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OPEN DATE-Need bands

[Nov 28,2004 3:45pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Hey , I got an open date ,saturday Dec 4th(next saturday) at the bombshelter, I would like to book at least 5 bands ,If anyone is interested,get in touch at Canniballust666@yahoo.com or just post here. I really would like to have it booked ASAP. Thanks-Todd
[Nov 28,2004 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
why do I want to post a picture of that sex toy with the dick, pussy, and boobs in every thread?
[Nov 28,2004 4:01pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
cause you got penis on the brain?
[Nov 28,2004 4:03pm - succubus ""]
only if it's his own...it was bust earlier on with me...
[Nov 28,2004 4:06pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I'm gonna leave that one alone
[Nov 28,2004 4:11pm - succubus ""]
[Nov 28,2004 10:46pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Shit ,I figured at least one or two bands would wanna do this.People always come out on Saturdays.
[Nov 28,2004 10:48pm - eddie ""]
dissector maybe, but i don't know if we'll be able to get a ride up.

mp3s www.myspace.com/dissector
[Nov 28,2004 10:48pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i would if i had a band
[Nov 28,2004 11:06pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
eddie said:dissector maybe, but i don't know if we'll be able to get a ride up.

mp3s www.myspace.com/dissector

I just checked out the mp3's, You guys are fuckin sick, I'd definately would like to get you guys up here sometime to play.
[Nov 28,2004 11:36pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
Cryptic Warning is interested.


[Nov 28,2004 11:43pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Ok,I'll get in touch in a day or so, You have a # I can get hold of you at? post it here or E-mail me @ canniballust666@yahoo.com.that would be cool. I think i've seen you guys before,didn't you play there once awhile ago?
[Nov 29,2004 12:27am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I think we played there in February.

My number is 617 319 6030
[Nov 29,2004 4:33am - sacreligionNLI  ""]
sac sac sac sac sac sac sac



the sac
[Nov 29,2004 8:35am - childrenoforgies ""]
I think my friend's band might be willing come and play. They have been looking for some places too. So this might just be good to go. But I still will ask.

Need anymore info my email is Rock_ked@yahoo.com.
[Nov 29,2004 8:40am - Josh_hates_you ""]
sacreligionNLI said:


is that a static x reference lol

as in they released a cd called wisconsin death trip.

hmm devil driver effect anyone?

[Nov 29,2004 8:44am - Beesky_Beesk ""]
.book CSDO, they draw a crowd............:middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger:
[Nov 29,2004 8:50am - RustedAngel ""]
Beesky_Beesk said:.book CSDO, they draw a crowd............:middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger:

hahahaha no shit yo. :spineyes:
[Nov 29,2004 10:07am - blue ""]
[Nov 29,2004 11:13am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Beesky_Beesk said:.book CSDO, they draw a crowd............:middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger:

yea...ok,then if i did no other bands on here would wanna play,I'm not that stupid:doublehorns:
[Nov 29,2004 11:59am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
:doublehorns: bump ,just cause i never bumped a thread before
[Nov 29,2004 12:49pm - sacreligionNLI  ""]
i've had said email address for a very long time...never saw the need to change it
[Nov 29,2004 6:16pm - Beesky_Beesk ""]
Todd said:Beesky_Beesk said:.book CSDO, they draw a crowd............:middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger:

yea...ok,then if i did no other bands on here would wanna play,I'm not that stupid:doublehorns:

sorry, it was sarcasm, that band is the shittiest shit that ever shit. :bartmoon::bartmoon::bartmoon::bartmoon::bartmoon::bartmoon:
[Nov 29,2004 6:29pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard Beesky Beeesk members were going to get wicked grim and pour coldness and darkness over this show.
[Nov 29,2004 6:30pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha
[Nov 29,2004 7:34pm - eddie ""]
am i the only one that likes csdo?

[Nov 29,2004 8:21pm - Beesky_Beesk ""]
the_reverend said:I heard Beesky Beeesk members were going to get wicked grim and pour coldness and darkness over this show.

we're so grim, wherever we go, the fog rolls in with us........>:]:doublehorns:
[Nov 30,2004 2:24am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
So far....
Cryptic warning

I will get hold of you guys today (tuesday) at some point to confirm,give directions and whatever else.I still need 2-3 more,waiting for 1 to confirm ,so maybe only 2 more
[Nov 30,2004 8:04am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
eddie said:am i the only one that likes csdo?

i think they rule.
[Nov 30,2004 12:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hey todd do you need any help finding said bands?
[Nov 30,2004 12:59pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
yea that would be killer...Do you have a number I can contact you at? A friend was suppose to find me a couple bands but he came up short so far...........
[Nov 30,2004 1:07pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Nov 30,2004 1:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
or AIM me at Listrangeis420
[Dec 1,2004 12:14am - adam_time ""]
Within the Fray will play.
[Dec 1,2004 10:59am - WithinTheFray ""]
Within The Fray WILL Play


contact Adam Time or Myself, Todd. maybe this time we can be on the bill and you will actually be aware or our arrival.
[Dec 1,2004 12:28pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I remember you guys from last time ,you guys are wicked cool
[Dec 1,2004 1:35pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that band closed casket should be able to do it...IM me again because we need to discuss time slots
[Dec 1,2004 8:05pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I'm sorry if this creates any problems at all, but I've found that Cryptic Warning has a scheduling conflict and will actually not be able to play this show.

Once again, sorry. I got the impression we could play due to a miscommunication.
[Dec 2,2004 12:46am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that makes things only slightly more difficult
[Dec 2,2004 2:14pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
fuck,this is what i hate about multiple threads about the same thing...fuck
[Dec 3,2004 2:04am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
cmon people this could be awesome if some of yaz got off your asses
[Dec 4,2004 2:02pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
anyone coming out for said good time?
[Dec 4,2004 3:05pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Me,I booked it,I should go huh?
[Dec 4,2004 3:37pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
So is this the line-up,

Closed Casket
Within the frey

Whatever happened to blistered Earth? are they on this no one got back to me.
[Dec 4,2004 6:01pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
never got back to him...oh well

i'll be there in a couple hours if you happen to read this

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