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So who thinks the Pats....

[Jan 14,2006 4:42pm - scoracrasia ""]
Are going down in flames tonight?
[Jan 14,2006 4:52pm - ndeath ""]
Idk whats gonna happen.Their due to have a bad game.Its gonna be a close one.If the Pats can get a running game going they'll win.Plus Brady is much better in the playoffs than that hairy bastard Plummer.
[Jan 14,2006 5:39pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Not me... and... I'm hoping the Steelers win tomorrow!
[Jan 14,2006 5:39pm - todayistheday ""]
prepare for another parade
[Jan 14,2006 6:12pm - Nate ""]
I don't think they'll be going down in flames, if they win it'll be close. We have always had a hrad time in the Mile High city so it's going to be a tough game... but Brady and crew have way more playoff experience than the current Bronco team.
[Jan 15,2006 8:24am - scoracrasia ""]
Ouch, down in flames they go! 27-13
I was routing for the Pats but I knew they would bite it.
[Jan 15,2006 8:47am - Nate ""]
Go Seahawks!!

Steelers vs Seahawks in the superbowl??
[Jan 15,2006 8:50am - scoracrasia ""]
I hope Steelers and Seahawks. I am routing for the hawks this year if they get in.
[Jan 15,2006 11:21am - dreadedsilence  ""]
i know there are a bunch of Steelers fans here, but i think that since the Pats are out, it's Indy's year to win. the Pats have been the only team stopping them for a couple of years now
[Jan 15,2006 1:39pm - C-241  ""]
dreadedsilence said:i know there are a bunch of Steelers fans here, but i think that since the Pats are out, it's Indy's year to win. the Pats have been the only team stopping them for a couple of years now

is indy playing today???? looks like a steelers scrimmage

[Jan 15,2006 1:49pm - Dankill  ""]
We beat up on the Broncos on both sides of the field and then handed them the game with gay fumbles and a bullshit pass interference call.
The Pats are gonna fume about this all spring and then come back next year with a vengence.

I picked the Seahawks right. The Steelers and Bears will win.
Seahawks and Steelers in the bowl with a Seahawk victory.
I gotta rep for Hasstlebeck because he is a local boy.
[Jan 15,2006 1:56pm - C-241  ""]
peyton's game plan in the 2nd quarter so far

1.throw a good pass to a well covered reggie wayne - INCOMPLETE

2. throw a bad pass to reggie wayne - INCOMPLETE

3. over throw a pass to a well-covered reggie wayne - INCOMPLETE


[Jan 15,2006 2:00pm - Dankill  ""]

#4 is too true
[Jan 15,2006 2:29pm - jesus nli  ""]
hahaha yeah it kind of resembles the old bledsoe face
[Jan 15,2006 3:47pm - C-241  ""]
game over with the interception..that sound you hear are the colts' (and their fans) heads exploding!!!
[Jan 15,2006 3:54pm - C-241  ""]
well that challenge sucked lol
[Jan 15,2006 4:22pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
The Pats simply handed the game to the Broncos. All there is too it. They choked and blew it. It was bound to happen at some point, can't win 'em all. We'll be healthy again next year and I hope this seasons boils deep in their loins all offseason and are bitter all next season.
[Jan 15,2006 4:27pm - scoracrasia ""]
OVER, BYE COLTS...............AGAIN!!! and it was not to the Pats that stomped them!
[Jan 15,2006 4:29pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Let's give a round of applause for the Colts, who came to life in the second half and with endless support of the officiating staff, almost won this game...
[Jan 15,2006 4:33pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Haha I know right.

Today was a very sad day, though. I can't believe I ACTUALLY had to root for the Steelers. I feel so... dirty. I'm going to take a shower.
[Jan 15,2006 4:35pm - DomesticTerror ""]
lol. I love you Jay, and we appreciate the support. the Curtain thanks you.

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