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and the best drummer is....

[Mar 27,2003 9:49pm - ExtremeDeath666 ""]
John longstreth of Origin/Skinless
Flo mournier or cryptopsy/dark cloud
Pete "the feet" sandoval of we all know who
[Mar 28,2003 12:43am - grindmetalblast  ""]
definatly mike, the drummer of the red chord, the drummer of origin, cryptopsy, arch enemy, mike portnoy of dream theater, drummer of cephalic carnage, too many to list.:shocked:
[Mar 28,2003 12:47pm - dreadkill ""]
you have to put hoglan in there. the guy walks with a cane and he still can kill a drumkit. there's so many other great drummers out there too, but i wanted to give some credit to one of the greatest of all time.
[Mar 28,2003 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I agree with John (origin) and Mike (trc),
but you left out the to other greats
1) dave lombardo ( http://www.dave-lombardo.com/)
"One day I was doing a local delivery and I remembered one of the guys that use to come over telling me about this guitar player that lived 5 blocks away he also told me that he had all these guitars that his dad bought him. I drove by the house and he was outside watering the lawn, I introduced myself to him by saying "hey I heard you play guitar I play drums do you want to jam?" he said,"yeah, Do you want to come by later and check out my guitars?" I agreed and showed up that night, and shared music and bands that each of us liked. His name was Kerry King."

2) Nick Barker (http://www.dimmu-borgir.com/)
[Mar 28,2003 3:01pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Kai or whatever from Rotten Sound, drummer From Candiria, Fates Warning, Spiral Architect/Borknagar ( amazing technicality and weird timing), Longstretch, pete the feet, Roddy, that dude that used to be in Hate Eternal before Roddy, the drummer from Yattering (he is better than longstretch, yes... its possible), nick barker, richard christy...

i cant believe you guys forgot Mortician's drum machine!
[Mar 28,2003 3:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
Martin Lopez (opeth)
Derek Roddy (hate eternal)
Mike Portnoy (dream theater, osi)
Flo Mournier (cryptopsy)
Pete Sandoval (morbid angel)
Tomas Haake (meshuggah)
Morgan Agren (fredrick thordendal)
Kenneth Shalk (candiria)
Daniel Erlandson (arch enemy)
Gene Holgan (testament, devin townsend)
Jon Legstrenth (origin, who cares about skinless)
Chad Walls aka CPT KILLDRUMS (brodequin, enter self)
Vitek (decapitated)
Janne Saarenpää (the crown)
Nick Barker (cof, dimmu, old mans child)

and Tony Royster Jr (age 13) by the time that kid gets older he will be a drumming machine.


[Mar 28,2003 3:21pm - TomNehek ""]
Carter Beauford is amazing. He should form a death metal band.
[Mar 28,2003 5:10pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Royster Jr is now 18
[Mar 28,2003 7:00pm - luke  ""]
carter fucking rules. he has style up the wazoo. thats a technical drumming term...
[Mar 28,2003 10:34pm - brad kevorkians  ""]
Clive Burr
Nicko McBrain
Tim Alexander
Dave Witte
Gene Hoglan
Neil Peart
John Gillis
Dale Crover
[Mar 28,2003 11:24pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Thomas Haake, and dave wittie hands down are the best drummers
[Apr 2,2003 1:32pm - meshuggah1324  ""]
[Apr 2,2003 1:50pm - xxdarkknightxx ""]
David "The knife" Germain i wanna give credit to, for his amazing drum work on the album "Of One Blood"


Erik..Of Dying Fetus...

