberian  ""]
Awesome, Life At Zero! This show's gonna be fun, is Nolan still in LAZ?
[Jun 16,2004 8:10am - RustedAngel ""]
nah, LAZ has one guitar player now (andy).
[Jun 16,2004 9:22am - RustedAngel ""]
Terence said:

Everyone better go or I will have a hissy fit and complain more about people not going to shows.

show up before 4 too!
[Jun 16,2004 9:29am - deadhooker ""]
one guitar player, who blows you away, and downsy isnt drumming anymore, it's nick, the kid is a phenom. duguay isnt on throat anymore either, totally revamped band. so fucking good. you must go or i will sick metal kittys on you.

joe, so you are gonna go?
[Jun 16,2004 9:30am - deadhooker ""]
yay terence. flyers rule
[Jun 16,2004 9:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will go if I am not working.
[Jun 16,2004 9:47am - RustedAngel ""]
deadhooker said:yay terence. flyers rule

why do you think I put it up as a splash page :spineyes: http://www.porphyria666.com

[Jun 16,2004 10:09am - Siberian  ""]
I too will go if my time machine returns me to June 27th correctly, it's been having some issues recently and landed me in 1975 for the weekend. Coked out and many many disco bitches later, I now am home. Ishn't that veird!
[Jun 16,2004 9:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
bump for jesus.
[Jun 17,2004 12:03am - Terence ""]
a bump for hating life.
[Jun 17,2004 9:56am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
I bumped your girlfriend and not with 1 hip if you know what i mean
[Jun 17,2004 9:56am - RustedAngel ""]
bump for vagina lips.
[Jun 17,2004 12:54pm - RustedAngel ""]
bump for vagina lips swallowing pp's.
[Jun 17,2004 11:34pm - Terence ""]
[Jun 18,2004 1:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 18,2004 4:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 18,2004 5:39pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jun 19,2004 1:07am - RustedAngel ""]
assaholics anonymous
[Jun 19,2004 2:27am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 19,2004 2:10pm - Terence ""]
its up there.
[Jun 19,2004 2:39pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Jun 19,2004 3:03pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
bubba gump
[Jun 20,2004 2:32am - Terence ""]
patchuey chomp.
[Jun 20,2004 5:26pm - Terence ""]
Just a week away folks, I went all around Boston today to hang up flyers everywhere, I hope it gets some people out!
[Jun 21,2004 12:18am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Free lapdances for all the ladies.
[Jun 21,2004 1:31am - Terence ""]
its raining men!
[Jun 21,2004 8:46am - RustedAngel ""]
it's going to rain poop on sunday.
[Jun 21,2004 10:21am - RustedAngel ""]
so WHO from RTTP is going to this on sunday?

[Jun 21,2004 11:44am - RustedAngel ""]
oh yeah, terence, mike someone: can a member's girlfriend come even if she's underage? can we say she's the merch girl or something?
[Jun 21,2004 1:56pm - Siberian  ""]
ROLL CALL..............

Let's see some support this sunday, we've got the pure awesomeness of Ascendancy and Life at Zero, the fresh blood of Porphyria and 5 Minutes Hate, and Kurixis (whom I've not heard or seen yet) from Maine, they must be good if Terence booked 'em. What else you got going on for a sunday afternoon?
[Jun 21,2004 3:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
Kurixis isn't good...they're GREAT! God I'm corny, but they do kick ass! If you haven't seen them yet, make sure you're there. Great bill Terence!
[Jun 21,2004 5:01pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I think the Choppin Block is pretty accepting of the girlfriend-clause. Double check with Terence before you etch it in stone.
[Jun 21,2004 5:31pm - blue ""]
those bands arent black metal.
[Jun 21,2004 6:02pm - Terence ""]
yeah Jim, just as long as she's working, i.e selling merch, it should be fine. I'll let them know in advance. They can put big X's on her hands and everything. :D
[Jun 21,2004 6:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
jim? lol
[Jun 21,2004 6:09pm - Terence ""]
oh Im sorry Tom. I thought Jim was the one that asked about the underage person. whoopsie daisy. I forget things so quickly anymore.
[Jun 21,2004 11:39pm - Terence ""]
I had this awesome dream about ice cream the other night.
[Jun 22,2004 7:40am - Siberian  ""]
Hm, and I had an awesome dream about underage girls!
[Jun 22,2004 8:41am - succubus ""]
i had a nightmare about monsters...i think a vampyre was after me...i remember i was alone (where was my man..huh??? dammit!) ugh..towards the end i realized how crazy it was and figured out it was not real and i made myself wake up from it

