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Hypocrisy Albums

[Jan 19,2006 5:17pm - Ryan_M ""]
i own the "abducted" album and the "hypocrisy destroys wacken" live album. i've been interested in picking up some of their other stuff and would like some reccomendations from any hypocrisy fans.
by the way, i used to have "catch 22" and hated it, so don't tell me to buy that one!
[Jan 19,2006 5:41pm - dug nli  ""]
Obsculum Obscenum is mandatory!
[Jan 19,2006 6:11pm - CNV  ""]
penetralia is my favorite
[Jan 19,2006 8:55pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
the fourth dimension is another amazing album from them. and i know a lot of people don't like it, but their self-titled album is fucking awesome in my opinion
[Jan 19,2006 8:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
SELF TITLED ALBUM, one of my favorites.
[Jan 19,2006 10:13pm - anomalouscynosure  ""]
osculum obscenum and penetralia are both fabulous.
[Jan 19,2006 10:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The ones already listed + Virus (the newest) is good, avoid The Arrival.
[Jan 19,2006 10:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
anomalouscynosure said:osculum obscenum and penetralia are both fabulous.

agreedm Virus is also a really good album as well
[Jan 19,2006 10:23pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Obsculum Obscenum is a must for anyone getting into Hypocrisy. Virus I think is one of the best albums from last year. The Arrival is all right, but there aren't as many solid tracks on there as other albums.
[Jan 19,2006 10:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
i've always had a soft place in my heart for the Final Chapter, since it was the first one I got by them.
[Jan 19,2006 11:34pm - Ryan_M ""]
went to newbury's earlier. picked up Obsculum Obscenum, and The Fourth Dimension. haven't listened to either of them yet cuz i was with my girl tonight, but i'm sure i'll enjoy them!
[Jan 20,2006 6:26am - armageddanne i Oslo  ""]
dug nli said:Obsculum Obscenum is mandatory!

The only one I listen to...
[Jan 20,2006 8:44am - mark fucking richards  ""]
i can't find virus anytime i go to any store
[Jul 7,2018 5:54pm - susurrate ""]
First 4 full lengths are great. After that, well...

Eraser was a good tune and the album from which it comes has solid X-Files artwork.

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