you guysalready named all the other great ones...
[Apr 3,2003 1:25am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Severe Torture also has a KILLER drummer. to me... they were the best band that played metal fest last year. they went up... kicked way too much ass and then got off the stage. they were easily one of the more talented groups at that fest. its a shame that they didnt play later on in the day.
[Apr 3,2003 6:11am - ninkaszi187  ""]
Dave Lombardo
Dave Witte
Pete Sandoval
Brandon Thomas-Ripping Corpse, The Dying Light, Dim Mak
Gene Hoglan
Mick Harris
Chris Reifert
[Apr 3,2003 8:31am - the_reverend ""]
mick harris pre or post scorn?
he was pretty awesome during napalm death/pain killer...
but then he tried to go off and be a dark bill laswell
[Apr 3,2003 11:04am - ninkaszi187  ""]
mick harris-napalm death/painkiller, he was great.
[Apr 3,2003 3:17pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Painkiller was interesting as with all john zorn projects.
[Apr 3,2003 7:34pm - exhumed4death ""]
the drummer from the berzerker, i could not have believed that he could really do what he does on cd live until i saw it. insane.
[Apr 3,2003 8:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
drummer from berzerker isn't that good, he's got his drums triggered with delay effects on them.
[Apr 3,2003 10:01pm - arghoslent ""]
if i didnt want to be a musician id be a drummer
[Apr 4,2003 12:58am - George ""]
ok buddy, drumming is the best part about metal. most of the guitarwork is pretty fucking straightforward, not that i dislike it, but its not that hard to play, its just about stamina. the drummer is in my opinion the most important part of a metal band and i hate when they dont get the credit they deserve.
[Apr 4,2003 7:05am - arghoslent ""]
they get too much credit.. all you do is keep the beat
[Apr 4,2003 1:19pm - newandyke ""]
chris santone of the failsafe device, quinn of the farewell chapter, and obviously jonathan from as the sun sets/daughters....oh and also the drummer for the crown.
[Apr 4,2003 1:43pm - arghoslent ""]
damn you need to hear more drummers.. really now
[Apr 10,2003 12:08am - meshuggah1324  ""]
[Apr 10,2003 10:48pm - luke  ""]
quinn is another incredible drummer. absolutely unbelievably fast.
[Apr 11,2003 9:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the drummer from Origin is a good drummer, but that band is fucking gay

like 100% ultra-queer

anyone who likes trees better then people is a fucking dickless piece of shit who should go get run over by a tank during their pusscore protests
[Apr 11,2003 1:29pm - Hybrid ""]
I was scimming through this post and I saw that someone mentioned Tony Royster Jr., just thought I'd let you know that Tony Royster Jr. is 18 now. I'm guessing you've seen the infamous video on the internet. That was about 5 years ago, he's around 18 0r 19 now. Nevertheless, he is an incredable drummer.
[Apr 11,2003 2:53pm - exhumed4death ""]
i have no idea who that is
[Apr 11,2003 4:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
i just like to say he's 13...i figured he was older since its pretty obvious that the video is old.

[Apr 14,2003 7:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
John from Today is the Day and Kevorkian's Angels
Mike from Bane of Existence
the guy from Candy Striper Death Orgy
[Apr 14,2003 8:53pm - dreadkill ""]
i saw candy striper death orgy one time. their bass player fell off the stage and the frontman tried to fart into the mic, but their drummer was pretty killer. he should join a band with a future. no offense to any of the band's fans, i just don't think those guys are going anywhere. i guess all that matters is if they have fun playing metal. :NEWHORNS:
[Apr 14,2003 9:09pm - XmikeX ""]
if im not mistaken the drummer for candy striper is the drummer for the red chord
[Apr 14,2003 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]
you are correct.
mike justain
[Apr 16,2003 8:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i think his playing in CSDO is better then it is in the red chord, maybe its just the style or something. CSDO has much better breakdowns and everything then the red chord. doesn't the CSDO/red chord drummer also play bass in backstabbers, inc?