[Jun 22,2004 2:39pm - Terence ""]
i had a dream i was naked with Gene Hackman while walking around a mall.
[Jun 22,2004 5:47pm - Terence ""]
i just need to bring this thread to the top. Time to play my JNES.
[Jun 22,2004 9:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
my singer (Tim) flyered the show in Boston today... I asked him if he saw any of your flyers and he said that he went to go post one up on a board and one was already there. hahahah.

and he's making us a new logo which I should be getting in my inbox later tonight.
[Jun 22,2004 11:39pm - Terence ""]
haha thats awesome. yeah I hit Boston pretty hard!
[Jun 22,2004 11:41pm - Terence ""]
BTW Tom, thats great that you are helping to advertise with this. I really appreciate that man. Most bands are lazy as shit and never help with advertising.
[Jun 23,2004 10:09am - RustedAngel ""]
no problem, I gave him a copy of the flyer on friday and he was going to do it saturday in boston but he got drunk and forgot so he made up for it yesterday. haha. He said he saw some metalheads and gave them flyers too. hopefully it's a decent draw for a sunday.
[Jun 23,2004 11:40pm - Terence ""]
yes, I hope to god as well that it is a decent turnout.
[Jun 24,2004 8:45am - RustedAngel ""]
terence, hire a couple female dancers for the night... the place will be packed!
[Jun 24,2004 12:51pm - Terence ""]
I'll see if I can scrounge up a few from the Combat Zone.
[Jun 24,2004 2:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
does the choppin block mic anything?
[Jun 24,2004 5:00pm - Terence ""]
nah man its just a small shitty stage with vocal PA.
[Jun 25,2004 8:58am - RustedAngel ""]
BOOM shaka laka!
[Jun 25,2004 9:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Turns out I am not working sunday, so I will be there to show off my huge tits.
[Jun 25,2004 9:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:does the choppin block mic anything?

They don't even mic vocals.
[Jun 25,2004 9:29am - RustedAngel ""]
word has it, I have huge tits.

and, damn I wonder if we should just bring our fucking PA. hahahaha I don't think we'll have enough room for it though. until we get a trailer for our van.
[Jun 25,2004 9:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wouldn't bring your PA, but if you could bring your own mixing board you might think about it because the house one is so busted and shitty.

I got new stuff in my distro that I will have on sale all weekend.
[Jun 25,2004 9:32am - RustedAngel ""]
ok, I will see about bringing our mixing board.
[Jun 25,2004 2:35pm - Terence ""]
yeha definitely dont bring a PA, a mixing board is cool though.
[Jun 25,2004 2:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
we mic the kick drum and bass at our practices... thank you ahead of time to josh for letting our bassist use your amp when we play.
[Jun 26,2004 12:26am - RustedAngel ""]
eat my ass out, sideways.
[Jun 26,2004 3:42pm - Terence ""]
eat out my bellybutton perpendicular.
[Jun 26,2004 9:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
terence, what time should we get to the chopping block? and what's the deal with parking?

