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anyone wanna be in Decapitated?

[Mar 9,2009 1:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
gotta pay the bills... hard enough to get/hold a job as it is
[Mar 9,2009 1:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i think playing for decapitated would pay the bills...... as long as you don't have kids to take care of.
[Mar 9,2009 1:27pm - Mess ""]

ouchdrummer said:so wait, your saying that he's such a good drummer that he could play decapitated in his sleep? your either underestimating decapitated, or confused, or your buddy is a god.

yeah, no i don't think we're underestimating decapitated or confused but, yeah John is THAT good.
[Mar 9,2009 1:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ouchdrummer said:i think playing for decapitated would pay the bills...... as long as you don't have kids to take care of.

ya probably
[Mar 9,2009 1:38pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, does this John fellow teach?
[Mar 9,2009 3:14pm - Seth  ""]
So who would fit the bill in this shit music scene for drums in decapitated? Stop talking the talk and walk the walk! anti-up!
[Mar 9,2009 3:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah Jon is def backed

Today is the Day GTFO
[Mar 9,2009 3:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
NSN drummer dave could def do it. we were gonna cover Spheres of Madness at one point
[Mar 9,2009 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
they should get Goro on drums and Shao Kahn on vocals.
[Mar 9,2009 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 9,2009 5:39pm - Blue ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:NSN drummer dave could def do it. we were gonna cover Spheres of Madness at one point

this is like the raining blood of death metal. everyone and their mother does it.
[Mar 9,2009 5:45pm - reimroc ""]
blue just served yo ass
[Mar 9,2009 8:22pm - Martins ""]
Lol Archaeon covered a few Decapitated songs. lololol
[Mar 9,2009 8:38pm - ddrummer ""]
good luck with that jimbo, i can't really play blasts so this is completley out of the question for me
[Mar 10,2009 4:10pm - HTR ""]
"You're Fired" rules.
[Mar 10,2009 4:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 10,2009 4:29pm - aegathis ""]

Josh%20Cunt%20nli said:Not that he'd do it though. John seems determined to work shitty day jobs for the rest of his life.

If he was gonna do it, hed still have to be determined to work shitty day jobs for life, Death metal doesnt pay the bills.
[Mar 10,2009 4:32pm - aegathis ""]

ouchdrummer said:i think playing for decapitated would pay the bills...... as long as you don't have kids to take care of.

...and still live at home with mom and dad.
[Mar 10,2009 4:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The dude from Amon Amarth sells cheese.
[Mar 10,2009 4:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sells cheese or cuts cheese
[Mar 10,2009 4:41pm - aegathis ""]
Amon Amarth is actually an exception, they stay on top of the books/bills by not being home ever. Always touring non stop, which is what the labels are most concerned with.
[Mar 10,2009 4:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:sells cheese or cuts cheese

Ecch. F-
[Mar 10,2009 4:42pm - aegathis ""]
the labels that can support them that good that is
[Mar 10,2009 5:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Dude still works in a cheese shop, apparently. OR AT LEAST I'M TOLD.
[Mar 10,2009 5:40pm - Aegathis ""]
He either owns it or they are lenient with him working there when ever hes around.
[Mar 10,2009 6:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yeah, I have no idea, I'm just parroting nonsense I heard 3 times removed.
[Mar 13,2009 6:38pm - Mess ""]

HTR said:"You're Fired" rules.

[Mar 14,2009 8:39pm - immortal13 ""]
No bassist?

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