[Apr 16,2003 9:01am - the_reverend ""]
he played guitar for them
I hear he's going to play drums when they record the new cd.
BSI is using the western sky's drummer right now if I'm not mistaken
[Apr 16,2003 9:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
who is their singer? he looks familiar
[Apr 16,2003 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
ryan something.
[Jul 22,2004 2:38am - anonymous  ""]
First off you guys are looking at all this technicality and bullshit and speed when it is about being fluent and playing perfect every night on tour and doing great in the studio also. So many drummers cheat with there recordings w/ overdubs and triggers, and then there are the true machine gun masters lets take a look at the latest and greatest(considering I have been playing drums for 16 years and figure stuff from nile, hate eternal, cryptopsy, origin, god dethroned, emperor/Zyklon, Marduk, and the guy who started all this snare blasting with terrorizer Pete "THE FATHER OF DEATH METAL DRUMMING" Sandoval,give praise to him since he came up with all this fast double bass and snare blasting and using one foot on the Kick while blasting (keep practicing you weak posers) all the above mentioned come and go and are usually in it for stardom and not for their own pride which is like 100% adrenaline pulsing through your veins every show, practice, and just sitting by yourself practicing, Here is the list in my own opinion:
[Jul 22,2004 2:43am - anonymous  ""]
First off you guys are looking at all this technicality and bullshit and speed when it is about being fluent and playing perfect every night on tour and doing great in the studio also. So many drummers cheat with there recordings w/ overdubs and triggers, and then there are the true machine gun masters lets take a look at the latest and greatest(considering I have been playing drums for 16 years and figure stuff from nile, hate eternal, cryptopsy, origin, god dethroned, emperor/Zyklon, Marduk, and the guy who started all this snare blasting with terrorizer Pete "THE FATHER OF DEATH METAL DRUMMING" Sandoval,give praise to him since he came up with all this fast double bass and snare blasting and using one foot on the Kick while blasting (keep practicing you weak posers) all the above mentioned come and go and are usually in it for stardom and not for their own pride which is like 100% adrenaline pulsing through your veins every show, practice, and just sitting by yourself practicing, Here is the list in my own opinion:
[Jul 22,2004 2:47am - retzam ""]
Wow, that is a breathtaking, well thought out list.
[Jul 22,2004 2:58am - Terence ""]
dreadkill said:i saw candy striper death orgy one time. their bass player fell off the stage and the frontman tried to fart into the mic, but their drummer was pretty killer. he should join a band with a future. no offense to any of the band's fans, i just don't think those guys are going anywhere. i guess all that matters is if they have fun playing metal. :NEWHORNS:

[Jul 22,2004 3:00am - anonymous  ""]
here is the continuance for anonymous, here is the list

1. Pete Sandoval
2. Derek Roddy (first shot on KOAK, try that posers)
3. Flo mournier
4. Tony Laureano/Max(Krisiun)/Jon Longstreth
5. Trym(Emperor)/Raymod Herrera(Fear Factory)
6. Dave Culross/Doc (Vader)/Steve Asheim(Deicide)
7. Frederik (marduk)/ Nick Barker/Zak(Goatwhore)
8. Alex Henandez/Craig Smilowski
9. Sean Reinert/Gene Hoglan/Richard Christy
And to add you guys who think drumming is so easy you try playing for 3 hours a day, with speed endurance and strength behind your drumming and just see hoe easy it is!!! It is like running a track meet every night when you are on tour you can't get overdring or do drugs you have stay clean for every show because if all this easy death metal drumming was off by just alittle bit the whole band has to find themselves in a matter of seconds enough said youngins, don't judge the musicianship of a drummer until you can outdo them in their own skill (which we work so hard for) laters and listen the hard stuff you metal eaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[Jul 22,2004 5:52am - MyDeadDoll ""]
hehe... MORKUL should see this... too bad he can't get on RttP at work anymore... the site has been banned by his company's web sense.... BOOOOO
[Jul 22,2004 6:17am - succubus ""]
really??? holy crap

can you ask him if he can get to www.defyunlearn.com? my site is on his server too so i'm wondering if myne will be ok
[Jul 22,2004 6:57am - Kalopsia ""]
In no particular order

