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Attn: Superfly

[Mar 9,2005 10:32am - pessimist ""]
Jeff, I am home sick from work and now watching the St. Vitus show. It is fan fucking tastic. The vocals aren't clear, but i'm hoping they fix that. I made it through 1 song so far, St Vitus. It sounds so much better with Wino on vocals. You NEED to see this...
[Mar 9,2005 10:33am - pessimist ""]
on to Prayer for the (M)asses
[Mar 9,2005 10:39am - pessimist ""]
yes! clear windowpane! top 3 song. Chandler is a madman
[Mar 9,2005 10:42am - pessimist ""]
this is great. They're playing in a community center. People are sitting on the floor watching them, and you can't hear the vocals sometimes because he's singing through a guitar cab...

Clear windowpane = polite applause
[Mar 9,2005 10:44am - ArmageddAnne ""]
I need to see this too.
[Mar 9,2005 10:51am - pessimist ""]
yes you do! They are finishing with Zombie Hunter and White Stallions. So much better with Wino than Reagers...

now i don't feel bad about getting polite applause after songs. At least people aren't sitting on the floor...
[Mar 9,2005 11:10am - pessimist ""]
anne, did you ever see Vitus live?
[Mar 9,2005 11:16am - SuperFly ""]
So it worked by flipping it over, nice. mike has a show with BOE on april 29, what about the old fuckers?
[Mar 9,2005 11:17am - pessimist ""]
no i didn't flip it over. i just watched it on the computer. I think flipping it over sounds a little silly to me...

Parhaps the Old Fuckers. Most likely. I'll call you tomorrow...
[Mar 9,2005 11:20am - SuperFly ""]

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