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[Jan 30,2012 5:56pm - Ghoulash ""]
[Jan 30,2012 5:57pm - Ghoulash ""]
troll it, trollers.[img]
[Jan 30,2012 5:58pm - Lamp ""]
Dave and Steve is the shit.
[Jan 30,2012 11:21pm - ghoulash nli  ""]
Its probably been a year since dave & Steve have played together.
[Jan 30,2012 11:40pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
The Soothsayer and Gorlrg the Bearded will not be pleased with this moneymaking show. Abscond to Brooklyn they shall.
[Jan 30,2012 11:55pm - yummy ""]

ghoulash%20nli said:Its probably been a year since dave & Steve have played together.

I think it was with Thrillhouse and Zombified Vermin at AS220.
[Jan 31,2012 12:07am - Lamp nli  ""]
They are a pretty elusive group. I haven't since them since Fancy Fest 2005 myself and here over six years later I'm still waiting for a chance to see a duo that took me by surprise again.
[Jan 31,2012 3:05pm - Ghoulash ""]
i think that was bonestorm that played that show.
[Jan 31,2012 3:09pm - yummy ""]
oh shit, it sure was. good call.
[Jan 31,2012 3:13pm - Ghoulash ""]
...AND i think it was at Jerkys.
[Jan 31,2012 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Firehouse 13, it was right around the High Spirits show I booked you guys on.
[Jan 31,2012 5:03pm - yummy ""]
I never saw Dave and Steve at Jerky's. It's possible I'm combining a couple shows. Last time I saw them was AS220 with Thrillhouse. And I've seen ZV there twice also. Who the fuck knows? I smoke too much pot too recall
[Feb 2,2012 8:22pm - tylor ""]
Last time I saw Dave n Steve was the Bonestorm "divorce" show with Thrillhouse and Mast at Jerky's in summer 2010... I'm psyched for this
[Feb 2,2012 11:38pm - yummy ""]
yup, that was it.
[Feb 3,2012 8:48am - Ghoulash ""]
high spirits need to come back here. NOW
[Feb 3,2012 8:57am - RichHorror ""]
Too busy rocking Germany.
[Feb 3,2012 9:13am - Ghoulash ""]
that's so boring... why would they do that when they could be rocking providence? seems queer to me.
[Feb 29,2012 1:43pm - ghoulash nli  ""]
Tonight. 100 bucks says its just rain and whatever snow does fall wont stick.

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