1. Flo Mournier (Cryptopsy)
2. Kai (Rotten Sound)
3. Tony Laureano (Nile)
4. Derek Roddy (Hate Eternal)
5. Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)
6. Carter Beauford (Dave Matthews Band)
7. Tim Yeung (ex-Hate Eternal, Vital Remains)
8. Pete Sandoval (Morbid Angel)
9. Gene Hoglan (Strapping Young Lad)
10. Kevin Talley (ex-Dying Fetus, Misery Index)
[Jul 22,2004 9:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
brad kevorkians said:Clive Burr
Nicko McBrain
Tim Alexander
Dave Witte
Gene Hoglan
Neil Peart
John Gillis
Dale Crover

and Mike Adams
[Jul 22,2004 9:19am - Christraper ""]
Dave Lombardo
Gene Hoglan
Bard Faust
Pete Sandoval
Gar Samuelsen
[Jul 22,2004 9:34am - Josh_Martin ""]
anonymous said:the guy who started all this snare blasting with terrorizer Pete "THE FATHER OF DEATH METAL DRUMMING" Sandoval,give praise to him since he came up with all this fast double bass and snare blasting and using one foot on the Kick while blasting

Maybe you've been playing for 16 years but you don't know much about old death metal.
Repulsion, Napalm Death, Carcass, Death, and a hundred other more underground bands were doing blasts before Terrorizer even formed.
Pete's a great drummer but he didn't come up with any of that shit.

[Jul 22,2004 9:35am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
anonymous said:here is the continuance for anonymous, here is the list

1. Pete Sandoval
2. Derek Roddy (first shot on KOAK, try that posers)
3. Flo mournier
4. Tony Laureano/Max(Krisiun)/Jon Longstreth
5. Trym(Emperor)/Raymod Herrera(Fear Factory)
6. Dave Culross/Doc (Vader)/Steve Asheim(Deicide)
7. Frederik (marduk)/ Nick Barker/Zak(Goatwhore)
8. Alex Henandez/Craig Smilowski
9. Sean Reinert/Gene Hoglan/Richard Christy

wow... you are a total moron if you think Steve Asheim is worth mentioning. besides... you are totally forgetting about Opeth's drummer... he is just as good as Roddy if not better. besides, jazz drummers and prog drummers are amazing as well. there are other things besides speed... like groove. ill take groove over speed any day... i also would love to hear you play sometime if you think you are so amazing at drums. but yes, your list is beyond flawed.
[Jul 22,2004 12:57pm - the_rooster ""]
kevin tally
thomas haake
ken shalk
dave lombardo
vinnie paul
the dude from wormed
the dude from ion dissonance
goratory's new drummer
nick barker
brain (primus)
danny carey (tool)
mitch mitchell (hendrix experience)

plenty of others that i can't think of right now...longstreth is overrated.
[Jul 22,2004 1:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
anonymous said:here is the continuance for anonymous, here is the list

1. Pete Sandoval
2. Derek Roddy (first shot on KOAK, try that posers)
3. Flo mournier
4. Tony Laureano/Max(Krisiun)/Jon Longstreth
5. Trym(Emperor)/Raymod Herrera(Fear Factory)
6. Dave Culross/Doc (Vader)/Steve Asheim(Deicide)
7. Frederik (marduk)/ Nick Barker/Zak(Goatwhore)
8. Alex Henandez/Craig Smilowski
9. Sean Reinert/Gene Hoglan/Richard Christy

hahah you fuckin reject, we named pretty much all of those drummers before you even knew about this site...gaylord.
[Jul 22,2004 1:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:Martin Lopez (opeth)
Derek Roddy (hate eternal)
Mike Portnoy (dream theater, osi)
Flo Mournier (cryptopsy)
Pete Sandoval (morbid angel)
Tomas Haake (meshuggah)
Morgan Agren (fredrick thordendal)
Kenneth Shalk (candiria)
Daniel Erlandson (arch enemy)
Gene Holgan (testament, devin townsend)
Jon Legstrenth (origin, who cares about skinless)
Chad Walls aka CPT KILLDRUMS (brodequin, enter self)
Vitek (decapitated)
Janne Saarenpää (the crown)
Nick Barker (cof, dimmu, old mans child)