can I have your # just in case.
[Jun 27,2004 2:18am - Terence ""]
yeah Tom, all bands should get there at 3pm, cause the show will start at 4, there is parking along the streets, its kinda hard to find a good spot, so all bands can park next to the bar and unload with your hazards on, and then find a spot. Tom i'll IM you my number.
[Jun 27,2004 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 27,2004 9:46am - the_reverend ""]
carina and I are sort-of heading out to this now.
we are going to my dad's house first.
[Jun 27,2004 10:39am - Robdeadskin ""]
When does porphyria go on or the order of bands?...probrobly first and Im gonna miss em cuz Im at work till 5:30... I need an ascendancy demo to ....damn!
[Jun 27,2004 10:44am - RustedAngel ""]
we go on at 4 :-/ sorry dude, next time.
[Jun 27,2004 10:44am - RustedAngel ""]
btw, why is everyone working on a sunday? what the shit is that?
[Jun 27,2004 11:09am - PilloryDan ""]
Hell yeah...I live in Allston so I'm going to eat at Spikes hot dogs then go to the show......
[Jun 27,2004 12:05pm - Robdeadskin ""]
I work in a hospital...week ends are mandatory....
[Jun 27,2004 1:21pm - Terence ""]
yeah so many people work on sundays! whats the FFFFFFFFF?
[Jun 27,2004 1:47pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Jun 27,2004 2:05pm - dread_104 ""]
you're gettin' out at 5:00!!! i gotta miss porphyria to wait for your terminally ill patient caring for ass? sorry Tom. when you guys playing next?
[Jun 27,2004 2:06pm - dread_104 ""]
by the way, Rob, you didn't happen to notice my car this morning, did you? i'm at home and it isn't here.
[Jun 27,2004 2:40pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Jun 27,2004 10:32pm - the_reverend ""]
working on pictures.
[Jun 27,2004 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures are currently uploading.
[Jun 27,2004 11:26pm - anonymous  ""]
so how was the show?
[Jun 27,2004 11:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
the show was bitching kid.
[Jun 27,2004 11:30pm - lady_czerach ""]
Ascendancy pics up on my site:
[Jun 27,2004 11:30pm - succubus ""]
anonymous said:so how was the show?


you must have been at the show...
[Jun 27,2004 11:34pm - Kalopsia ""]
succubus said:anonymous said:so how was the show?


you must have been at the show...

actually no that was me not realizing i wasn't logged in. was there a good turn-out?
[Jun 27,2004 11:37pm - abhorred ""]
the show was great.....i was very impressed by the turnout on a sunday afternoon...maybe this will start a trend that gets metal fans off their lazy fucking asses and get out to shows

if anyone has not yet heard or seen ascendancy than i pitty you, for they are one of the best bands in the area!!!
[Jun 27,2004 11:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
Jess' pics are sweet!
[Jun 28,2004 12:21am - the_reverend ""]
porphyria: the first time I've seen rusted angel's new band. their set was pretty short (4-songs I think). the music was really heavy death metal with a lot of apparent influences from suffocation and cannibal corpse.

kurixis: 4 songs, but if you know them, that's a very full set. long, ballad songs. I find their music strangely relaxing. though my long weekend of 5 shows and lack of sleep probably added to it. such simple yet cool music.

5 minutes hate: the boys from vermont came back down for another show. they are getting better and better, having bearly enough room to stand, let alone move around a lot on that tiny stage. the vocals get better and better too, I think it's almost like a mix of the red chord and lamb-of-god vocals.

life at zero: the reformed bad is sick. they play old songs and (besides riffages) they sounds like brand new tracks. br00tal death metal.

ascendancy: a song dedicated to anonymous posters? besides the wireless thing kicking it, this was another great set from them. they really throw themselves into the music. it was funny seeing robdeadskin playing along with mike on the side.

damn it, I fell asleep like 5 time, I'm posting this and passing out.
[Jun 28,2004 12:26am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I've got wicked red-eye all over the place.
Good fuckin show. Nice crowd.
Sleep now.
[Jun 28,2004 12:38am - Terence ""]
awesome show! :D
[Jun 28,2004 12:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 28,2004 6:01am - lady_czerach ""]
Thanks, Josh!

