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does ant one know when gwar will be in worcester?

[Feb 24,2004 9:07pm - bloodyblastocyst ""]
i always here they will be around in the summer but i ve been waiting i saw them once they have the sickest fucking stage show.
[Feb 24,2004 9:13pm - moran ""]
Tour starts in May. No dates yet. I've seen them 3-4 times, I fucking love them, definitely one of my favorite bands.
[Feb 24,2004 9:29pm - bloodyblastocyst ""]
yea dude they kick ass there like my favorite band i met oderous it was awesomeand balzak
[Feb 24,2004 9:35pm - retzam ""]
My friend knows Beefcake's AIM s/n, but he won't tell anyone what it is cause he doesn't want him to change it.
[Feb 24,2004 9:47pm - bloodyblastocyst ""]
lucky son of a bitch i love gwar i cant wait to see them again one of my friends was telling me he had got invited to a gwarbaque a while back.
[Feb 24,2004 9:58pm - moran ""]
Ever check out DBX? That shits awesome.
[Feb 25,2004 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
gwar's music sucks.
[Feb 25,2004 9:23am - succubus ""]
yes i agree with last statement
[Feb 25,2004 10:52am - moran ""]
Gwar's music is fucking awesome. You two just don't appreciate good music. You're just like everone else on this board, if its not straight up, blast beat death metal, its not good. Open up your minds for christ's sake.
[Feb 25,2004 11:02am - succubus ""]
i dunno moran, i think i do appreciate good music

and i listen to different types of music...

a friend of myne shot them and ton a ton of fake blood on his equipment and stuff...i dunno..i can't get past all that masks and stuff, i'm just not into it

[Feb 25,2004 11:08am - moran ""]
I was kidding.
[Feb 25,2004 1:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well... They may not be any Symphony X or opeth or anything, but they do have talent. You may not think musical talent but they are some creative and funny mother fuckers. Their shows rule and so do the members. Oderus kicked my ass, literally.
...Good times.
[Feb 25,2004 1:31pm - moran ""]
No shit. I know its not for everyone, but i think their music is really good.
[Feb 25,2004 1:38pm - Wee...Bink! too lazy to login  ""]
Gwar is terrible.
[Feb 25,2004 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
the show's awesome..
the music is terrible.
then again, symphony x was pretty homo-rock too
[Feb 25,2004 1:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Feb 25,2004 4:20pm - JellyFish ""]
GWAR is such an awesome band. I dont know. I guess leave the equipment at home next time and enjoy the show.

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