[Jul 22,2004 4:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Mitch Mitchell
Eric Brecht
Dave Grave
Mick Harris
Les Binks
Ian Paice
Bill Ward
Dana Collins
Dave Lombardo
Keith Moon
[Jul 22,2004 4:38pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
the fat black guy in boston with the bucket. he rules.
[Jul 22,2004 5:11pm - JellyFish ""]
trym torson-emperor/enslaved
pete sandoval-morbid angel
martin lopez-opeth/amon amarth
nick barker-dimmu borgir
gene hoglan-death/strapping/testament
derek roddy-hate eternal
tony laureano-nile/angelcorpse
kevin talley-fetus/misery index

many many more

[Jul 22,2004 5:20pm - JellyFish ""]
Christraper said:Hellhammer
Dave Lombardo
Gene Hoglan
Bard Faust
Pete Sandoval
Gar Samuelsen

how could you mention bard faust and not trym? Faust is definetly a great drummer and he got better with every album but his drummer cant hold a candle to tryms.
[Jul 22,2004 5:44pm - mike_fod ""]
Tomas Haake, Flo Mournier, Morgan Ågren, Raymond Herrera, Dennis Chambers, Richard Christy, Ricky Myers, Buddy Rich, Stef Broks, John Stanier, Danny Carey.......
[Jul 22,2004 6:06pm - Dissector ""]
Chris - Autopsy
King - Deceased
Dennis - Macabre
Dave - Repulsion
Pete - during the Terrorizer days (ONE FOOT!)
[Jul 22,2004 6:11pm - mike_fod ""]
Dissector said:Chris - Autopsy
King - Deceased
Dennis - Macabre
Dave - Repulsion
Pete - during the Terrorizer days (ONE FOOT!)

Pete was fast, especially on World Downfall, but Dave Witte from Discordance Axis / Human Remains has him beat with single kick blasting.
[Jul 22,2004 6:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Not derik
[Jul 22,2004 6:15pm - JellyFish ""]
[Jul 22,2004 6:23pm - Kalopsia ""]
RustedAngel said:drummer from berzerker isn't that good, he's got his drums triggered with delay effects on them.

if his drums (or anyone's drums for that matter) are specially triggered or have a delay effect on them to make it sound like they're going faster than they are really playing, then how the fuck do they pull off slower parts in songs when they only hit the bass drum once in a measure or the snare once every 2 measures????????? it can't be done. they'd have to hit a switch or something every single time those parts come up and i guarentee you they'd fuck up sooner or later. triggers do not make you sound faster, they only process the beats so that they come out of the PA clearer than miking the bass drums. i have the Berzerker's live DVD and yes he's really going that fast. as a matter of fact, there's some clips in there of the singer doing drums live last year when their drummer broke his foot, and he was going even faster.
[Jul 22,2004 8:30pm - retzam ""]
I'm not sure if he's been mentioned yet, so Gavin Harrison of Porcupine Tree.
[Jul 22,2004 8:46pm - JoeDavolla ""]

Mitch Harris(former Napalm Death)
Current ND drummer-I forget his name
Pete Sandoval
Dave Lombardo
Paul(Cannibal Corpse)
Any drummer for Malevolent Creation
Bill Ward-when he was younger
John Bonham
Paul Bostaph

