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anyone who listens to metal but likes grunge is a fag

[Sep 13,2012 10:14pm - yeah i'm right  ""]
grunge was the the death of real metal people, stop worshiping it when you claim to listen to 'metal'
[Sep 13,2012 10:17pm - Burnsy ""]
No one said they worship it. Nostalgiac threads were nostalgiac. OP still listens to return of the mack.
[Sep 13,2012 10:18pm - Spence ""]
And punk was the death of prog rock, doesn't mean I can't love both. Jussayin
[Sep 13,2012 10:18pm - KEVORD ""]
Actually grunge was the death of poser metal OP poser.
[Sep 13,2012 10:20pm - yeah i‘m right  ""]
hahah yea ok. keep on listening to mud honey faggots
[Sep 13,2012 10:22pm - Burnsy ""]
OP is currently blasting taproot with his 10-second esp Discman.
[Sep 13,2012 10:26pm - yeah i‘m right  ""]
wrong OP is listening to real metal like beherit and ghost.
[Sep 13,2012 10:30pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, this board doesn't like that hard metal stuff. This is a grunge board.
[Sep 13,2012 10:43pm - Spence ""]
So, anyone here want to discuss Hole with me? :D :D :D
[Sep 13,2012 10:46pm - Pires ""]

Burnsy said: OP still listens to return of the mack.

Still better than Smashing Pumpkins

[Sep 13,2012 10:50pm - Burnsy ""]
You're 7.
[Sep 14,2012 7:21am - Yeti ""]

yeah%20i‘m%20right said:wrong OP is listening to real metal like Hum and Orange 9MM.
[Sep 14,2012 7:52am - Burnsy ""]

Yeti said:
yeah%20i‘m%20right said:wrong OP is listening to real metal like semisonic and eve 6.

[Sep 14,2012 8:01am - demondave ""]

yeah%20i‘m%20right said:wrong OP is doing crystal meth with Days Of The New.
[Sep 14,2012 8:11am - Burnsy ""]
Dotn was great. Is that why?
[Sep 14,2012 8:13am - Yeti ""]
haha yeah, the lead singer got hooked on meth and fired the band, then fell off the map. i was at a show they played at Tammany Hall, i think the first song was "Shelf in the Room" and then they just did this lame jam session for about an hour and a half.
[Sep 14,2012 8:20am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Lol Ghost, OP is girlfriend
[Sep 14,2012 8:22am - Burnsy ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Lol Ghost, OP is manowarrior
[Sep 14,2012 8:26am - demondave ""]
The Days of the New singer was in an episode of Intervention recently. He sniffles constantly and does that meth head continuous scratching thing
[Sep 14,2012 8:27am - KEVORD ""]
OP is upset grunge killed Motley Crue with John Corabi.
[Sep 14,2012 9:02am - ShadowSDNLI  ""]

KEVORD said:OP is upset grunge created then killed Motley Crue with John Corabi.
[Sep 14,2012 9:03am - ShadowSDNLI  ""]

demondave said:The Days of the New singer was in an episode of Intervention recently. He sniffles constantly and does that meth head continuous scratching thing

That's about how much he makes me suffer when I have to listen to his voice, so I guess it's a fair trade.
[Sep 14,2012 9:10am - ShadowSDNLI  ""]
Grunge is such a BS label just like glam. Fashion is not a music genre. Rock is a genre. Metal is a genre.

Firehouse (rock) is not Skid Row (metal) and Nirvana (rock) is not Alice In Chains (metal). Grouping bands by look instead of music pisses me off to no end as a musician.

I take the Queensryche view on this when they were interviewed about "grunge" at the time, when it came to their fellow Seattle bands like AIC and others: it's still metal, people just call it something different.
[Sep 14,2012 10:15am - Kimothy Kelly  ""]
Picture this my fellow brooklynites, a music trend so outside the mainstream, so underground that the only way to see the bands live is with a time machine.

Fusing a pummeling hesher blend of Sabbath who were formed in Birmingham in the United Kingdom which I think is somewhere in Westeros in the 1960s and the loud quiet loud sound of the Pixies who are from Boston which is where the Revolutionary War took place when Glenn Beck had a tea party and it made the United Kingdoms of Westeros invade Fenway Park and then they made a movie adaptation called Fight Club that used the only Pixies song I know for the end credits. Nirvana are hesher sweater wearers supreme, eking out a living playing this unholy hybrid of hesher metal like Deep Purple, Sabbath, Judas Priest and 1980s college rock like New Math, Echo and the Bunnymen and R.E.M. in a sun baked desert state where moisture farming is the only sustainable job and water is so rare as to be used as a currency like in The Road Warrior (which is a historical documentary about life in the Australian outback, Australia for those of you who like me have no knowledge of the world outside of Greenpoint is an island nation off the coast of Middle Earth). This sun baked hell on Earth you'll have to time travel to if you'll ever see Nirvana live? Seattle.
[Sep 14,2012 10:19am - Rollerblade is fag  ""]
OP was born in the 90s.
[Sep 14,2012 10:21am - ark  ""]
am i wrong to call Kimothy Kelly a genius? i hope not.
[Sep 14,2012 12:47pm - Spence ""]
I really don't get why people call bands like Soundgarden and Alice in Chains metal. Yes, they're heavier. That doesn't make them metal by default.
[Sep 14,2012 1:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
Metal influences rather than punk. Mostly with AiC. Both bands are on Metal Archives, yet we all know how "valid" that site's collective opinion is.
Also, even on AiC's new album, there's doom metal vibes on songs.
[Sep 14,2012 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
Guys be in my titties like they wanting me calling me
[Sep 14,2012 5:21pm - demondave ""]
^ word yo
[Sep 14,2012 5:21pm - demondave ""]
Peach out yo
[Sep 14,2012 5:54pm - boblovesmusic ""]

arilliusbm said:Metal influences rather than punk. Mostly with AiC. Both bands are on Metal Archives, yet we all know how "valid" that site's collective opinion is.
Also, even on AiC's new album, there's doom metal vibes on songs.

Even Tremonti is on the Metal Archives!
[Sep 14,2012 9:52pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

yeah%20i‘m%20right said:ghost.

[Sep 14,2012 9:56pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]

yeah%20i‘m%20right said:hahah yea ok. keep on listening to mud honey faggots

Hahah fuck off. I love mudhoney
[Sep 14,2012 11:05pm - brian_dc ""]
apparently I'm deep in some gay butt

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