Mike, sorry about the red eye :-( My cheap, little camera is on its way out.

I wish I had gotten more pics of Seth but I hate crawling up on stage behind you guys, because knowing me I'd trip and start unplugging things.
[Jun 28,2004 9:12am - RustedAngel ""]
the show was awesome, lots of great people there.

us: We arrived at 2:30 and got our shit setup right away. For our 2nd show i thought we held it together pretty well. glad we brought our mixer and kick drum mic cause I could finally hear the drums! We got to go on a half hour later at 4:30 so there were a few more people there by then. My friend cayse came to see us, but got there just as we got done and she's moving in august to florida so she won't see us again unless we play down there. I wonder if that will happen? Our friend anthony also showed up late as well! hahahaha o well. They all stayed for the other bands anyways so that's all that matters.

kurixis: from my home state, i hope more metal bands form in maine because there is nothing really there.

5mh: drove a ways from vermont to play this one. the drummer is getting pretty good. i did notice he was off a few times, it's possible hes trying to play faster than his body can handle. heheh. all the pro's say "it's better to be slow and consistent than to be fast and sloppy!" (i'm not saying he's sloppy). for some reason the guitars were out of tune, not the 7 stringer, but I have a feeling that it was the ibanez iceman, and/or the bass. Everytime they hit a melody it was just way off.

life at zero: kicked ass last night. Andy could have turned his axe up a bit though!!! some pretty intense drumming as well, much better than their previous drummer. Can't wait to play the berlin fest and the milly's show with them! it will be killer.

ascendancy: fucked everyone there. this was the best sounding set of theirs I've seen. josh went especially crazy for this set! Terence's wireless crapped out which wasn't a huge deal. Terence, I think your amp sound is too processed, there's gotta be a way to get a tighter sound with more tone outta that thing! roland unit right? anyways, I can't wait to rock the same stage as them again!

Thanks again to Terence for putting us on the bill, and Josh for letting dan use his bass equipment! I also want to thank Steph for taking the day off from work to come to the show! <3
[Jun 28,2004 9:21am - RustedAngel ""]
where are your crazy fisheye pics big sis!?!?! :spineyes:
[Jun 28,2004 10:48am - succubus ""]
got into work a little while ago..i was up at 4 am

pics will be psoted in a bit! ;)
[Jun 28,2004 10:54am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 28,2004 10:58am - dirteecrayon ""]
dedication! simply dedication!

[Jun 28,2004 12:02pm - Siberian  ""]
Tom, thanks for the contructive criticism and for letting us use your mixing board. Actually it was the 7 string guitar that kept falling out of tune. He changed his strings on the way down and they just kept slipping from his locks, you didn't notice him re-tuning and re-locking between every song??? I guess he tried a different type of string that he'd not used before.

I'd like to thank Terence for hooking us up with show, we'll see you guys again for sure, hopefully up our way next time!!! And Life at Zero, thanks for the support and kind words, we're looking forward to playing the CCCF with you all!

[Jun 28,2004 12:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
all the pictures are awesome, and carina's are up now as well so check those ones out too... thanks for rushing down to catch us! good thing we went on a little later.:radio:


life at zero




[Jun 28,2004 4:57pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
i got there way too late. i wanted to catch porphyria, and kurixis but that unfortunately didn't happen. all i saw was ascendancy and they were killer. it was the first time i saw them with josh, and he definitely brings A LOT to that band. sounded very chaotic and fast. good job guys.

[Jun 28,2004 5:30pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Great show ...sux to have missed porphyria..cd is good. 5 min. of hate and life at zero were killer. Two of the sickest drummers I have every heard. New ascendancy cd is ridiculous..... now I can finally figure out what the fuck the are playing haha!! sick!!!!!!!!!!

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