Cant think of nemore

[Jul 22,2004 9:25pm - anonymous  ""]
It looks like I stirred up a Bees nest with the drumming and that is just fucking awesome you guys rule and yes I know of all the old schooldeath metal bands because I was the drummer for one of the very first death metal bands on Relapse and have played with alot of the above mentioned and yes the guy from Human Reamains, hellhammer, and Brandon Thomas (ripping corpse) rule too laters metal eaters and keep it BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 22,2004 11:57pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Tomas Haake - Meshuggah
Flo Mourier - Cryptopsy
Kevin Tally - Dying Fetus/Misery Index/Soils of Fate
Trym - Emperor/Zyklon
Ken Shalk - Candiria
Chris Pennie - The Dillinger Escape Plan
John Legstrenth - Origin
Mike Justaine - The Red Chord
Justin Foley - Blood has been Shed

[Jul 23,2004 12:05am - retzam ""]
Hmmm... one of the first dm bands on Relapse. I'm intrigued.
[Jul 23,2004 12:10am - powerkok ""]
blah blah blah Ringo starr blah blah blah
and the guy from inxs was awesome. eat me.
[Jul 23,2004 8:28am - heimdall ""]
best metal drummers are the dude from blind guardian and the guy form lost horizon

the guy from beserker is just gay know one likes boring beats even if they are the fastest in the world
[Jul 25,2004 11:28pm - 3rd_Knuckle ""]
Animal from the Muppet Show Band rocked
[Aug 28,2004 3:18am - Warren Peace  ""]
I never heard one mention of the drummer from Hella[img]
Zach Hill
[Aug 28,2004 11:46am - El Justin  ""]
I don't play drums, so I don't know what determines the "best". . . so I'm just gonna list my favorite drummers to watch/listen to that always amaze me

Dave Witte (BBTS, Discordance Axis, Human Remains, EWBT, billion others)
John Longstrenth (Origin, Skinless, Angelcorpse, Red Chord, etc)
Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy, I hear he's Cory Hart's live drummer as well)
Darren don't know last name(Goratory, Pillory... the guy is ridiculous)
Steve McDonald (Gorguts)
Derek Roddy (Hate Eternal)
Dusty Clapham (Clitorture)
Andy don't know last name (Wormed)
[Feb 17,2006 4:45pm - anonymous  ""]
clive burr
nicko mcbrain
mikkey dee
dave lombardo
pete sandoval
these are a few drummers that really made an impact
[Feb 17,2006 5:08pm - This_Is_Heresy nli  ""]
Becuase I dont think he was mentioned yet...

Inferno from Behemoth
[Feb 17,2006 5:31pm - DreamingInExile ""]
What about Van Williams of Nevermore?

and maybe Anthony "I look like I'm 12" Simone of Coffin Birth? give him a couple of years more and he'll be up there amongst the best.
[Feb 17,2006 10:17pm - contagion ""]
darren cesca is better than everyone.
[Feb 17,2006 10:45pm - Tsectpathogen (Anthony "I look like im 12" simone of coffin birth)  ""]
In no particular order

Bobby Jarzombek (spastic ink, halford various other notable projects)
Dennis Chambers
Tony Williams
Darren Cesca
Derrek Roddy
Steve Gadd
Thomas Haake

I dont really see whats so special about the red chords drummer really

[Feb 17,2006 10:48pm - Aegathis ""]
DreamingInExile said:What about Van Williams of Nevermore?

and maybe Anthony "I look like I'm 12" Simone of Coffin Birth? give him a couple of years more and he'll be up there amongst the best.

