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Any drummers want to respond to this?

[Feb 21,2008 8:03pm - fleshfries ""]
It's an older video, so sorry if it's a repost from like, 8 years ago...

[Feb 21,2008 8:44pm - bradmann ""]
"electrolytes coming out of the system"

[Feb 21,2008 8:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Yeah..... fuck these guys..........and thats it.
[Feb 21,2008 8:49pm - mOe ""]
hah, triggers are a touchy subject for a lot of drummers, man
[Feb 21,2008 8:54pm - archaeon ""]
i saw the slipknot logo in the backround and xed out
[Feb 21,2008 9:43pm - narkybark ""]
that's brett batdorf, is it not?
[Feb 21,2008 10:34pm - fleshfries ""]
I don't play drums, but I don't feel like triggers would help me in any way...therefor I do not believe it is cheating.
[Feb 22,2008 12:12am - neverpurified ""]

narkybark said:that's brett batdorf, is it not?

it indeed is.

what's he doing now since he left the faceless?
[Feb 22,2008 12:43am - narkybark ""]
I recently read that he's back playing for them live now. No idea if it's true.
[Feb 22,2008 4:40am - titsmagee ""]
weird... that guy mikey in the video offered to record the drums for us because his band was in the studio in Cali. i was like cool, if you want (i didnt take it seriously) Now i want to hit him up and see how that shit is going...
[Feb 22,2008 9:45am - ouchdrummer ""]
not that its a real sensative subject, i just like getting credit where its due. And playing with triggers is every bit, if not more hard than playing without them due to everyone hearing absolutely EVERYTHING you do.
[Feb 22,2008 11:02am - Hungtableed  ""]
I hate the sound of triggers because 99% of the samples I think I've ever heard sound fake as shit thus making the drums sound unnecessarily cheesy. I especially hate a triggered kick drum that sounds like a piece of fucking ham slapping up against a tin trash can cover.
[Feb 22,2008 11:04am - Hungtableed  ""]
It's totally all perspective and preference though. I can think of a few drummers here who are absolutely fucking amazing drummers that happen to use the ham kick drum sound. With that said, I must add that it in no way diminishes my respect for their supreme playing ability.
[Feb 22,2008 11:09am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Hungtableed said:I hate the sound of triggers because 99% of the samples I think I've ever heard sound fake as shit thus making the drums sound unnecessarily cheesy. I especially hate a triggered kick drum that sounds like a piece of fucking ham slapping up against a tin trash can cover.

I love the hamslap sound.
[Feb 22,2008 1:14pm - Poppy  ""]
Thats Brett from the Faceless(who also uses heel/toe technique, and triggers too). This video is meant to be a joke.
[Feb 22,2008 3:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah Brett's playing is rediculas.
[Feb 22,2008 4:06pm - Seth/Drummer  ""]
I personally do not like triggers, due to the sound and how they sound on all bands alike with most recordings. I have always liked the pounding sound of the acoustic of a drum and not processed. It all depends on how you play. If you have triggers, it just sounds so processed and you can only hit the kicks one way and get one sound. Not like acoustic, as if you hit hard you will hear a thunder, but if you hit it lightly you can vary the tone and sound. Also, depending on how you tune your drums. YOu cannot really tune triggers much. Depending on what you like for a sound and feel. I also feel without trigges I concentrate more on my feet stamina and skills and endurance, rather then to let the technical side of it take over. They word for some and are great but my choice is for natural base drums so you can vary you tech. and sounds and ways of using them. I feel they are great in industrial and techno and technical music for recording purposes, but I knwo that is not right in most cases. Just my opinion...I love the low pounding of the acoustics of the wood and skins by my own power!!!
[Feb 22,2008 9:49pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Seth/Drummer said:I personally do not like triggers, due to the sound and how they sound on all bands alike with most recordings. I have always liked the pounding sound of the acoustic of a drum and not processed. It all depends on how you play. If you have triggers, it just sounds so processed and you can only hit the kicks one way and get one sound.

Just another example of people who are against triggers simply because they are fucking CLUELESS as to what triggers are, and what they do.

Saying that a triggered kick will only sound one way, and will be too processed is absolutely incorrect. If you love the sound of your booming acoustic kick, what do you do at a show where the soundman mixes the crap out of it and kills your sound?

You can sample your OWN DRUM. You can sample anything you want, it doesn't need to be processed or artificial sounding. Most triggers and samplers are also VELOCITY SENSITIVE, which means that you'll get different reactions depending how hard you hit. You can also set many collections to give you multiple samples at a single threshold, so that you can have slight variance even on same-velocity hits.

A good set of samples can sound BETTER and MORE realistic than an acoustic kit. Howso? A good natural sample set (like the ever popular and overused DFH superior) can ensure you get the mix YOU want, and leave the soundman with little say in the matter.


Everything there, including cymbals, is a triggered sample.

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