Give him a few years and he will look older than 12!!!
[Feb 18,2006 8:03am - dwellingsickness ""]
Nick from Life at Zero:NEWHORNS:
[Feb 18,2006 8:08am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Paul Bostaph-Exodus
Pete Sandoval-Morbid Angel/Terrorizer
Dave Lombardo-Slayer
Paul Masurkewitz-Cannibal Corpse
[Feb 18,2006 8:09am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Forgot to mention Mike Justian from Candy Striper Death Ordy/Unearth
[Feb 18,2006 8:11am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Current Napalm Death drummer(forgot his name)
Vinny Apice
John Bonham
Bill Ward
Nick Barker-Lock up

Boring drummers:

Any of the ones who played with AC/DC
[Feb 18,2006 8:12am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
MetalcoreSUCKS said:Forgot to mention Mike Justian from Candy Striper Death Ordy/Unearth

[Feb 18,2006 8:25am - wade ""]
[Feb 18,2006 9:04am - DreamingInExile ""]
dwellingsickness said:Nick from Life at Zero:NEWHORNS:

SHIT YES!!!!! I forgot him, that's it, I'm fired...
[Feb 18,2006 9:05am - DreamingInExile ""]
and another one we've forgotten:

Virgil Donati - Planet X
[Feb 18,2006 10:38am - babaganoosh3  ""]
Just about all the great metal drummers have been listed as far as I saw, except I didn't see Jason Rullo from Symphony X who is an unbelievably tight drummer with incredible feel. However, no one mentioned MARCO MINNEMAN? Have you seen that fucker drum? It hurts just to watch...
[Feb 18,2006 10:55am - Anthony nli  ""]
the dude from Arsis is incredible.
[Feb 18,2006 12:53pm - the rooster  ""]
Anthony nli said:the dude from Arsis is incredible.

i second that. dude is fucking nasty.

i personally think longstreth is highly overrated.

my list (metal and non):

thomas haake - meshuggah
dave witte - bbts
mike smith - suffocation
john - cephalic carnage
lee - commit suicide
kevin talley - misery index / fetus
igor cavalera - sepultura
jimmie kyle - acid bath
jimmy bower - crowbar
tim alexander - primus
jason roeder - neurosis
bonham - zeppelin
mitch mitchell - jimi hendrix experience
danny carey - tool
sean kinney - alice in chains
abe cunningham - deftones

[Feb 18,2006 3:22pm - DJ Death  ""]
1) Jan Axl Hellhammer Blomberg (Mayhem/Arcturus)
2) Xytras (Samael)
3) Pete Sandoval (Morbid Angel)
4) Nicklas Rudolfsson (Sacramentum)
5) Ole Ohman (Dissection, The Black)
6) Terry Bozzio- Melodic Drummer
[Feb 18,2006 3:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Does it matter who's the best? Whoever it is, he's just going to quit and his band's going to spend the next three years begging for a new one on the internet anyway.
[Feb 20,2006 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
Dave fucking Suzuki
Nick Barker
the dude from Pillory
Ian Cote
Casey of Suicide Dream
Tomas Haake
Martin Lopez
Steve Asheim
Chris Adler
Danny Carey
[Feb 20,2006 1:12pm - brendanrage  ""]
uhh didn't mike justian quit the red chord like 2 years ago for unearth?
[Feb 21,2006 6:17pm - BlackoutRick ""]
brendanrage said:uhh didn't mike justian quit the red chord like 2 years ago for unearth?

Yup. I can't believe no one mentioned Billy Cobham or John Stanier. I agree with all the above posts with Gene Hoglan, John from Cephalic, Dave Witte,etc.. How about Dave McClain?
[Feb 21,2006 6:47pm - retzam ""]
John Bonham
Flo Mournier
Pete Sandoval
Martin Lopez
Bill Ward
Nick Mason
[Feb 21,2006 8:45pm - metalguy ""]
I am absolutely mortified that only one person mention Chris Pennie. He is probably.. The best drummer in all of extreme metal hands down. There are tons of drummer worthy of mention but he is probably the only guy that actually sticks out.
[Feb 21,2006 8:47pm - metalguy ""]
O... This is drummer... overall..... woops... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!
Dave Weckl or Elvin Jones!
But seriously! Since Dave is still alive I think he wins this one.
[Feb 21,2006 8:52pm - metalguy ""]

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